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Parshat Shemot

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a Quick Thought”

Spark Of Jewish Experience
 Parshat Shemot
January 4, 2013
22 Tevet , 5773

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In This Issue
Parsha Shemot Highlights
Relying on that one day of the week to get your spirits up
The Beauty of Hope
Modern Workforce, Old Concept
Kid’s Section by Rabbi Gedalia Fogel
Candle lighting Times

Parshat Shemot Highlights

 First Portion: * Self preservation  for Jews in this great, big country is difficult!! How can we guarantee that our children will stay Jewish? How do we protect ourselves from being swept away by the western culture? The inter-marriage in the United States is at a staggering 60%. The illiteracy in basic Jewish knowledge is pathetic and unacceptable.


On Pesach, we read in the  Hagada that ” VAYARED MITZRAYMA ANUSE….. The Jews had no choice but to go down to Egypt. VAYAGAR SHAM-and they lived there. Yaacov, our forefather, did not intend to “live there”. There was hunger in the land where Yaacov and his family lived and G-d gave his blessings to go down to Egypt. However, He also said that He will bring them back. Therefore, Yaacov  instructed his children not to unpack their bags. “We are just here temporarily” Yaacov said. “After the famine is over, we are taking the first flight out of here”. As a matter of fact,  VAYAGAR connotes temporary dwelling as apposed to LEH HISHTAKEYA which implies to live in a place long term. Yosef purposely bought houses for them ONLY in the land of Goshen. One reason for this is so that they should not intermingle with the natives. Another reason is that Goshen is in close proximity to Israel. The plan was to be in and out. The last reason for this is that the land of Goshen was given as a gift to Sarah by Pharoah. Sarah withheld herself from the advances of Pharaoh and thereby elevated herself spiritually. In her merit, the land of Goshen was on a different spiritual plane. When the Mashiach comes, Goshen will be part of ERETZ YISRAEL proper.


Perhaps if the Jews would have stayed in Goshen, in the user-friendly and protective ghetto, they indeed would have been out in a short period of time. However, the Pasuk says (Shemot1,7) “and the Israelites blossomed and prospered and filled the land”. They began to live outside the ghetto, in the heart of where the Egyptians lived, in the center of town.


The Maharal points out that if they would have had the frame of mind that they are going to live in Egypt, they would have never left. The redemption would have never happened. It seems that G-d prefers us to be strangers in other lands. It’s designed that way.

We should not contemplate “are we an American first or a Jew first”. We have to maintain the attitude of our immigrant parents, who, for 40 years always said “we’re going back to Israel soon”. Although they never did, they subconsciously protected themselves from becoming an American and thereby getting too comfortable and making them susceptible to the dangers of losing their Jewishness.


The key is to feel that this is not our land. Our land is Israel. We are strangers here and the goal is to eventually return to our homeland. This frame of mind will protect us. How dangerous it is to talk like them, think like them, enjoy the same foods and entertainment they do. If one doesn’t hang on to his Jewishness, what will prevent him from pursuing the attractive Irish girl in the class. One can be an American. We must,  however, act like an immigrant; a perfect stranger.


Second Portion: * Amram, from the tribe of Levi, remarried his ex-wife Yocheved, heeding the advice of their daughter Miriam. They bore a son, Moshe. Amram had initially divorced Yocheved because of Pharaoh’s decree to kill all the Jewish boys. We learn a lesson from the sages; no matter how cruel the world can be, one should not refrain from having children.


* Moshe’s parents hid him in a basket and let it float in the Nile.


* Batya, Pharaoh’s daughter, discovers the child and adopts the Jewish baby. Batya needs assistance, and unknowingly, “drafts” the boy’s biological mother and sister.

* Pharaoh wanted to kill all Jewish baby boys because he was concerned about the predictions of the horoscope. Ironically, the person who was the threat to his kingdom, the one who he’s most afraid of, is unknowingly being raised in his own palace. Who says G-d doesn’t have a sense of humor?!


* The trait of kindness was evident in Batya, Pharaoh’s daughter, who saved the little Jewish infant. She called him Moshe; it describes the act in which she stretched out her arm to grab the basket with the infant inside.


Third Portion: “Moshe went out to his brethren and observed their suffering”(Shemot2:11) We see how his personality is developing and how his leadership skills, the intolerance to injustice for instance, is sprouting and maturing. Although other traits are later described, all stem from his fierce longing for justice. Throughout his trials and travails, the spiritual light is being developed through these experiences.

Nachshoni points out a passage from the RAMBAM’S Moreh Nevuchim which is quite fascinating.


“Prophecy begins when a man is divinely guided in the performance of a major good deed, such as delivering a large group of people from attack, saving a highly important person or influencing many persons and guiding them towards righteousness. When an individual is inspired in this way and finds within himself the impetus to act, we say that he has been “cloaked in” and “invested with” a Divine spirit. This such inspiration never departed from Moshe, even once he reached manhood. Through it, he was aroused to kill the Egyptian and to deter the wrongdoer in the quarrel of the two Jews. So strong was it in him, that even after he fled to Midyan, frightened stranger that he was, he could not bare injustice.


Rambam emphasizes that not everyone that has this capacity is a prophet. Rather, whoever G-d chooses has the final say. However, if one is chosen, that alone is the first of the eleven levels of prophecy.


Forth Portion: Moshe worked for his father-in-law as a shepherd. One day, a little calf runs away from Moshe’s flock. After trying to catch it, Moshe finds the calf drinking water. He then realizes that the calf was thirsty and was looking for the pond. Reasoning that the calf was tired after the chase, he then carried it over his shoulder back to the herd. G-d Said that this is the type of leader He wants to lead the chosen people.


* Much has been written about the burning bush. One “feel good” lesson I read in Or Gadalyahu and actually many commentaries also talk about it. The bush which was on fire but never burnt represents the Israelites; they can be punished and tortured, however they will never be destroyed.


Fifth Portion: Moshe at first refused to take the position because he thought he was unqualified, but G-d refused to take no for an answer. G-d then proceeded to give him instructions which were to notify the elders of Israel that they will leave the perils of slavery and go to the Promised Land. he was then commanded to go to Pharaoh and tell him to “Let my people go”.


* Moshe was concerned, “Perhaps they might not believe me.” To solve this, G-d instructed Moshe to perform three signs to show his legitimacy, one of which was to take his staff and throw it to the ground and it will turn into a snake. This was a sign to show that G-d has the power to take something that has no life and make it into a living being.


* Moshe was concerned that his older brother might be jealous of his important position, but G-d assured him Aaron would be very happy for Moshe.


Sixth Portion: On the way to Egypt, G-d attempts to kill Moshe for not performing the commandment of Brit Milah on his son. His wife, Tziporah, immediately grabs a sharp stone and cuts her baby’s foreskin. We learn a lesson; never delay performing commandments. In general, better to do something today than procrastinate and do it tomorrow.


* Moshe meets his brother Aaron and tells him the plan of action. They both then meet the elders and reveal the miracles that G-d had instructed him. After seeing them, the people believed him.


Seventh Portion: Pharaoh said, “Who is your G-d that I should listen to him?” responding to  Moshe and Aaron’s request.


* Pharaoh imposes tougher working and living conditions on the Israelites because of the “incitement” with Moshe and Aaron.

Relying on that one day of the week to get your spirits up.
From the lectures of Rabbi Isaac Oelbaum Shli”ta 

It’s always important to understand what we are saying in our daily and Shabbat prayers. After all, it’s not lip service. A friend of mine who is currently saying Kadish for his mother, once commented to me how he observed once as he participated in one of those minyan factories, how the chazzan, without a siddur, just rattled off the tefillah like a machine gun, in a monotonous emotionless voice; it was quick and painless. He said that by the time he raised my head from the siddur for a breather, it was over. How many of you readers remember the old Fedex commercials with the fast talking guy?


 In the Shabbat morning  Amida (Shemoneh Esrai) we read “YISMACH MOSHE BEH MATANAT CHELKO”, Moshe was happy. It would be nice to know exactly what Moshe was happy about; maybe he can share the joy, spread the wealth of happiness!!

By the way, the owner’s father of the bagel place on Main St. in Queens, Joe Amar, who passed away a number of years ago, was a famous singer in Israel in the 1960’s. He had a big hit song singing those words “Yismach Moshe”, please You tube it, if you like Sephardic chazzanut.


It says in tractate Bava Kama(10:2) that G-d was speaking to Moshe and said ” I have a present in my secret chamber and it is Shabbat, and I want to give it to the Jewish people. So please, Moshe, go and bring the good news to them”. It was for this reason that “Yismach Moshe”, that Moshe was ecstatic to be the one to deliver the news.


Well that’s beautiful, but why do we read it on Shabbat morning? The reason is because we received the Torah on Shabbat morning.


In addition, when the Jews were in Egypt, Moshe saw how torturously overworked they were, so he convinced Pharaoh to give them one day off to rest. He reasoned that ” if one wants to maximize the production of his workers, one has to give them a rest. That day was the seventh day, Shabbat. Therefore, Moshe was happy.


This day, Shabbat, which Pharaoh gave them to rest, was a very significant day for them in the spiritual growth and hope for the redemption. They would congregate and read from Megilot (scripts) about how G-d was going to redeem them; it was a very inspirational day. However, when Pharaoh discovered what was being conducted on these Shabbat gatherings (not sure if Chullent was served!!) he discontinued them. After this disclosure, he made them work double on Shabbat with no straw to work with.

