One of the old time questions that one has to scratch his head and ask, why did Pharaoh, after getting beat up with all the plagues, choose to reconsider and chase after the Jews. If that’s not the ultimate HELLO!! Then try this – he sees the sea split! Yes, that’s right; G-d accommodates the Israelites big time and rolls out the red carpet in the middle of the sea for them to pass. Now, if I’m not Jewish and I see those events before my eyes, I would call up, or look up on the internet the nearest mohel, because I’m sold. Nevertheless, Pharaoh, with all his force, with all his firepower, pursues the Jews and still thinks he can beat them; go figure. If we look at the events more carefully, we’ll be able to see the measure for measure, which G-d dictates on this world. Although sometimes G-d’s measure for measure requires more then one lifetime, but that’s for a different discussion. In essence, the message to Pharaoh “you threw and killed Jewish babies at sea, I’ll kill you (the Egyptians) at sea!” We know the reason why Pharaoh was motivated to instruct his soldiers to do such a monstrous act because of his horoscope advisors who warned him of a threat. An Israelite born at a certain juncture in time will have the power to destroy you, and his demise will be from water. Therefore, Pharaoh chose the method of destruction for the Jewish babies, who were born at a certain time, through the Nile River, water. After the death of the first born, the last plague, Pharaoh was ready to finally give up on the Jews. However, when his sources informed him that the Israelites were in course, en route towards the sea, he figured the horoscope was coming into fruition. This is where Moshe, the Jewish leader, was destined to die and he, Pharaoh, will have the glorious task to finish him off at sea. The horoscope, however, was correct though, but Pharaoh’s calculation of time was premature, indeed; Moshe’s demise was water. When G-d told him to speak to the rock and Moshe, instead, hit it and water came out. For this reason, he was punished by not entering the Promised Land, Israel. |
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