Parshat Toldos


“A Cup of Coffee 



A Quick Thought”

Steaming Cup of Coffee
Spark Of Jewish Experience

November 24, 2011
27 Cheshvan, 5772

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In This Issue
Parshat Toldos Highlights
Parshat Toldos – Why Did Jacob Receive the Prestigious Bracha in Such a Manor – Stealing?
A Lesson to be Learned from the Penn State Scandal
The Bar Mitzvah Boy Who Pulled a Fast One


Parshat Toldos Highlights


▪ The parsha starts off by reaffirming Isaac is, in fact, Abraham’s son; the commentaries mentioned he even looked like his father. This was purposely done by G-d because Abraham and Sarah could not have kids for many years and people might doubt that Isaac was really his.


▪ After years of Isaac and Rivka not having children, Rivka is finally pregnant with twins.


▪ Rivka gives birth to Eisav, who has a full head of red hair. The second child that is born is named Yaacov.


▪ Isaac loves Eisav while Rivka loves Yaacov.


▪ Eisav sells his birthright for a cup of soup to his brother Yaacov (the incident occurred the day their grandfather Abraham dies).


▪ There’s a famine in the land and Isaac and Rivka go to Avimelech, King of the Philistines. Puzzling the script is the same as his father Abraham, who went down with Sarah, his wife, to both Philistine and Egypt. Isaac tells the king the same story as his father did, many years before, ‘she’s (Rivka) my sister’. The reason is people might kill me so they can take my wife. Avimelech finds out it’s his wife and orders ‘anyone touches this woman will be killed’.


▪ The Philistines felt threatened by Isaac’s successes in Gerar. They did not honor his treaty with his father by filling the wells in which Abraham dug forcing Isaac to leave. Isaac settled in the valley of Gerar where he dug three wells and successfully found water.


▪ Avimelech makes a treaty with Isaac.


▪ Eisav finds wives that are not appropriate.


▪ Isaac asks Eisav to hunt and make him his favorite meal so he can give him an important blessing.


▪ Yaacov deceives Isaac and impersonates Eisav on instructions from his mother and goes and receives the bracha from his blind father.


▪ Eisav vows to kill Yaacov.


▪ Rivka is not happy with the quality of the girls in Canaan; she convinces Isaac to send Yaacov to her family in Padena Aram.


▪ Eisav saw that Isaac sent Yaacov to Padena Aram to find a wife. He too realized the Caanite women were not good. So he marries the daughter of Yishmael, his uncle.

Parshat Toldos – Why Did Jacob Recieve the Prestigious Bracha in Such a Manor – Stealing?
abraham's tent

One of the most puzzling questions in the Torah is why did Yaacov have to demean himself to an uncharacteristic extent and resort to stealing the most prestigious bracha of all time? Secondly, and equally puzzling, his mother – of all people – is the mastermind. It’s as if these personalities, our beloved ancestors (strait laced honest Yaacov and his beloved mother Rivka) have taken on different characters for this role, for this operation, ‘OPERATION: GET THE BRACHA’. It seems kind of odd. Rav Gedalia Schorr (Or Gedalyahu) offers a riveting answer. He says, both of Issac’s sons, Yaacov and Eisav have come to correct the character of the first man, Adam. Yaacov before the sin and Eisav after the sin.

We’re able to derive from the Chumash that both boys, Yaacov and Eisav, were exceptionally talented in their own right. Each brother, according to the Zohar, had an equally important mission to better the world and eventually pave the road for the quick arrival of the Mashiach. We see from the Scripture, ‘ish tam yoshev ohalim’ (wholesome man abiding in tents) referring to Yaacov. His mission was to expand knowledge of math, science, and philosophy, as well as increase sensitivity towards fellow man, etc., through the Torah and through G-d’s words. Yaacov’s task was to appeal to people (the elite) who are already committed to G-d but want to expand their horizons in spirituality. This scenario is similar to the state of Adam in Gan Eden before the sin, which were basically, to increase G-d’s message, and having the luxury of very minimal intervention of the evil forces.

Eisav, on the other hand, had a different task. His mission was to convince the people of the world who are not believers. He was given the talent of ‘ish yodeah tzayid’ (a man who knows how to hunt). A hunter tricks his prey by setting traps; these traps are set through clever words combined with illusions and stretching the truth. G-d empowered Eisav with the ability to fight the evil powers by tricking it. One needs all different kinds of props and sparks to motivate oneself and overcome the negative powers so it can be easier to believe in G-d. Eisav was also given the ability to enjoy physical pleasures so he can show the world you can enjoy physicality and also serve G-d to the utmost.

However, Eisav used his tools in a wrong way. Instead of overpowering the evil powers, they overpowered him. He used his tremendous talents of hunting, giving, and receiving pleasures, for his own satisfaction. With those powerful tools used incorrectly, he became a dangerous monster on a collision course to destroy the world.