Pharaoh overworked the Jews so that they could not even comprehend what Moshe was saying. By not having the Shabbat for inspiration, they inevitably sank into depression. It seems like Shabbat fueled their EMUNA- belief in G-d.


The Mesilat Yesharim states that we are like horses who ride without looking as to what is transpiring to their left and right. We need that one day to rest. We need that one day to break the monotony from our everyday, hectic lifestyle. It’s a day to reflect on what’s happening in our lives. It’s a day to spend time with the family and tell them “I love you”. It’s a day to have a nice meal with loved ones at the Shabbat table with no electronic distractions.


Perhaps this is what Moshe was happy about. He was joyous because of the potential of what one can achieve in improving their quality family life and their spiritual elevation. We hope this happiness of Moshe will rub off on all of us. Amen.

The Beauty of Hope 

We all, every once in a while, have had the chance to reflect upon our lives, both the good times that we’ve had and the bad ones. It’s a real pleasure to remember the good and it’s quite important and healthy to try to consciously remember them often.


Human nature is such that G-d gave us the gift of forgetting and therefore those bad memories don’t resurface as often. We also learned that, as the result of the sin of Adam, there is never 100% pleasure; they’re always mixed with a degree of negativity. The same is true with the bad memories; they’re often mixed with some of the most pleasurable moments in life.  For example, I don’t have good high school memories. Nevertheless, the time I spent with my parents during that period was unforgettable.


However, recently, after conducting my early Shabbat morning meditation, I discovered surprisingly

pleasurable feeling I had even during those bad times of high school. It was a feeling of tremendous hope, although it never materialized, it had a certain excitement to it.


The Sages teach us (Midrash Raba Bereshit) that everything in life has a certain degree of hope, whether it be preventing hardship, getting help from the merits of our forefathers (a major and effective method of prayer),  the pursuit of pleasure of OLAM HABAH, etc. etc. This is the mindset of having a strong feeling of hope that “G-d will provide”.


The SHA’ARAI TESHUVA by Rabbeinu Yona discusses what happens after 120 years when we go up to the heavens to be judged. One of the questions we will be asked, aside from the question of if we learned our daily dosage of Torah, is if we had our daily dosage of hope!!. The Gemarah in Brachot quotes Rav Chanina who says that if one prayed to G-d and had no pleasure in doing so, he should pray again.

The Chida says that even if we’re not worthy of Mashiach coming, if we have the strong urgency of hope, we will merit his arrival.


It is crucial that when we recite the Amida three times daily, to have the feeling of hope in the BRACHA of ET SEMACH AVDECHA. When one reaches the words in that bracha of “KEE LEE SHUATCHA KEH VINU KOL HAYOM-for we HOPE for your salvation all the day”, he should capitalize on the opportunity.


Hope is an important feeling to have and is the essence of survival. It’s a positive energy and one that is vital to possess.

Modern Workforce, Old ConceptSomething interesting occurred in this week’s parsha. The mastermind of the Egyptians’ governing body cleverly designed a plan where the Jews would be so overly exhausted and therefore won’t be able to pick up their heads and realize their situation. What was this ingenious brainstorm that kept the Jews at bay? Well, guess what, it’s similar to the modern revised workforce of today’s America.


Pharaoh instructed his enforcers to make the men do traditional women’s tasks and the females doing what the males were accustomed in performing. By the time the end of the day arrived, both genders were psychologically exhausted. The chores of the day threw them off focus, off balance, and made them lose their identity; to the extent they were unable to verbalize their feelings.


The plan of the Egyptian caused Jews to be scarred where they were labeled as unworthy to enter Israel because of their slave mentality. It was only their children who were cleansed in the desert who were allowed to enter the Promised Land.


Obviously, they were unprepared for the role reversal, for if they were, maybe it would be an entire different ball game.


Similarly today, there is a change in the traditional gender jobs. Plus, there is a slow shift where the traditional male breadwinner has also changed. Women, in some homes, now bring home the bacon…ooops I mean the brisket. Men were not made to stay home and women prefer to be at home at least for some of the time.


Both men and women whom have fallen into this predicament must have strong character to find respect in themselves and their spouses. It’s not easy; one should know they are both in good company. One has to have strong self-esteem to withstand any criticism. One of the major factors in saving marriages in these situations is falling into the traditional male, female religious role. Men make kiddush, hamotzi, and learn traditional male scriptures, while women do the same by lighting candles, etc. This will enable the genders to fall back on the things that are most natural.


Making adjustments is an art. It says G-d doesn’t create a problem without the remedy. We have to be aware of the changes in society; one has to lower their pride for the sake of the family and be aware that changes are inevitable.

Kid’s Section  

by Rabbi Gedalia Fogel

Hi! This is Rebbe speaking:

In this week’s parsha, Parshat Shemot, we learn the very important concept that through the tzarah (tragedy), comes the yeshua, salvation. Pharaoh commanded that all Jewish boys be thrown into the Nile River. Moshe Rabbeinu was put into a box in the water and Pharaoh’s daughter, Batya, found him and took him home with her to the royal palace. That was how Moshe Rabbeinu was able to have influence on Pharaoh and was eventually able to redeem the Jews from Mitzrayim. Moshe Rabbeinu pleaded on behalf of his Jewish brethren and said to Pharaoh, “The Jews are working too hard.” Pharoah then answered, “Oh, you say they’re working too hard. You’ll see what hard work means!” And he commanded that the Jews make their own cement and carry very heavy bricks. This seems like only bad came out of this. But this was not so. As a result of this hard labor, Pharaoh allowed the Jews to shorten their workday. They were able to join their families earlier in the day. Previously when their work was not as strenuous, their workday was very long.


A prime example of this is the story of Purim. When King Achashveirosh chose Esther as his queen this seemed to be the worst scenario. But it was only through this that Esther was able to save the Jews from the wicked Haman.


In the time of the Bais Hamikdash, the Holy Temple, when one spoke Lashon Hara, evil words against someone else, they received a negah, spot on the wall (clothing or person themselves). When there was a spot on the wall the person had to knock it out. Often they would find a treasure that the Roman’s had hidden in the walls. So this spot turned out to be a savior for them. Through the bad came out good.


Even today, if we look, we can see that many times Hashem brings about the good from what seems bad.  Ruth was an artist. She drew beautiful pictures and paintings. One day she awoke to find a pain in her hand. At first she ignored it, but as the days went on the arthritis got worse and worse. She drew and painted with throbbing pain in her right hand. She could barely lift her hand to her head. She made up her mind that she would have it checked out. Before she got a chance to make the phone call, Ruth tripped on the steps in her home and fell. She felt excruciating pain in her right hand. She broke her hand and needed surgery. “What will be with my paintings? If I thought it was bad before, what will be now?” Ruth slowly recovered from her surgery and she miraculously felt completely cured. The arthritis pain she had before the fall was completely gone.  Ruth was able to continue her beautiful artwork.


Hurricane Sandy left many without electricity. But one of the main concerns was the Hospitals. NYU Medical Center was without electricity and the patients had to be carefully transferred to nearby hospitals.  Pearl lay in the ICU of NYU. She had cancer and there seemed to be no cure for her. They were just observing her and hoping for the best. When the electricity was down, Pearl was transferred to a different hospital. There they looked over Pearl’s records and were astounded. This woman lay in the ICU with no chance at all? They had a surgeon that was willing to try to operate on Pearl. He did just that and Pearl was given a second chance. Shortly after the operation Pearl was transferred to the recovery room and today she is home on her own two feet. I don’t think anyone thought there was any good to the outage in NYU.


When the winds were howling and the rain was coming down, we watched from our windows the trees swaying back and forth. There were many trees that fell in the storm, but did we think for a moment about the chesed, the kindness of Hashem. Hashem created Hurricane Sandy so that people would stay indoors. They would not be hurt when trees in their neighborhood fell. These trees obviously were not strong. They could have fallen on an ordinary day when there were many pedestrians out. Hashem wanted to protect us so he created a storm that would confine people to their homes.


What have we learned today?


Where in past generations do we see that the redemption came about through something that seemed like a tragedy?

Moshe Rabbeinu grew up in the Pharaoh’s palace. Esther HaMalka was sure that it was a curse that she was forced to be Achashveirosh’s wife but was the one that was able to redeem all the Jews from Haman.


How can we strengthen our Emunah, belief in Hashem, in a time of tragedy or strife?

If one finds himself in hard times, he can wallow in sorrow, or he can strengthen himself in belief that this hardship may be a pathway to his salvation.



Mr. and Mrs. Rafi Fouzailoff for peace and unity in the world especially among our Jewish nation


Mr. and Mrs. Michael Gad hatzlacha to all




Mr. and Mrs Lev Kimyagarov for refuah shelema of his grandmother Raya bat Frecha


Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Gil in honor of his parents Akiva and Ester Gil MENUCHATAM BEH GAN EDEN


Mr. and Mrs. Joey Alibayof in loving memory of his mother Zulecha Basanda Nurit bat Yaffa, and refuah shelema Shmuel Naaman ben Yael


The Wenger family in loving memory of his father Yisrael ben Moshe may the neshama have an aliya


Anonymous, in honor of Mordechai and Ricki Hafesov for the bar mitzva of their son Gavriel MAZAL TOV!!


Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Nektalov wishing that the parent who lost children in the Newtown massacre would be consoled


Mr. David Bodenhiem in loving memory of his father Naftali ben Avraham MENUCHATO BEH GAN EDEN


Mr.and Mrs. Roman Aminov may G-d grant bracha and we should see an extension of klall Yisrael


Mr.and Mrs. Leo Yonatanov in loving memory of his beloved mother Mira bat Osnat


Mr. and Mrs. Ouri and Nancy Amar for hatzlacha to all of klall Yisrael

Shoshana Roza bat Ester
Shura Yoshua bat Chusni
Frumit bat Esther Malka
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Shabbat Candle Lighting

Times (NYC)

Candle Lighting 4:23 PM
Havdalah 5:27 PM
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Rabbi Avi Matmon
Spark of Jewish Experience

Pesach Seder Guide

“A Cup of Coffee 



A Quick Thought”

Steaming Cup of Coffee
Spark Of Jewish Experience
March 29, 2012
6 Nisan, 5772
Dear Friends,


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In This Issue
Pesach Seder Guide – Part 1
Pesach Seder Guide – Part 2
Pesach Seder Guide – Part 3
Pesach Seder Guide – Part 4

Pesach Seder Guide – Part 1
            Americans have their Thanksgiving and us, Jews, have our Passover. Pesach is a holiday of extreme importance where we make it our business to get together with family or be part and parcel with our fellow brethren. The Seder nights are designed to seek that togetherness so that by the end of the 15th step of the Seder (starting with kadesh, urchatz), we accomplished completeness within ourselves and as a nation and are ready for the redemption.

Why do Jews put such importance on this holiday? Even the most secular Jew wants to connect to the Seder table. In popularity, Pesach is head to head with Yom Kippur. Rabbi Akiva Tatz, quoting the mystics, made an interesting observation. The most intense part of anything; the most concentrated, powerful, the most strongest, is the inception, the root is where everything sprouts from. A person’s childhood is crucial for his development. Any action and reaction to an accordance would most likely be magnified and indebted in his psyche  and influence his adult decisions.

Pesach was the inception of us being a nation; it’s the root of camaraderie; it’s our birth as a people. The root is intense and the feeling of togetherness we experienced then for the first time is brought back every year. In the heavens, the concept of time is different; years are not a factor. If one experiences Pesach or Purim, it’s as if he’s experiencing it when it actually happened for the first time. G-d showered us with kindness and mercy when we left Egypt, even though we didn’t deserve it. In order to receive that Pesach experience with the same warm feeling that G-d bestowed on us, and perhaps ask Him for our wanting needs, then one has to accomplish certain steps on the Seder night. We have to reach a perfect, complete, heavenly state of Shalem in order for our requests to  be granted. On this night, that reach is a lot easier because of the power of the moment in which G-d was kind to us then, or I should say then is now. The number 15 is a significant number which represents completeness. Although we try to reach that throughout the year in our prayers (15 steps in yishtabach, 15 emet veyatziv, king davids 15 shir hama’alot), the path is a lot easier on Pesach; perhaps we should take advantage of the opportunity.


Let us explore the 15 steps:



In every happy joyous occasion, we make kiddush. Kadesh means to sanctify and here we sanctify time. Kadesh also means to separate; we are separating time. Perhaps this is where we get the expression “make something out of nothing.” We elevate the time because of the beautiful occasions. Why is wine the preference for the Kiddush? Rabbi Akiva Tatz reminds us of the famous phrase that we say for wine, “nichnass yayin yatza sod” – wine goes in, the secret comes out. The most popular explanation is we can determine by one’s drinking his true nature because wine takes away the mask, the barrier. However R’ Tatz says the secret here is something deeper. There is a very fine line in drinking in the early stage. If one drinks slightly more than he should, he makes a fool of himself. At a certain point however, the person drinking has a vision well beyond the usual state of mind, he has the ability to think clear and to develop ideas and formulate concepts; he has the ability to use creativity to the highest caliber. Perhaps the fact that wine decreases the paranoia and sadness in one’s heart, gives way for opportunity to develop and to boldly go where one could not reach before. A Jew has the ability to sanctify time through his vision and bring down happiness at kiddush time.



            This washing is in preparation for eating the karpas dipped in salt water. In the times of the temple when people were able to observe the laws of ritual purity in full, they were required to wash their hands before any produce that has been dipped in water or certain other liquids. So why do we wash our hands today? There is no temple; we don’t do it throughout the year. Why all of a sudden do we wake up now and say hey let’s wash our hands, and not  throughout the year?   Again, one of the themes of the Seder is to pursue the goal and increase, rekindle the hope of the final redemption where we will have a temple and we will be required to do the command that’s not required today.

Pesach Seder Guide – Part 2



No double dipping please, with the exception of George. The custom of karpas is to dip a vegetable into salt water. This apparently was a sign of freedom, comfort, and indulgence. Yet we dip it into the salt water to remind us of the bitterness of the bondage. Those who are meticulous and detail-oriented should be asking a fairly obvious question. If the Seder (which means order) is in its proper order, then why is karpas here and not in the section of magid telling of the story of the exile? It appears out of sequence. In order to get a clearer understanding of this, we must examine the word karpas.

The word karpas is also associated with clothing. Rashi, one of the main commentaries on the Chumash, associates it with one of the threads of the coat that Yaacov, our forefather, gave as a present to Yosef.  One of the main ingredients of the galut (diaspora) is disunity, separation, and strife. This is the reason why throughout history, when the Jews were united, we flirted with having the Messianic time at our doorstep. It seems like the order of the haggadah is actually quite precise. You see the galut didn’t start when the Jews were in Egypt; it started way before that. When Yaacov gave only one of his sons a coat made out of karpas/wool for a present, all the other brothers got jealous and the harmony and unity among the brothers was shattered. The coronation of the disunity between the brothers was when Yehuda, the brother they looked up to, brought Yosef’s karpas coat, after selling him to the Arabs, to Yaacov, asking him if he recognizes this, referring to the ripped coat in which they dipped in animal blood.


The antithesis of the dipping of Yosef’s coat is the dipping of the vegetable in the salt water. We regret the sin of our ancestors and the disunity it caused. That incident was the beginning of the exile.




We are now preparing ourselves to start the telling of the story of Pesach by laying the matzoh in front of us. We take the middle of the three matzot and break it in half leaving the smaller half in between the two, and the larger is put away for the afikoman. The patriarch of the family usually does this task. There is a mystic source that when the patriarch is breaking the matzoh, he should concentrate on many brachot for his family and for Klal Yisrael. There are different opinions as to what the three matzot represent; Avraham, Yitzchak, and Yaacov (our patriarchs) or Kohen, Levi and Yisrael (the three status levels of the Israelites), are two opinions of what these matzos represent. The middle of both Yitzchak and Levi represent din – harsh judgment. Symbolically, we nullify the harsh judgment on us by breaking the middle matzoh. Matzoh is called lechem oni – bread of affliction; the phrase can also be interpreted by our sages as lechem she’onim bo – bread that you answer to it. Therefore, it’s always present when we discuss the story of the redemption from Egypt.




The whole Seder is orchestrated to be a kid-friendly atmosphere. The goal is to keep the children interested. We play hide and seek with the afikoman. In some communities, the participants of the Seder playfully hit each other with scallions when the prayer dayenu is recited to keep the children awake. The reason of the strong emphasis on the children is pretty obvious – they are our future. The second half of the haggadah’s primary focus is the future. Our children will carry the baton to the messianic time, although we might see him in our time period. Dealing with children is the primary agenda. There is such delicacy when dealing with the four sons. The Torah hints that every son should be approached differently. One must realize education cannot be taught the same to everyone. I excelled in the class in third grade but didn’t learn a thing in the fourth. The Rabbis’ styles of teaching were different; their personalities were different. Naturally, I gravitated to the one I was most comfortable with. The sages don’t suggest a different teacher for every student. Economically, it’s not possible; however it’s making one aware that there is a difference.


The importance of passing down the tradition is quite important. In the temple, in the Holy of Holies, the keruvim, which stood on top of the aron, had the image of a father and son. This relationship, if healthy, is the essence of Judaism.











Pesach Seder Guide – Part 3




We always wash our hands before bread. Although the health conscience advocates applaud the act because it promotes better hygiene, its main purpose, though, is to wash away spiritual impurities. The act and its blessing is associated with eating bread. The Torah says bread is the most satisfying food, more than meat, cheese and sushi, and therefore it is considered very important. By removing any spiritual impurities through washing of the hands, one can elevate an ordinary meal with bread to a highly energized spiritual experience. We are considered physical human beings with the purpose to use the physicality tools that G-d has given us to promote excellence in all worldly areas.


Motzi Matzoh

The question is asked, if chametz is so evil that one can’t even possess it during the holiday of Pesach and matzoh has such tremendous spiritual qualities, why eat chametz altogether? Perhaps one should eat the spiritual matzoh all year long. We’ll definitely score brownie points in the great adding machine in the heavens. In fact, the sages do agree it would be ideal, but find it impossible to deprive one of bread. There is a concept in the Torah involving the number seven which is defined by the Sages as being complete. There are seven days to a week; harvest occurs on the seventh year, etc. The Torah teaches us if one keeps Pesach with the utmost intensity and meticulousness during the complete seven days (8 days outside of Israel), he will fulfill his requirement of going full circle of not consuming chametz and eating matzoh



Although some of our brothers, the Ashkenazim have a tougher time with maror then the Sefaradim, one has to taste some level of bitterness in the maror. One does not fulfill his requirement if he swallows the maror without chewing. In fact, the Gemarah says he has to bite it into pieces with 22 teeth corresponding to the 22 letters of the alef bet, which is found in the Torah. Life is bittersweet. One can find the Torah very useful and helpful in dealing with the difficulties one receives in his lifetime.



