Avraham was the pioneer of combining faith and truth. It was an unprecedented first for mankind. Rabbi Akiva Tats mentions that it’s a fundamental concept in the writings of the mystics. It can be best brought out in this parable. A girl once traveled a long way from home and got lost in the dessert. She walked a long way and became very thirsty. To her relief, she discovered a well in the distance. When she finally reached the well, she discovered a rope inside. She descended down by holding on to the rope and drank. However when she wanted to climb up, she discovered she was unable to do so. She cried bitterly and called for help. Just then, a young man was passing by in the distance and heard cries coming from the well. He called out “Who is this down there? Are you a demon or a human being? The girl called up from the well relating to him what had happened to her. Then she pleaded with the voice, “Please pull me out!” “I will help you on one condition. Agree to marry me!” The girl agreed and he pulled her out of the well. They spoke to each other and both consented to marry each other. The boy promised that he would come to her parents as soon as possible and officially marry her. “Who are our witnesses that we are betrothed?” asked the girl. Just then a weasel passed by. So the young man said, “let the weasel and the well be our witnesses that we will be faithful to each other.” They parted; the boy to his home and the girl to hers. She stayed at home and waited for her fiancé to come and fulfill his promise but time passed and he never appeared. Her parents suggested other matches to her but she refused. No matter which matches were proposed, she adamantly refused. Until people just gave up hope that she’ll never get married. And what happened to the boy? After he returned home, he was very busy and forgot about that episode in the desert. He married a girl in his hometown. His wife bore him a son. When the baby was three months old, a tragedy occurred. The infant was bitten by a weasel and died. Another little boy was born to them but one day while he was playing by the well, he accidentally fell into it and died. Grief-stricken, the wife said to the husband, “Had the children died a normal death, I would have accepted the heavenly decree without questioning. But since the events were so extraordinary, we must seek a reason for this strange punishment and search ourselves for some previous guilt.” Now, the long forgotten scene in the dessert came back into the husband’s memory. Is it possible I’m being punished for not keeping my word? The wife insisted that he find out what happened to that girl. “It was your obligation to be faithful to her.” The man traveled to the town where, long ago, the girl told him she lived and inquired what had become of her. Who did she marry? “There is one old maid by the name you mentioned, but she is not in her right mind. There is no use of talking to her about getting married. If a suitor comes, she begins to act in a strange manner.” The man immediately goes to the girl’s house and explains to the father the story that had transpired long ago. “It’s my fault; I have freed myself from my wife to be true to my word and I shall marry your daughter. When he walked into her room and began to speak, she screamed like she had done with the previous suitors. Then he said two words, “The weasel and the well”. The girl fainted and when she recovered, she had gained her former composure. They were married and had children. The young man represents EMET/ truth, while the lost girl represents EMUNAH. When the girl was helplessly in the pit, that’s EMUNAH without EMET – no direction; would inevitably fall into a pit, just plain old blind faith. “Who are you” EMET needs clarification, however has no staying power. He forgets about her. EMET has no loyalty unless Emunah’s there. EMUNAH’s route is NE’EMAN – loyalty, it will always be there no matter what. The girl had other suitors; however, she was loyal. Judaism needs the Gemara learning, the logic; the EMET however needs the EMUNAH – the loyalty to continue. Together EMET and EMUNAH form a true love and a proper marriage. Avraham was the first to possess both qualities KEL MELECH NE’EMAN and propelled him to be the prototype for generations. This is what we should strive for. These are the tools needed to be a true soldier of G-d. |
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