It was his mother, Rivka, who realized Eisav’s failure. She knew the importance to fill the void that Eisav has abandoned. The logical choice was Yaacov, who would now be required to fulfill both roles. This strait laced honest man now must show the ability to trick and stretch the truth and be a hunter as well as his natural ability to enhance the world intellectually.

Therefore, Yaacov receives the crucial bracha transformed into both Eisav and himself.

As Jews, we have a double task of both Yaacov and Eisav in the world. This very difficult responsibility entitles us to be the chosen people. That is the reason we, as Jews, are always looked under a magnifying glass.

A Lesson to be Learned From the Penn State Scandal 
   spark plug

In the last few weeks we discovered ugliness in the establishment of American pride. Penn State, which has one of the most prestigious college football programs in the country, has been hit by scandal. One of their former top assistant coaches was accused of raping a minor (10 year old boy) in the shower at the athletic facility on campus by a graduate assistant coach. The incident occurred in 2002.The graduate assistant coach, Mike McQueary, did not stop the violator, Jerry Sandusky, at the time of the occurrence; although the next day, he did report the incident to his superior, the famous and legendary Penn State head coach, Joe Paterno. Paterno, in turn, also informed his superiors.The fact that McQueary did not stop him (Sandusky raping the boy) resulted in many reported death threats against him. I gave a fascinating lecture last week (there is a link to it on on what goes through the mind of a person who is confronted with this situation. What does one do upon seeing your superior, mentor, and friend in a position committing a crime? It’s a very interesting lecture and I suggest it not be missed.

But it’s important to note, the hierarchy of the school didn’t report it to the police. Although some speculate the power and influence in which Coach Paterno had enabled the case to be swept under the rug; regardless if it was reported to the police. To tarnish the reputation of the school and its beloved coaching staff might be a far greater sin.

Penn State College football is a moneymaking machine and its coach is legendary. Who would want to break up this mega giant?

A week after the story broke, out eight more boys (now they’re older) came out as victims of Sandusky. The number as of November 18 is at forty, and unfortunately is increasing. In 2002, Mike McQueary, Joe Paterno and co. (Coach Joe Paterno and the President of the Penn State have since been fired) had a chance to stop this monster and they didn’t. Now there are 40 potential predators whose lives were ruined and possibly will go out and ruin other lives. This is the result, as Dr Neil Levey suggests, having their (Penn State administration and athletic dept) priorities misplaced. They asked themselves what’s more important; we know their answer.

I read something very interesting by Rav Henoch Leibowitz z”l (in his book Chidushea Halev on this week’s Parsha) which pertains to the above shame. When Eisav found out that Yaacov stole the brachot, he screamed loud and troublesome, out of despair. The sages suggested that many hundreds of years later, as a measure for measure, the Jews screamed loud and troublesome, out of despair, upon hearing the decree of destruction that Eisav’s descendant, Haman orchestrated against them. But why was Yaacov (the Jews, his descendants) punished? Yaacov followed his mother’s advice. She actually convinced him (and he knew it himself) the brachot are important for the continuation of the world and he has to take the responsibility of not only his, but also his brother Eisav. Therefore he was required to take the bracha at any cost.

The reason is, Rav Henoch suggests that Yaacov didn’t feel enough pain in his heart for his brother losing the bracha. Even though he didn’t deserve it, there should have been certain sadness in Yaacov. It’s our duty to feel for our brethren even though it has no bearings on us. This is what is expected of us. Feel for your brother.

If one does not have sensitivities to his fellow to the highest degree, then eventually relationships will degenerate. Here, the priorities and morals of the Penn State hierarchy were not proper. A human being is not so important. They didn’t want to puncture the school’s image; now that’s important! It would cause them great financial loss. Money and image were more important than human beings. With many universities, it is not about higher education and being a better mentch, it’s a cash cow and it’s our duty to milk the system, stepping on anybody that gets in the way. After all, isn’t this what America is all about?

The Bar Mitzvah Boy Who Pulled a Fast One 
   parking ticket

I was at a Bar Mitzvah a few weeks ago and a friend, Uri, asked me to play Sherlock Holmes and solve this case:
Question: Two boys are born the same year, Avi who is older then Ronny by a week.  But when they reached Bar Mitzvah, Ronny will be a Bar Mitzvah first by at least 3 weeks. How is that possible?
Answer: During a leap year, there are 2 Adar’s, Adar Aleph and Adar Bet.  Avi was born the 29th of Adar Aleph while Ronny was born the 3rd of Adar Bet. When their Bar Mitzvah year rolled around, there was only one Adar. Since Ronny was born on the 3rd of Adar, he goes first while Avi has to wait till the 29th.
Rabbi Avi Matmon
Spark of Jewish Experience

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