We can look at the ma nishtana as one question instead of four – why are we mixing the bitterness of matzoh and maror with the majestic royalty of dipping and leaning at the Seder night? The same paradox can be found with Hillel who combines the matzoh (freedom) with the maror (servitude).

This is the taste Hillel is left with at the end of the night. Taste is one of the senses we are given and tonight it’s a tool to connect to the feeling our ancestors had. When Adam sinned by eating from the tree, one of his punishments was that goodness which he will now experience, will be always be mixed with a degree of bad. If one notices any happy occasion in the history of the world, was interrupted by some negativity. This is the true feeling of life and is one that our ancestors realistically experienced on their way out to freedom. One should not be disillusioned and get depressed that life has turned out the way it has.


Shulchan Orech

Enjoy the meal!! After Pesach, G-d willing, we will occasionally feature recipes of various cuisines.



One opinion of why we eat the afikoman is in memory of the Pesach offering. The definition of afikoman means dessert. The matzoh of the afikoman was eaten at the end of the meal replacing the desert. As mentioned earlier, it represents the redemption as well as servitude .The taste of the matzoh is the last taste in out mouths before going to bed. One should have the taste of the servitude matzoh humbling him and he should also have the taste of the redemption. We play hide and seek with our kids as we try to find the afikoman. What are we trying to find? When our forefather, Yaacov, was on his deathbed, he called all his sons and apparently was ready to reveal the secret when the Moshiach will come. However, apparently G-d hid the thought and Yaacov forgot. It’s symbolic – the kids and the grown-ups trying to find afikoman and reveal the coming of the redemption. This is why we open the door of our home to usher in Eliyahu, the prophet, who will take the role of the Moshiach.





Pesach Seder Guide – Part 4


We say the grace after meal (birkat hamazon – bentching). In the last paragraph of birkat hamazon, we read “oseh shalom bim’romav” – G-d makes peace in the heavens between fire and water then He shall surely make peace among us and He’ll make peace on all of Israel and they would say amen. If we believe in G-d the way we’re supposed to, then G-d will inject in us a portion of unity that will lead to the redemption. Just like fire and water are opposites and they are able to co-exist in the heavens; so too, no matter how different people are from one another, we’ll co-exist as well. There are many couples that are opposites (fire and water), however they get along because there is a certain commitment to the one above. It’s interesting that this passage is in the benching, where one says after being satiated. My father always said, “son, never come home after a day’s work hungry.” Always put something in your mouth before walking in the door. A hungry person gets agitated quickly and a fight is imminent. After one eats and benches, then he’s able to accomplish the goal of unity.



We’re close to the end or perhaps shaping up the future. One has to be at an advanced state at this juncture of the night where showing praise and appreciation to G-d comes natural. The focus is clearly the future; however to get there, one has to realize the goodness that G-d has bestowed upon us. One of the passages we say in the Hagaddah is an important praise we sing early Shabbat morning called nishmat kol chai. In most communities, it’s the main focal of their cantorial singing. What makes it unique in its praise and appreciation is that its composer was a Jew in the highest caliber named Shimon Khafa. About 2000 years ago, an offshoot religion started called Christianity. The great Sanhedrin (71 judges great court of Israel) was concerned that Jews will abandon Judaism for this new belief. Rabbi Shimon ben Gamliel, the president of the Sanhedrin, who is quoted earlier in the Haggadah, approached Shimon Khafa to perform a difficult but important task; they wanted him to infiltrate the hierarchy of this new religion and alter, make a clear distinction between Judaism and Christianity; this way Jews won’t mistaken it as part of their own and won’t be lured in off guard. Shimon accepted and became one of the most important spies we’ve had. He successfully altered their day of rest from Saturday to Sunday, as well as, dehumanized their savior. Eventually many years later Khafa was exposed and was executed. Some say he was none other than Peter. As one can imagine, a spy cannot express his feelings outwardly. In fact, a spy has to take on a different identity; play the part. What often happens in the spy world is they play their role too well where there is confusion of who is the real person inside of you. We often have an identity crisis as is could one imagine what spies go through. However, Shimon had so much love for Hakadosh Baruch Hu (G-d), His nation, and Judaism, he composed a long and eloquent praise affirming his belief and great appreciation to life and to his master. It’s a tremendously moving piece and deeply inspiring whether it be Shabbat morning or at the Seder.




We conclude the Seder by asking G-d to accept our prayers and for our enthusiastic loving participation in this beautiful night. Many years ago, G-d showed us tremendous kindness and took us out even though we didn’t deserve it. It’s obviously a special night of tremendous potential kindness in which G-d can continue the flow of this good. We have to take advantage of this night. On any other night to get to a spiritual height, we have to work very hard to accomplish that task. However, tonight, the connection to the heavens is strong. (4g)







G-d willing, our prayers will be accepted and next year we will sit in Yerushalayim in happiness with spiritual abundance and the Moshiach. Amen.

To all those who participated in our mock singing Seder including Chazan Ruben Ibragimov and the baal tefilos Ari Hoch and Rabbi Uri Sklarr.


To my wife and family who had to put up with me and my odd hours on the computer…. a debt of gratitude.


I would like to thank G-d for the chance He has given me to spread Torah.


Thank you to all the Rabbis and tremendous Jewish brethren who have helped me with Torah shmoozam for this issue, and the ones throughout the year.


Thank you to The Afikim Foundation for their dedication and hard work.


Thank you to my family and to you – the readers.



May you all have a chag kasher v’sameach.











Rabbi Avi Matmon
Spark of Jewish Experience

Parshat Ki Tisa

“A Cup of Coffee 



A Quick Thought”

Steaming Cup of Coffee
Spark Of Jewish Experience
 Parshat Ki Tisa
March 8, 2012
14 Adar, 5772
Dear Friends,




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Please print out this newsletter and say over a great D’var Torah at the Friday night Shabbos table.


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In This Issue
Parshat Ki Tisa Highlights
A Different Type of Hero
Show Me Your Glory
Are Colognes and Perfumes Allowed on Pesach?

Parshat Ki Tisa Highlights
First Portion

* ‘When you take a census of the Israelites, each man shall give a ransom for himself to G-d so the census does not lead to plague’ (11:12)

What’s the connection between plague and census? Rashi and many commentaries say that the plague results from the evil eye – not from sin. The tally draws every individual from the general mass, establishing him as a separate unit so he’s judged independently. Therefore, plague strikes him more severely than if he were being watched as part of a community. As a result, G-d instructed Moshe to collect from each individual coins as opposed to counting the individual person. The custom remains today of not counting our brethren individually.

* The reason why a half a shekel is required is to show that G-d has forgiven the Israelites for the sin of the golden calf. They sinned after a half of day when Moshe didn’t return.

* Here is another example that the Torah is not in chronological order: The census took place after the sin of the golden calf which we will read later in the Parsha.

* G-d ordered that a large copper basin with spouts be constructed and put in the yard of the Mishkan. It was filled with water every morning, so the kohanim poured water over their hands and feet before commencing their task. This water was not meant to cleanse them for health hygiene purposes, but more for enhancing them spiritually and to cleanse themselves from impurities. The power of water can change and elevate one spiritually. Here is the source of washing hands whether for the morning ritual, meal ritual and bathroom rituals.

* The shemen hamishcha was prepared by taking numerous spices. Each spice was crushed separately; then they were blended and soaked in water so that their aroma would be absorbed in the water. Olive oil was added to the water, and the mixture was boiled until the water evaporated and only the spiced oil remained. That oil (oil of anointment) was preserved in a flask to be used for the purpose of anointing the kohen gadol and kings from the dynasty of David.


Second Portion

* The power of evil strikes again invoking an uneasy feeling that the Israelite leader, Moshe, is dead and therefore confusing the Jews in their calculation of when his return was to be. As a result, they came to their second-in-command, Moshe’s brother, Aharon, and demanded a new conduit, a new go-between to G-d. Apparently Aharon, feeling pressured, instructed them to build a golden calf. The steps Aharon comprised to get to this golden calf was difficult and he believed would take them some time. This delay, Aharon thought, would give Moshe the time needed to return before it was built. However, in their haste and enthusiasm, they finished it rather quickly.

* There is an expression ‘one sin leads to another sin’. Many sages comment that the celebration of the golden calf led to sexual misconduct.

* It’s not exactly clear what was Aharon’s role in this tragedy. The fact that he and his sons remained in the most coveted position in the nation indicates he was not at fault. Although, some commentaries say he did get punished for his role; they hint that there is a link between the sin of the golden calf and the death of Aharon’s two sons, Nadav and Avihu.

The fact, though that the incident occurred under his leadership; even though he personally was not involved, he has to take the responsibility. The captain is responsible for anything that occurs on the ship.

* Moshe breaks the tablets after returning from the mountain and seeing the Israelites in a state of sin. He then punishes the aigel worshipers with death and tests the Israelites with the waters of sotah. This was done by taking the golden calf and burning it; crushed the remains; mixed it with water; and had the Israelites drink it (the sotah was a married woman who was suspected by her husband of adultery. Her integrity was tested by having her drink specially prepared waters, causing her to perish if she was guilty).


Third Portion

* Moshe goes up the mountain a second time to get a second set of tablets.


Fourth Portion

* Moshe was only able to see the backside of G-d. Apparently seeing the front would be too much for a human to handle. Many commentaries ask what exactly did Moshe mean by saying ‘let me see your presence’.


