The Essence of Bircat Hamazon (grace after meal)


In this week’s Parsha, we rid ourselves of Pharaoh and of Egypt as we leave and start our journey to the Promised Land. It was a monumental event and one that we remember often in our prayers and holidays.

If one is sensitive and smart enough, he will realize that man is here on earth for a very brief time and is given opportunities to accomplish his mission. While he’s working on fulfilling his goals, he is provided with nourishment to sustain himself. The sustenance which G-d provides should be appreciated. We show appreciation by saying brachot before and after we eat. Food is the fuel that keeps us going. As a matter of fact, perhaps the appreciation we demonstrate for the food might be part of man’s mission.


The Sages enacted Bircat Hamazon-Grace after Meals, so that we can thank G-d for that pastrami sandwich. It says in the Torah “VE-ACHALTA VE-SAVATA UBERACHTA” – “one eats then he’s satiated then he blesses”. This is the main biblical source for the grace after meals.


Looking carefully at Bircat Hamazon, one realizes that we mention how G-d took us out of Egypt. The exodus was a miracle and it showed His mighty hand. However, what is the purpose of mentioning this in Bircat Hamazon?  Yes, I quenched my desire and am now able to perform the duties which HE placed on me, but what does the exodus from Egypt have to do with thanking HIM for my meal? What does my pastrami sandwich have to do with the price of tea in china?


In order to understand, we have to learn a fundamental Jewish concept. There are four types of life in the world. The lowest level is an inanimate object, called DOMEM. DOMEM consists of rocks, earth, a table etc. Next level up is TZOMEACH which is vegetation, for example, flowers. A step higher is CHAI which consists of animals. The highest level is us, Humans, we are called MEDABER. The literal translation means to speak.


Let’s examine the main biblical source of Bircat Hamazon. It is important to understand what the root of the word ACHILA- to eat, is. ACHILA could come from two roots, let us explore both.

One meaning is to break down, to devour. The root word in Hebrew is KILAYON. For instance, an animal tears apart its prey.


Another root that ACHILA can be derived from is the word KALAH, which means complete, perfect.

The Sages found two roots of the word ACHILA-to eat. We see with our own eyes how both roots of ACHILA are correct and it depends on us as to how we utilize and “label” it.


Let’s take soil, which is the inanimate object of DOMEM, and plant seeds in it. Within a short period of time after planting the seeds, plants and vegetation will grow. This is called TZOMEACH. The animals, CHAI, then proceed to eat the vegetation. Man, MEDABER, then captures the animal, slaughters it, and then consumes it. Now man has nourishment to complete his mission in life and be perfect. This is what ACHILA is intended for, to reach perfection.


We can also use the other definition and eat like an animal by tearing apart the food for pleasure only without reaching any goal and without reaching perfection. Clearly, the choice and power is ours.

G-d kept on telling Moshe to tell Pharaoh, “let my people go so that they shall serve me”. Hashem was demanding, “Let them go so that they can be complete in their mission”. This is the only reason why the Jews were let go, to achieve perfection.


The essence of BIRKAT HAMAZON is chiefly to bless and appreciate G-d for what he gave us. The only way to bless Him is to have our freedom. For this reason G-d took us out of Egypt. Secondly, and equally as important, to fuel us so that we can complete our mission in life and truly attain perfection

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