On the seder night one can basically ask and receive a favorable response more so than on any night. The reason is G-d had mercy on the Jews that night even though we didn’t deserve it. It says USHMA TZA’AKATAM-he heard our screams and he had mercy.
Speech is a gift given to humans that thereby differentiates them from other species. It connects the heavens (spiritual) to earth (physical). In essence this is how we communicate with G-d. Anyone who understands the laws of prayer is aware that without verbalization our prayers are not as potent. Speech connects the world of thought to world of action. We then have to ask a basic question – If speech is essential for prayer to reach the eavens, how then did G-d just,hear our screams and respond? Didn’t we say verbalization is required? We see how clever Pharoah and the Egyptians were. They worked the poor Jews to exhaustion till they couldn’t think and express themselves. This was done by design. They knew the power of the Jew is through his mouth and they planned to stifle that weapon.
Now we see what a merciful night the seder is. Even without the speech, without the bridge between heaven and earth, G-d still listened and released us from bondage. However, today is our chance to correct, or perhaps one should say, fill the void, of not having speech that night. On the seder night we use our speech as a vehicle that transcends our prayers, our love, our commitment to G-d. We use the seder as a platform to accomplish the power of speech. The fifth step of the haggadah “Maggid-to tell over” so we can V’HEGADEDA L’BINCHA-tell our children. We arouse our children’s curiosity and encourage them to ask questions. Any child would automatically ask question after they recite the MA NISHTANA. How many fathers have come to me and asked me “What do I answer my son when he recites the 4 questions? This night is a night where everything is open for disscussion. Apparently the section following the MAH NISHTANA is the response by the patriach of the family, answering the child.
Miss Lorraine Schwartz wishing a happy Passover to all and would also like to dedicate in loving memory of her beloved grandfather Hanan ben El-Chanan and Ester, also in loving memory her beloved grandmother Rachel bat Tziporah, her mother Shulamit bat Rachel, her aunt Nava and her uncle Shmuel and Pinchas ben Efraim Cohen. MENUCHTAM BEH GAN EDEN…on behalf of their merit may the whole family see much success
Mr.and Mrs. Rafi Fouzailoff for peace and unity in the world especially among our Jewish nation, wishing all a chag kasher v’sameach to all of am Yisrael and we would also like to dedicate for refuah shelema Nomi bat Mazal and Yehuda ben Tzipora and Meyer our beloved brother in law
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Gad hatzlacha to all.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gad in loving memory Diana bat Sophie and for the hatzlacha, bracha and refuah shelema to all of klal Yisrael
The Alibayof family dedicating in loving memory of their father Shmuel Naman ben Yael and Joe’s mother-in-law Ruth bat Rivka and the brothers Aunt Aliza MENUCHATAM B’GAN EDEN
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Gil in loving memory and honor of his parents Akiva and Esther Gil MENUCHATAM BEH GAN EDEN, may their ZECHUT be a bracha on the children, grandchildren and great grandchild
Mr. Jimmy Fellus and family dedicating in loving memory of his grandmother Rachel bat Shalm MENUCHATA B’GAN EDEN may on her zechut the family see much bracha
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph and Tali Ambalu in loving memory of the seven children that were killed NISHMATAM B’GAN EDEN
Anonymous for the health, parnasa AD BLI DAI- B’SHEFA, hatzlaha bracha, and abundance of Torah to Rafael ben Yehuda, Gavriel ben Yehuda, Yehuda ben Avraam, and their entire family as well to all of klal Israel. BEKAROV also a refuah shelema to Riva bat broocha Berta bat Osnat
Mr.and Mrs. Jack and Nora Abraham wishing everybody a chag kasher v’sameach
Ramin Nassimian and family would like to wish MAZAL TOV!! on the marriage of Robin and Mikey Rendel as well as Esther and Jason Rachmanim…..may both couples build a BAYIT N’EMAN B’YISRAEL, AMEN!!
MAZAL TOV!! to Kordvani and Ebrani families on the engagement of Mirriam to Mark…may they build a BAYIT N’EMAN B’YISRAEL…AMEN!!
Kordvani family would like to wish a refuah shelema to Shimon ben Chana
Mr.and Mrs. Isaac Cohen may all the revakim and revakot find their true zevugim this year AMEN!!
Mr. Michael Assouline, wishing success and a happy Pesach o all of am Yisrael may Michael have success in all his endeavors and parnasa ad bli dai!!!