Fifth Portion

* G-d reveals the thirteen attributes of mercy. He informs Moshe a method of guaranteeing mercy in which we invoke as the crux of our Yom Kippur prayers. We frequently apply the virtue of our forefathers Avraham, Yitzchak, and Yaakov. However, these thirteen attributes, if said with proper concentration and sensitivity, will be very effective. Sephardic custom is to say it daily as well.


Sixth Portion

* Observing Pesach is mentioned.

* Here is the source of pidyon haben; the redeeming of the first-born. If a person becomes a father of a first born, he has to buy his baby back from the kohen.

* The holiday of Pesach is mentioned.


Seventh Portion

* The meeting with G-d on the mountain puts Moshe on the status of an angel. He didn’t sleep or eat for that period.

A Different Type of Hero

One of the major questions in the Torah and a story line that’s difficult to comprehend, is how is it possible the Israelites, our ancestors, can sin with the golden calf after seeing so many miracles that G-d has bestowed on them? The whole Egypt experience, the plagues upon their persecutors, and the splitting of the sea was so mesmerizing that all the nations trembled upon hearing what had occurred. However, there were those who spoiled it for the rest. Perhaps an example of the most ineffectiveness of G-d’s revelation is the shameful and pathetic story of Micha. It says that he clung to his idol through the plagues of Egypt and the splitting of the sea. Can you imagine the audacity?




We read with awe the sages words “even a maidservant was able, at the splitting of the Red Sea, to perceive of the Divine what Yechezkel ben Buzy was unable to grasp”. Our ancestors saw more firepower miracles during that generation, than in any time in history. So how can the Jews be so confused and wither away at the first wimpy test of faith?


In order to answer the question, we must take a closer look at the statement about the maidservant we just quoted. If indeed a maidservant was capable of such lofty understanding, why is she still referred to as a maidservant; she should be called a prophetess?


Apparently, these unique events and highly energized spiritual revelations on their own do not create a prophet. The maidservant, after all the hoopla, still remained a maidservant. To develop prophet status or reach spiritual heights, one must go through character development and self-perfection. The sages have a regiment through the guidance of the Torah on how to achieve these goals. It’s humorous to read about these adventurous Hollywood stars, as well as rock and roll artists, studying Kaballah or whatever the organizers of that contraption call it. For one to get to that lofty level, one would have to go through many steps of Torah study and character fixing. Though one can reach a very high level through being nice, considerate, and kind, where he will develop a tremendous sensitivity toward others. Reaching that level of sensitivity to one’s fellow man, to an extent where the world feels a lot more crisp and sharp, along with the conscious effort to progress in learning Torah, will breed a level of contentment, happiness, and perfection. If these Hollywood stars would have gone through the true Torah system, they wouldn’t be called Hollywood stars, they would be called kaballists!


The Mesilat Yesharim equates us to soldiers, and the true heroes are the ones who can control their desires. Apparently, that’s the definition of a strong man, Ish Chayil, one who is able to grow and develop, then he will appreciate the miracles.













Show Me Your Glory

One of the most intriguing and philosophical passages in the Torah is in this week’s Parsha, when Moshe, who was on the mountain receiving the tablets, asks G-d .”Let me see Your glory”. The response was “No man has seen my face and lived.” The sages say that G-d had only showed him His back. Many commentaries asked what exactly was Moshe’s request? It’s a loaded question with many different angles that we can explore. There are many interesting ideas (since we are such a creative people), which the sages raise as to what Moshe’s intent was.

Let’s start with a Gemarah (Brachot 7). The sages state that Moshe wished to know why there are righteous people that suffer and wicked people who seem to be rewarded. This is an age-old question that G-d seemingly refused to answer. The Chofetz Chaim offers a telling parable in this regard. A Shabbat guest noticed how the shamash distributed honors to members seated all over his host synagogue. Puzzled, he asked the Shamash, “Why didn’t you distribute the honors in a more orderly fashion?” The shamash answered ‘How do you know there is no order in my system? What do you know about our synagogue anyway? Do you know who was honored in previous weeks?”.  This is just what G-d told Moshe. “You ask me why the righteous suffer and the wicked enjoy reward. Yet, do you really know when reward begins and when it ends? Do you have any idea what was yesterday? Do you have any idea of what events happened in the past and who the righteous and evil were in former incarnations?


“Everything we see”, says the Chatam Sofer, “we see vaguely.” A person does not know beforehand what present events will lead to in the future as is demonstrated by the miracle of Purim. “You shall see my back” (Shemot 33:23) can be figuratively read, as “You shall see my ending”. Only in the end, do we grasp the purpose of any act,  “My front cannot be seen”, we cannot know the reason for an event ‘up front” before its conclusion.


Here’s another idea of ‘show me your glory’. We know we are destined to reach potential goals. However, there is a percentage of effort one has to make in order for the bracha to kick in. One cannot stay at home and say; oh it’s destined for me to receive that. This is a common dilemma when dating to get married. Is there a set amount of dates one has to go on? Is there a certain amount of pursuit in which one has to do to receive a date? When does trying stop and nuisance begins? In regard to having children, to what extent does one have to go in order to accomplish that goal? This question can be applied in many variations in making a living and health issues.


Moshe asked, “Show me Your glory.” Show me the fine line between effort and it’s in G-ds hands now.”


Interestingly, we often play, what would you say and do if you are in his shoes? Although, we talk to G-d every day, what would you ask G-d if you had the honor to bring down the Torah?









Are Colognes and Perfumes Allowed on Pesach?


With the holiday of Purim coming to a close, the race is on to CLEAN CLEAN CLEAN for Pesach. Although we are still wearing our winter coats, spring training has already started in Florida where the Mets and the Yankees are practicing. The enthusiasm of spring, especially when we flirt with a 60-degree sunny day, is so great that we forget to take our bulky winter coat. We often pay the price toward the evening hours where temperatures dip to the 30’s. I remember going to a baseball game in early April at the old Shea Stadium. It was a beautiful nice day but it was freezing with a ferocious wind at the ballpark. But the thought of spring, as well as Pesach, gives many of us such an energetic boost. The anticipation of Pesach, a beautiful holiday that personifies spring, is welcomed by many.


To get us in the mood for the holiday, a discussion about some of the things that are and are not permissible would be kind of interesting.

One may ask, are we allowed to put on perfumes and colognes on Pesach? Why would it be an issue, one may ask?

First and foremost, one has to know a basic concept on the rules of chametz. The Rambam (Maimonides) rules, and it’s also stated in the Shulchan Aruch, that “if a dog will not find it edible then it is permissible to use”; so it seems like there’s no problem. However, Rav Moshe Feinstein zt”l many years ago, who revolutionized the practical applications, rules “even if something in its present state is inedible but if you can possibly distill it and produce edible chametz,  then we would call it chametz.” Many unnatural alcohols mixed with various chemicals if they can be restored to their original fit, then its chametz. Methanol and isopropyl are not chametz. Perfumes and colognes though, are unfit and have no chance of becoming chametz. Some say the scent of the perfume might be considered fit and since it is the primary ingredient of the perfume then its problematic. However most incline to consider perfumes and colognes permissible. This application is only for pure liquid state.





Rabbi Avi Matmon
Spark of Jewish Experience

Parshat Teruma

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“A Cup of Coffee 



A Quick Thought”

Steaming Cup of Coffee
Spark Of Jewish Experience
 Parshat Terumah
February 23, 2012
30 Shevat, 5772
Dear Friends,


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We have expanded the Parsha Highlights section.


In appreciation to the staff of The Afikim Foundation for all their help, and to for giving us the mic.


We are now displaying business ads in our newsletter. If you are interested in placing an ad, please email me or call 917-804-7692. It’s completely tax deductible and the proceeds go to teaching people Torah. Be a part of the Mitzvah!


Please print out this newsletter and say over a great D’var Torah at the Friday night Shabbos table.


Please forward to a friend and be a partner in spreading Torah.


Dedicate a newsletter, shuir and a CD in memory of a loved one.

In This Issue
Parshat Terumah Highlights
Taking Pride in Being Real
Father & Son Relationship
Million Dollar Smile

Parshat Terumah Highlights

First Portion


* The Jew of today goes to Synagogue daily; some go weekly; there are those who go less frequent. In essence, we are practicing what the Torah describes ‘And I (G-d) will dwell among them’ The question is asked why does it say ‘them’? it should say ‘dwell among it ‘; the subject is the sanctuary, the one central Temple. However, the spirituality of the sanctuary has been transmitted to every local synagogue and study hall where optimally the Mikdash brings a man so close to G-d, all feel Him within them, where G-d approaches each being according to what he can endure. Although our great nation is part and parcel with each other and we all follow the same central laws; however communicating with G-d is also very personal.

* When one is considering moving to a new neighborhood, one of the first and foremost items on his list are that he should seek is a temple of his liking.

* It is odd that G-d instructed us to make a sanctuary and limit the spirituality and to confine G-d to a concrete area, the Mishkan. It sounds like a contradiction to the essence of Judaic belief of G-d, which is, G-d is everywhere. However, it became essential because man needs that central figure to reinforce the strong commitment to G-d. Unfortunately the lack of temple added to the temptation that caused the Israelites to sin at the golden calf incident. For this reason, now we can answer why the sequence of events is in question because apparently the sin of the golden calf was brought before the building of the Mishkan, and here the parshiot are lined up the opposite. As we know, the Mishkan was enacted because of the sin of the golden calf. Rav Zalman Zorotzkin suggests perhaps we see a pattern how G-d runs the world; He never gives the diseases before the cure.

