I had the pleasure of receiving this text before Rosh Hashanah from a friend and I would like to share it with you.
“10 years ago we had Steve Jobs, Bob Hope and Johnny Cash. Now we have no jobs, no hope, and no cash, Happy new year!!” My first reaction was that of laughter and I immediately texted back to the sender, David Richter, in appreciation for making me chuckle. However, a little while later I realized it could connote a doom and gloom message that life was better then, and now it stinks. Although we definitely have something to worry about with the economy, and everybody has his or her load, there is a valid argument to be down and out. Every aspect of life has a positive and negative side; nostalgia too, is no exception. Many people who know me would tell you I’m pretty fond of the past. Although I disagree with my wife that dwelling in the past will do me no good, I feel that the past energizes oneself (as long as he had a positive past experience) and elevates every aspect of his personality. Thinking of the family one comes from, the experiences which one can learn valuable lessons and apply them to today’s times, or even thinking of good times one had with friends and loved ones, and feel WOW I was fortunate to have good times with family and friends … remembering those experiences gives a warm satiated feeling.
However, nostalgia can also be negative and one of the classic examples is from the book of Bamidbar. The Israelites were in the desert and were complaining to Moshe their leader ‘there is no meat’. They said ‘Why did you bring us here? We were better off in Egypt where we had meat and it was good’. Rashi (one of the main commentaries on the Torah) is in wonderment. ‘What are they talking about? First of all, Egypt was a strictly fish dietary society, no meat. Secondly, the Egyptians gave the slaves (Jews) only onions. No fish was given. Where did they get this meat?
One must be aware that the human psyche has a way of sugarcoating the past to an extent that one thinks he had something he never had. This is done deliberately by the evil powers to convey that the past was great, the present stinks, and this sorry person of a soul is living a miserable life resulting, most likely to depression. This is the primary goal of these evil sources.
Madison Avenue is aware of this. Does one remember the classic Coke ad campaign? The delicious Coke from the past, with the old looking cans, are the best.
What one has to realize is that there are good times and bad times in every period. One has to realize this especially now!! Today!! You might be living a wonderful part in your life and you’re too down to realize it; that would be a great shame.
One has to appreciate at least some of the things and people in his life because it might not or they might not be there for long. |
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