Mr. and Mrs. Lev ((Larry) Kimyagarov wishing all of am Yisrael a Happy and kosher Pesach….and may Hashem bless us all with briyut and abundance of parnasa
Mr. and Mrs.Boris and Bella Kikov in loving memories of he seven children that were killed MENUCHATAM B’GAN EDEN
Dr. and Mrs.Yitzchak Rachmanian wishing parnasa and well being to his family and to all of klal Yisrael also l’lui nishmat Sion ben Nissan, Eliyahu ben Mashiach
Mr. and Mrs. David Itzhakov wishing a chag kasher v’samech to all
The Inoyatov family would like to dedicate l’ilu nishmat their grandfather Avraham ben Frecha MENUCHATO B’GAN EDEN
Mr.and Mrs. Yitzie Laub and family in loving memory of his father Aharon ben Yitzchak and also his father-in-law Avraham Yaacov ben Aharon MENUCHATAM BEH GAN EDEN
MAZAL TOV ON THEIR ANNIVERSARY!! TO…Mr. and Mrs Yehuda an Elana Aharonov, may they have hatzlacha bracha and see much nachat from their children..AD MEAH V’ESRIM AND ALWAYS K’MO ZUUG YONIM
The Abraham family would like to dedicate in loving memory of their father Yehuda ben Rachel MENUCHATO B’GAN EDEN
Mr. and Mrs. Yves (Avi) and Bracha Behar in loving memory of his mother Devorah bat Rina MENUCHATA B’GAN EDEN
Anonymous refuah shelema Gavriel ben Yocheved
Anonymous for the safe release of our beloved Rachamim
Mr.and Mrs. Eduard Kurayev for hatzlacha and bracha to all of klal Yisrael
Mr. and Mrs, Michael Aharonoff wishing hatzlacha bracha shalom u’briyut to the whole wide world
The Yusupov family in loving memory of their beloved mother Raya bat Mazal Yosipov MENUCHATA B’GAN EDEN
Malidani Jewelers, the meirov family for the refuah shelema Liza bat Sara Moshe ben Adina Yaffa bat Rivka Shlomo ben Yaffa and all of klal Yisrael
The Natanov family wishing hatzlacha to all of Am Yisrael
Anonymous for the refuah shelema of Avraham ben Rachel
Rabbi and Mrs. Uri and Ricky Sklaar for the well being of yours truly and all of klal Yisrael and may there be more Cups of Coffee this coming year
Mr. David Bodenhiem in loving memory of his father Naftali ben Avraham MENUCHATO BEH GAN EDEN
Anonymous hatzlacha to all of klal Yisrael
Shoshana Roza bat Ester
Shura Yoshua bat Chusni
Frumit bat Esther Malka
Yissachar dov ben Tzipora Faiga
Nissim ben Rachel
Oshrat bat Esther
Aliza Ruchama bat orly
Rachel Esther bat Mirriam
Ruth bat Keshuar
Tovah bat Mirriam Leah
Liza bat Sara
Moshe ben Adina
(Jerry)Chaim Yaacov Lev ben Sarah
Ruth bat Ahuva
Yitzchak ben Minu
Channa Leah bat Sarah
Avraham ben Karmela
Tzvia bat Leah
Yechezkel ben Bracha Parvoneh
Shimon Yaacov ben Henya Faiga
Asher ben Nurit
Shmuel ben Bat Sheva
Meir Chai ben Menashe and Mazal
Avraham ben Rachel
R’ Efraim ben Rachel
Ruth bat Aliza and Jacob
Baruch ben Tamara
Daniel Refael ben Channa
Devorah bat Rachel
Anonymous refuah shelema to all of klal Yisrael
Tovah bat Mirriam Leah.
Gavriel ben Yocheved
Jack Nager
Leah Taub bat Mirriam
Irina bat Sonya
Shura bat Mira
Elana Bracha bat Adina
Sharon ben Shmuel Sarah
Irina bat Sonya
Ruth bat Keshvar
Yitzchak David ben Shulamis
“Sharei Tefila”
147-02 76th rd, Flushing
FREE Sunday classes for children ages 6-12 – 10:00-noon,
ages 8-12 – noon with bar mitzvah lessons
Shacharit 5:45am.
6:00 am Shiur with Rabbi Yitzchak Abramov, Shacharit 7:30am
Youth minyan 8:30am
Minha 1:30pm
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