* Mikdash – according to Maimonides and other commentaries – means ‘house of appointment. The main purpose is to prepare oneself for tomorrow.

* Every person volunteered something that was from thirteen raw materials that was found in the Mikdash.

* The Aron (Arc) was the most essential part of the Mishkan and therefore discussed first. Apparently, it was constructed before the Mishkan itself.


Second Portion

* The Keruvim were the most intriguing part of the Mishkan. They were set on top of the Aron. The two Keruvim were baby-faced and had wings. If at times, the Israelites’ prayers were accepted, the Keruvim would embrace each other, and at times when the prayers were not accepted, they would turn away from each other. Their wings thrust upward signifying that man should always aspire for spiritual heights.


* Atzai Sheetim/cedar wood was the wood used for the Mishkan. Why did G-d prefer the wood of the Sheetim above all other kinds of cedar? The Sheetim were picked since it bears no fruit. G-d wanted to set an example for people who build a house. They should reason that if G-d constructed His Mishkan from the wood of a barren tree, we certainly should not use the wood of a fruit tree for this purpose. (One should note it is not permissible to cut down a fruit tree.)



Third Portion


* The menorah had seven lamps, which corresponded to the constellation of the seven stars. The seven stars represent the course of all natural events in the universe. The flames, which were lit with the purest of olive oil, symbolize the illumination of the intellect, and will rise above the mundane nature of the world. The center flame represents Shabbat, and the other six flames; three before and three after represent the days of the week, which get all their power and resources from Shabbat. The Shabbat represents time, and the Mishkan represents the place where G-d brings down spirituality.



Fourth Portion


* There is a tremendous emphasis on wood in the Mishkan. The Temple represents peace and all the components that go with it. Our Father, Abraham, received guests, the three Angels, under difficult circumstances. The kindness which he performed by serving them under a tree; this is the kind of tree that is represented in the Mishkan. Later, Our father, Yaacov instructed his children to plant these trees in Egypt, knowing they will not find trees in the desert, where they would take the cedar wood with them.



Fifth Portion


* The Shulchan (table) was the medium through which the blessing of nourishment flowed to the entire world. G-d therefore commanded it should never be empty since His blessing rests on substantial matters. This was hinted by Elisha the prophet who told an improvised woman that she must have something in the house upon which G-d’s blessing could rest. It’s also important to note never to say that the bracha is finished; one should conclude ‘the bracha is plenty’.

* Some communities have a tradition to place the twelve breads that were presented in the Mishkan, and place them to say the bracha ‘Hamotzi’ at their Shabbat table.



Sixth Portion


* The Altar is where the sacrifices take place. Many miracles were performed in the Mishkan. It’s fascinating how a fire from the heavens comes down and consumes the sacrifice in which the individual brings; that signifies that it has been accepted. Imagine, I can’t help but think how that’s a very significant way to get close to G-d.



Seventh Portion


* If one notices there is no metal or steel in the temple, that is because metal symbolizes war and the Mishkan represents peace. There are communities that remove the knives from the Shabbat table meal before birkat hamazon because the Shabbat table represents the Mizbeach, and believe it or not, is a great way to get close to G-d.

















Taking Pride in Being Real



Rashi, the main commentary on the Torah, explains, when G-d writes ‘make me a sanctuary for me’ He means solely for Me. We must ask to what extent is ‘solely for Me’.


King Solomon, in conversation with Hiram king of Tyre, informed him that the reason my father David did not build the Temple was because he fought many wars.


What was Shlomo alluding to? Was King David really so busy with battles that he had to scrap the plans to build a Temple? He did have time to write the book of Psalms, which was an enormous body of work, and probably took much of his energies from other important functions. Perhaps that’s the reason for not building the house of G-d. It would not make sense, if David had even a slight opportunity to build the Temple, he would have made it priority #1. What was the reason behind Shlomo’s statement to Tyre that prevented David, then King not to build the Temple?


The holiday of Purim is soon coming!! We learn something fascinating from the Klei Yakar who brings an explanation on what motivated  king Achashverosh to throw the devastating party in which the Jews participated which got them in trouble.


Apparently, Achashverosh married royalty. Vashti, his wife who he had killed, was the granddaughter of Nevuchanetzar. If the reader remembers, Nevuchanetzar destroyed the first Temple and took much booty from the Temple. Achashverosh was much excited about the party because he would perform a ceremony in which he assumed, would put him over the top as king. He planned on dressing up with clothes that were taken from the Bet Hamikdash, performing the Kohen Gadol’s rituals in which the Kohen performed in the Temple. As a result, Achashverosh would be unstoppable.


The king of Persia, as many others believed, that every time the Jews are about to do battle, they pray and do sacrifices in their Temple and emerge victorious; it’s a guarantee!!


Although the plan didn’t work, one needs a lot more then just the clothes and the utensils for G-d to accept one’s Tefilot (prayers). But that was Achashverosh’s mind-set.


King Solomon said to Hiram “My father fought a lot of wars and maybe there might have been a slight tinge of ulterior motives; the temptation was great for David, considering his position with an unstable foreign affairs policies.” G-d informed David that he will draw the blueprints, and Shlomo, his son, will build it. Shlomo reigned in peaceful times with his surrounding neighbors.


Are we sincere in our belief in G-d? When we give charity, how much is it? Do you really want to help or does one desire the recognition from the community that they’re a super individual? Although one should give and do good things, even with ulterior motives, the Torah believes what starts as insincere, turns to sincerity.

This Dvar Torah was given mostly by Rav Chaim Shmuelevitz who always has a way to make the individual think and to understand our conscience and unconscious thoughts and bring out self-awareness. I hope the reader enjoyed this schmooze as much as I did many years ago. It was one of my favorites.



















Father & Son Relationship



The most intriguing and fascinating items of the Mishkan (Tabernacle) are the Keruvim. They were found on top of the Aron. They were two child-like faces with wings pointed upwards. When the Israelites were close to G-d, they would embrace each other, and when the Jews were not on the standards that they should be, the Keruvim would face away from one another.


The sages say, when G-d wanted to give the Torah to the Jews, he asked for a guarantor. So the Israelites replied “Our Forefathers, Abraham, Isaac and Yaacov would be perfect.” G-d refused, stating “They owe me. How can they be guarantors?” An example was given, if a man wants to borrow money from someone and demands a guarantor, and the potential borrower says how about Joe? The potential lender refuses stating “how can he be a guarantor? He owes me money himself.”


G-d said to the Jews” bring me someone that doesn’t owe me.” The Israelites answered back “We know someone who doesn’t owe You a thing, the children; they’ll be the guarantors.”


Apparently, there are a number of different opinions as to who exactly were the Keruvim; some say it’s a boy and a girl; others say it was a boy and a man. Yechezkel’s vision was that of a boy and a man.


What’s the meaning of having a boy and a man on the faces of the Keruvim? Rabbi Noach Isaac Olbaum explains this is the essential part of Judaism. It’s the father and son relationship that’s crucial to the continuous existence of our nation. It’s the father’s obligation to pass down the tradition to his son. Without a doubt, the fact that the Keruvim were placed in the holies of holies on top of the Aron, shows the importance of the relationship between the father and son. You can’t get holier than that place.


Therefore, we have to examine and fortify our relationship with our children. It should be healthy and communicative. The parody of the American dysfunctional family is brought out very well in the satirical TV series, The Simpsons. It’s been awhile since I’ve seen television and that show in particular. The show, indeed, well written, was very funny but very sad; but most important, a very true portrayal of many family structures, or I should say dis-structure in the western world.

The Torah emphasis the importance of the bond of father and son and the crucial treasure the Torah, passing down the tradition, that’s at stake. So perhaps what we could do is go out for a burger with our son; have a catch when the weather gets nice, and most important, learn Torah with him. It’s important and it’s a priceless moment.

Million Dollar Smile

This coming week is my father’s yartzeit; there are many things that were special about Pop. But there’s one particular thought about him, which I put together in one of my earlier lectures a number of years ago, which I would like to share with you:

Pop and I were on a business trip in South Carolina visiting a good customer of his. He had met him years before in Dallas, where both were salesmen. Pop was working for himself while his friend was working for a major (terminology for a ‘leading’) jewelry chain. Now, this friend was running an established business of his own. In the jewelry business it’s called a ma & pa store. We were invited to this friend’s house for a meal, and after the meal, the friend, who was a schmoozer, was having an extended conversation with Pop. I was watching Monday Night Football with his kids in the other room. I can see Pop through the hall in the dining room smiling and nodding his head in approval at whatever the friend was saying. What was odd, after an hour, was that they were still having their conversation. Actually, it was the friend who was doing all the talking and Pop was just nodding and smiling. “Pop doesn’t understand English that well to comprehend a lengthy one-hour English conversation”, I remember saying to myself.

As the evening was coming to an end, the friend said to me as we were by the front door saying goodbye, “Your father and I had an amazing discussion; he’s a pleasure to be around”. In the car, driving back to our hotel room, I asked Pop what did they talk about? He smiled and giggled and said “I have no idea.” Like many conversations with Americans, my father, an immigrant, was able to build his life through one of G-d’s spiritual forces — a smile.

It says in Pirkei Avot, ‘Greet every person be’sever (with intelligence), panim (greetings; for example: hello – shalom which is another name for G-d. When we greet people, we remind each other that greetings are a G-dly trait and we’re emulating it), and yafot (smile; animals show teeth which is a sign of aggression while humans show teeth as a sign of compassion).

