First Portion
* The sages marveled at how Yehuda (the leader of the brothers) conducted himself; he was respectful but firm in his confrontation with Yosef, the second in command of all of Egypt (whom they thought was Egyptian but was really their brother).The Medrash Rabah (commentaries) takes it a step further than the written Bible, who has Yehuda giving an eloquent monologue to the defense of not leaving Benyamin behind in Egypt, on how these two leaders confronted each other on the grand stage of the Egyptian palace. It wasn’t two gladiators fighting, but it was two intelligent leaders testing their opponent in a game of who has heart and who can survive.
Second Portion
* In one of the most dramatic passages in all the Torah, at least in my opinion, Yosef wasn’t able to control himself and discloses to his brothers that he was indeed Yosef. He forgave his brothers after seeing how much Yehuda protected their younger brother Benyamin who was not from the same mother.
* The brothers were in shock and embarrassed at selling of Yosef. He comforted them by telling them it was meant to be by G-d. He sent me here first to pave the way for our family to move here because of the famine.
Third Portion
* The brothers left Egypt to go and fetch their family and to inform Yaacov, their father, that Yosef is alive. When Pharaoh heard about Yosef’s brothers, he seemed supportive of hosting them in his country.
Fourth Portion
* Pharaoh made it easy for the transport of Yosef’s family by giving them chariots.
* Sarach, the daughter of Asher, delicately informed her grandfather, Yaacov, that Yosef is alive through her soft song and harp playing. From here we learn to never inform a person abruptly – good news or bad. Always be delicate in your approach.
Fifth Portion
* G-d comes to Yaacov in a dream assuring him not to fear to go down to Egypt. Yaacov expressed concern they might be tempted by the Egyptians and intermarriage will occur. G-d tells him, “I’ll make you into a great nation and not to worry.”
* The genealogy of Yaacov is counted. 70 family members made the pilgrimage down to Egypt.
Sixth Portion
* Yaacov sent Yehuda (the leader) first to make the necessary arrangements for the family. The commentaries convey that Yehuda went down to establish a study hall. We learn from here that wherever a Jew moves to, he should establish a place to learn Torah because it’s the life force of our people.
* Yosef arranged through Pharaoh that his family settle in the land of Goshen, a little bit of a distant from Egyptian populace, and their occupation would be to tend the sheep. This was intentionally arranged because Pharaoh detested shepherds because the Egyptians were paganistic animal worshipers. So Yosef knew they would distance themselves from the Jews and leave them all alone in the far distant place of Goshen.
* Yaacov meets his son Yosef after 22 years of separation. Yosef was very emotional. Yaacov, in the moment of joy, recited ‘SHEMA, YISRAEL, HASHEM IS OUR G-D HASHEM IS ONE.’
* Yaacov meets Pharaoh and gives him a blessing. Pharaoh asks Yaacov, “How old are you?” He answered, “130 years old and they were few and bad”. Yaacov was punished for this response, by having his life cut short. One is not allowed to complain about life, no matter how bitter it may be. One has to find good in any tough situation and appreciate what he has.
Seventh Portion
* The famine was great and people came to Yosef for food. He collected a lot of money through selling food, and when the people exhausted their funds, they exchanged their livestock, their land and then themselves (became slaves to Pharaoh) for food. So basically, Pharaoh (the government) owned the land and all of its inhabitants in Egypt.
* The Jews acquired land in Goshen. They were fruitful and multiplied. |
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