Talking Animals?




It must have been funny when that donkey started talking. Hey! come on,no big deal, we’ve seen it before. How many have you have seen the talking horse, Mr. Ed?  What about Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck, they’re pretty talkative, wouldn’t you say? For the most part, we humans thinks we can communicate with animals. We once had a neighbor who had a dog that was a real nuisance; it would be kept outside and constantly bark; this was very inconsiderate, especially at night. One time out of frustration and annoyance I responded to the owner’s assessment of why the animal is barking. She, the owner, said “ahh, that’s a hungry bark”. I responded “No, that’s an I want to be inside the home and not bother the neighbors bark”. She gave me  a dirty look; THE CHUTZPAH!!


 The one who was a master in communicating with animals was, none other then king Solomon. There was a story told by an acquaintance named Baruch, who quoted a midrash, coming home one day on the F train. As one knows King Solomon married 1000 wives. One time one of the women he was courting was giving Shlomo a hard time. “If you want to marry me then you have to honor my request and collect all the birds in the entire world and bring them to me”. So Solomon, with his expertise in animal communication, as well as his connections sought out and brought all the birds in the world to this fine lady. After counting them she said to him “hey, one bird is missing.” Now I don’t know how she figured that out but EXCUSE ME!! Regardless of her bird count Shlomo set out to find the one bird which was missing. When he found it Shlomo asked “how come you didn’t come upon my request?” The bird responded “I was busy counting all the males and females in the world”. King Solomon responded “aren’t they even 50/50?” “No”, the bird said “its 70/30. There are only 30% Zachar-males in the world, because they are the only ones putting on Tefillin”. His is the reason we always give a bracha “you should have a BEN-ZACHAR”. It’s not enough just to be a BEN-son he should act like it and complete the ZACHAR part and do the obligations that go with it and put on tefilin as well.

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