Rava said, if a student struggles in his studies, it’s because the teacher did not smile at him. A smile opens up the intellect. It’s a spiritual trait, which is the reason we tend to gravitate to, and therefore we are attracted to a smiley person. Politicians consciously go out of their way to smile. The Talmud says ‘White of teeth is better than a cup of milk’; meaning sometimes, under certain circumstances, it’s a better option than serving guests with refreshment or showering one with gifts.

There is a beautiful story that I once heard on the topic of smiling. Every morning, Abraham enters the plant and greets everybody with a smile. One Wednesday afternoon, Thanksgiving weekend was fast approaching and people were anxious to leave work for the long weekend. Abraham was packing the meat in the walk-in freezer when he realized – as he was attempting to leave – the freezer door is locked.

Apparently, the other workers, in haste, locked the freezer without realizing someone was in there. Abraham realized the dangerous consequences he would be in if he’s left in the freezer for an extended period of time. A few hours passed and it was time for the doorman to change shifts. However, he felt a certain uneasiness that something was missing. He mentioned to the guard that will replace him ‘”You know, there’s one guy, the smiley guy, that I have not seen leave “. The guard went upstairs to look for him and discovered Abraham, frozen, but alive, in the freezer. Apparently a smile can go a long way. This guard gets hundreds of people entering and exiting the building daily. Nevertheless, he remembered Abraham because a smile is magnetic. Humans are drawn to a smile because it’s spiritual.

For some, smiling comes naturally; however, for others, it’s not so easy. If one realizes the importance of a beautiful smile he would be at a tremendous advantage.

Rabbi Avi Matmon
Spark of Jewish Experience

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Parshat Yitro

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“A Cup of Coffee 



A Quick Thought”

Steaming Cup of Coffee
Spark Of Jewish Experience
 Parshat Yitro

February 9, 2012
16 Shevat, 5772

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Please print out this newsletter and say over a great D’var Torah at the Friday night Shabbos table.


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In This Issue
Parshat Yitro Highlights
Parshat Yitro – Freedom of Choice
The Ultimate Task of Parents
Important to be in a Safe Environment

Parshat Yitro Highlights
First Portion

* Yitro was Moshe’s father-in-law as well as a former advisor to Pharaoh, who actually advised favorably on the subject of the Israelites. However, his advice was not taken well and he was forced to flee; He also was a high priest in Midyan.

* Many nations have seen and heard the miracles that G-d performed on the Jews in Egypt and at sea. However, Yitro comprehended what G-d has done. He was impressed to the point where it changed him and was ready to convert to Judaism.

* Moshe sends a message for Tziporah his wife to meet at a certain point in the desert. So Yitro arrived with Tziporah and Moshe’s two sons at the scheduled meeting place.

* A meal offering was initiated by Yitro commemorating his circumcision and his introduction to Judaism. We see many years later, the King of Israel, Shaul, warned the Canaanites, who were the descendants of Yitro to leave their residents within Amalek (enemies of the Jews) because war was imminent. The reason for such concern not to harm them stemmed from this meal celebration between Moshe, Aharon, Yitro, and other high-ranking officials. We see the power of a sit down meal celebration, for mitzvah sake, and how positive it can be where it has long lasting effects hundreds of years later.

Second Portion

* Yitro’s experience in pubic office where he had a high ranking position in Pharaoh’s super power government, enabled him to advise Moshe on how to be more proficient in his duties and basically make the system run better.

* There is a question as to why Moshe wasn’t able to derive the advice that Yitro gave from the Torah? We have to understand, although the Torah provides great wisdom; there will be on occasion an individual that can provide sound advice. G-d’s purposely teaching us it’s not the intellectual superiority that’s the main part, nor are we more cultural advanced then the other nations, but the focal point is the spiritual superiority.

Third Portion

* Moshe took the advice of his father-in-law.

* Yitro decided to return to Midyan.

* Why did Yitro decide to return to Midyan? Wouldn’t he feel more comfortable with his new comrades (his fellow circumcised Jews)? (See one of my shmoozim on the email newsletter). One should note, Ruth, the Midyanit convert, decided to go to Israel with her former mother-in-law rather then go back to her former home. It would be most difficult to maintain one’s religious level among people who do not have the same goals as you.

Fourth Portion

* The Israelites arrived at Sinai and Moshe went up to receive the Torah.

* G-d told Moshe to tell the people “If you keep my Torah, then I will hold you in great esteem.”

Fifth Portion

* Moshe came down from the mountain and told all which G-d is demanding of us. The elders, the leaders all answered back “We will do whatever G-d says.”

* Moshe gave instructions on the preparations to receive the Torah.

* The nation gathered at the bottom of the mountain.

Sixth Portion

* G-d’s aura had descended on the Israelites; it’s the closest the Jews have been to the presence of G-d.

* The first two commandments were recited by G-d. However, the people weren’t able to withstand the rays of G-d’s presence; Moshe then recited the last eight.

* The Ten Commandments are divided into five. The first five on the right are commandments between G-d and man; while the second five are commandments between man and his fellow man (see schmooze in this email newsletter).


Seventh Portion

* One cannot even imagine what a special moment in history this was. The scripture says they saw the voices.

* Only three Jews did not witness the revelation at Mount Sinai; Yitro and Moshe’s two sons. How can that be – Moshe sons? This was designed by G-d so Moshe can perform what every father and Rabbi is commanded, and that is to pass it down to the next generation. Apparently, almost the whole nation heard The Sinai experience, so there was no passing down for a while. But they observed the best teacher – Moshe taught his sons.

* Three million Jews witnessed the receiving of the Torah; no other religion has witnesses with this magnitude that have seen the revelation of their religion.

Parshat Yitro – Freedom of Choice

King David was quoted as praising Yitro, Moshe’s father-in-law, as a very smart man who has a tremendous insight into G-d and was able to fully comprehend the miraculous events that occurred to the Israelites. This was evident by some of the definitions of his seven names, in which Rashi and many commentaries say he was called by. What was it about Yitro, which impressed David and warranted such praise?

It’s only natural in a successful marriage that more and more matrimonial matches spurt up between the two sides; Moshe’s nephew, Elazar, marries one of Yitro’s daughters. But what’s odd when we are introduced and informed of the union, is Rashi’s description of Potiel, the father of the bride, Yitro’s other name; he describes a man “who fattened calves for idolatry” and “from the seed of Yosef who conquered his passion”. Now I understand the compliment of the comparison to Yosef, that’s very nice; however, why bring up “he fattened calves”? It’s very demeaning not just for Yitro but for Elazar as well. One can only imagine the mazal tov section of the weekly Synagogue newsletter stating ‘Mr. and Mrs. Potiel, the ones who fattened calves for idolatry.’ It doesn’t have a nice ring to it, don’t you think?

In this week’s Parsha, our ancestors received the Torah and we read the Ten Commandments. One has to ask, why did G-d emphasize these ten as opposed too many others he could have mentioned? Furthermore, G-d wanted to give it to the other nation as well; but His reply to their question of what’s in it, always played on their weakness. For example, to the Arabs he emphasized ‘do not steal’; to Edom, ‘do not kill’; G-d knew perfectly well that it would be difficult for them.

Rabbi Oelbaum says that the fundamental importance of the Torah is to enable us to overcome and do the opposite of our nature, to break the one aspect of our personality that we have a tough time overcoming. This is the primary goal of life.

Perhaps this is what G-d intended when approaching the nations and asking, are you ready to accept for real, and therefore you would have to eradicate stealing or murder or what ever weakness one has.

Rav Eliyahu Lopian teaches an important awareness of freedom of choice. This is an important aspect of man. However, one should know the definition of freedom of choice is not that one can do whatever he wants. If that was so, what is man’s superiority over animals? They too can do whatever they want. The definition of freedom of choice is that he’s able to choose himself and go against his nature, against his natural instincts and animals cannot do this.

Perhaps this is the greatness of Yitro; his weakness was idol worship to an extent where he couldn’t control himself. However, he was able to persevere and see G-d where many couldn’t. We must bring another definition of Potiel and that is ‘sheniftar me-avoda-zara’, he was able to disassociate, break off from idol worship.

These Ten Commandments were chosen because they are the fundamental building blocks of the Torah, of life. If we strengthen our character traits and not get sucked in like a magnet, we would have done our duty and we would be able to exercise our true freedom of choice.

The Ultimate Task of Parents

One should know and realize by looking at the tablets in which the Ten Commandments are placed on (and is found in every synagogue in the world), that one half represents man’s relationship with G-d while the other half represents man’s relationship with his fellow man. If one examines it closely however, one will notice “honoring your father and your mother” is placed in the wrong column – on the side that represents man’s relationship with G-d. Clearly, as far as I’m concerned, parents are humans and they belong on the other side of the tablets. Perhaps the designer thought it would look awkward having six and four placed on the Aron Kodseh (place where you keep the Torahs). Five and five look much better and even; it gives more presence to the Synagogue, especially the fancy shmancy ones.

We read in Psalms, which was written by King David; (Sefardim read it daily while the Ashkenazim recite it the month before Rosh Hashanah). “My father and mother have left me but I still have you, G-d”. We can deduce from the Psalm that King David relied heavily on G-d. We can also detect David missing his parents. But that’s kind of odd; before he was anointed King, there was a concern that he might have been illegitimate. Yishai, his father, wasn’t sure David was his son. At best, they had a cold relationship. Although one may argue that any doubt about the legitimacy of Yishai being David’s father was put to rest after the Prophet Shmuel anointed David, and a loving father and son relationship developed. However, David was on the run, whether being chased by King Shaul or whatever wars he fought. Furthermore, David’s parents and brothers (except for one) were massacred by the Moabites. So as far as David’s relationship with his father, what’s there that he missed so much that triggered him to make such a statement?

Any one of the readers who have had the experience of taking care of elderly parents realized that as long as they were alive, one felt the parent was taking care of them even though the opposite was true. The son or daughter paid all the bills and they would escort them to their medical appointments because they would not be able to go by themselves. In fact, my father once said when a person becomes old he reverts back to being a child. Even so, apparently as soon as they pass on, the children feel abandoned; they have an uneasy feeling of losing that nurturing parent.

Belief and trusting G-d requires one to fully rely on Him. How does one develop that ability? This is accomplished by practicing the concept of “leaning on and trusting” through the parents. They are there so we can really on them. They fed and clothed us and took us to school when we were young; they taught us about life. The college tuition was paid and they let us borrow the car. We look up to them until a certain time where then they pass the baton to G-d and we rely on Him fully. It may take twenty years or forty, but it’s inevitable.

This is the reason “honoring parents” is on the same side of man/G-d relationship. G-d and parents are part and parcel in bringing out in us the feeling of trust and having being taken care of and that the ultimate and optimal feeling one has to have to G-d.

Important to be in a Safe Environment

The sages say that one of Moshe’s grandchildren didn’t turn out up to par like the rest of his family. One may ask, “What went wrong?” After all, Moshe was very close to G-d; a perfect leader. In fact, there is no argument; he was the best leader we ever had. Actually, perhaps one can argue and say we see very often, the children of some of today’s leaders have a hard time with their famous parents.

We learn something astonishing about the relationship between Moshe and his father-in-law, Yitro. Apparently, Yitro made a deal with Moshe that his firstborn would be educated by the Grandfather through idol worship. Yes, you read it correctly, idol worship. But how can that be? Didn’t Yitro convert to Judaism? We also learn that he was a great believer. So that really doesn’t make sense. Furthermore, how can Moshe allow his son to participate?

Yitro was a very smart man who came to the realization that Judaism and the Torah is the real deal. But Yitro came to that conclusion through experimenting with every type of idol worship that exists in the world and at the end, when the smoked cleared, only the Torah remained standing. The greatest spiritual high and the closeness to G-d were attained through this method.

Yitro wanted his grandson to reach the same conclusion as he did and he persuaded Moshe to permit his son to attempt to reach this exclusively high level of closeness to G-d. However, this was very dangerous and it backfired. Although Yitro felt his grandson had a similar personality to his himself, nevertheless, apparently that was not the case. Everybody’s different.

We find that Ruth (the convert) realized that if she would go back to her country, she would regress in her spiritual quest to Judaism, and therefore decided to go travel to Israel with her former mother-in-law.

The sages teach us one can find all the wisdom that other religions offer, in our Torah, and there is no need to venture out.

We often think we are infallible and are able to maintain a level in any place, whether it is at work or moving to a new neighborhood where the level of religion is not so strong. We are human and are vulnerable and are influenced by the society around us. It’s an element of survival to surround oneself with a community, proper schooling, and friends.

There was only one Yitro; his uniqueness was singled out. It would be unsafe – to say the least – to do what he did.

Rabbi Avi Matmon
Spark of Jewish Experience

Parshat Beshalach

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“A Cup of Coffee 



A Quick Thought”

Steaming Cup of Coffee
Spark Of Jewish Experience
 Parshat Beshalach

February 2, 2012
9 Shevat, 5772

Dear Friends,


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In appreciation to the staff of The Afikim Foundation for all their help, and to for giving us the mic.


We are now displaying business ads in our newsletter. If you are interested in placing an ad, please email me or call 917-804-7692. It’s completely tax deductible and the proceeds go to teaching people Torah. Be a part of the Mitzvah!


Please print out this newsletter and say over a great D’var Torah at the Friday night Shabbos table.


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Dedicate a newsletter, shuir and a CD in memory of a loved one.

In This Issue
Parshat Beshalach Highlights
Parshat Beshalach – Why did Pharaoh Chase the Jews One Last Time?
Singing Sensation
I Want to Dance to the Beat

Parshat Beshalach Highlights
First Portion

* If one recalls American history, the war in Vietnam was a disaster; the United States fought a war in a distant strange land. In that scenario or one similar to it, usually the morale of the servicemen are down for the visiting army. One most likely can draw a list and argue not to be there; the lack of purpose is often greater, as history has proven. However, the country being invaded will have tremendous motivation to protect their land. G-d, with sensitivity and delicately, wanted to protect the Israelites and not add more pressure then what they were experiencing and therefore guided them en route to the Promised Land through the Sinai desert; first east, then north, so they will enter the land from the eastern bank of the Jordan River. If they had travelled the short and easy way, they would have to go through the unfriendly country of the Philistines and almost surely have had to fight a war. The Philistines would have rallied around the motivational cry of stopping the invaders, which would give them a psychological edge. Plus, the Israelites would have been exposed to the sight of the bones of their comrades (some members of the tribe of Benyamin) who were ambushed and killed by these same Philistines, which occurred a short time earlier.

* We see the selfless and leadership skills of Moshe while the Israelites were busy with their personal needs in leaving Egypt; Moshe retrieved the bones of Yosef to be brought to the Promised Land as promised.

* G-d led them out through the cloud of glory, which was chosen to be their tour guide till they reach the land of Israel.

* Pharaoh, once again, has a change of heart and declares they must return. He unleashes his army, 600 elite chariots, and chases after the Israelites.


Second Portion

* The Israelites were in fear because they saw the Egyptian army in tremendous unison.

* In his assurance to the Israelites, Moshe said ”you shall not see them again”. Their status of superpower will be taken and they will never be a threat. The Rambam (Maimonides), who lived in Egypt for a period of time, mentioned in his writings that that he lived in Egypt. I am transgressing a commandment ”it’s forbidden for Jews to travel or live in Egypt on a permanent basis”. One of the sources for this commandment is here ”you shall not see them again”. It’s astonishing how there was a thriving Jewish community in Alexandria, many years back, which held one of the biggest Synagogues in history (5000 seats). The Rabbi had to raise a flag indicating to the congregants to say amen.


Third Portion

* The Israelites, who had the sea in front of them and the Egyptians chasing behind them, were ordered and reassured by Moshe, via G-d, to jump in the water, for it will split and you will walk on dry land.

* In one of the most amazing moments in history, Moshe raised his rod as ordered by G-d and the sea split!

* G-d said to Moshe, “My name will be glorified through Pharaoh and the Egyptian army, the Egyptians will be in fear, for they will know I am G-d”. Who will be in fear? Is it the people who stayed behind in Egypt? The ones that will be in fear are none other then the Egyptian army before they perished at sea. G-d said it is worth it to split the sea for having only the Egyptians soldiers realize the truth as the waters come together before their death. How often does one have the opportunity to clearly see the truth?

* The Israelites walked through the sea in dry surface with walls of water to the left and right of them.

* The Egyptian army pursued the Israelites, going through the water.


Fourth Portion

* After the last of the children of Israel walked through the sea and the whole Egyptian army are now positioned between the walls of water, G-d ordered Moshe to raise his hands once more and the water will go back to its original state. Moshe did so as G-d commanded and the Egyptian army and their chariots all drowned.

* After seeing the miraculous events G-d has done on their behalf, the Israelites had the ultimate belief in G-d and they reciprocated by singing a song ”Az Yashir”.

* This is the most famous of the ten songs found from the beginning to the scriptural period.

* There are a number of hints in the Torah about the redemption. ”Az Yashir”, then he will sing, the commentaries are bothered, it should say Az Shar – and then he sang. It means he will sing in the future, in the Messianic era.

* Another explanation of ”Az Yashir”, Moshe’s singing came natural; it wasn’t forced. Singing is the ultimate form of appreciation one can give G-d.

* Many recite this song when in need of a mate and for parnasa (livelihood). It says it’s harder for G-d to match two people than splitting the sea. The fact that it’s linked together hints tremendous merit reciting for this purpose.

* We learn a lesson from Miriam, Moshe’s sister, when she gathered women and they followed after her, and danced amongst themselves separately away from the men. Our Jewish mothers, ancestors throughout history and in every continent took pride in modest behavior.

* Trust in G-d is being brought out in these passages through the laws of ‘Choke’ (laws that have no reason, it just has to be done). At Marah, one of the stops the Jews made after leaving the sea, the water was bitter. G-d told Moshe to place the bitter tree into the bitter water and it will turn sweet. There was no logic (as opposed to the cases in Parshat Mishpatim); Just do it, no questions asked.


Fifth Portion

* G-d introduces us to Man’s heavenly food. Man has characteristics of Olam Habah; it has no side affects, no relieving of yourself is necessary. The more spiritual one gets, the more the Mann (manna) tasted better; it can taste as any food you desire.

* This is another sign of G-d’s power. Even in the wilderness, G-d provides and serves his people like they’re in heaven.


Sixth Portion

* Every morning Mann was placed at the doorstep along with the morning paper.

* It was not delivered on Shabbat; however Friday there would be a double portion.

* Shabbat represents Olam Habah and the bread (that we say Hamotzi) represents the Mann. This is one of the reasons why we cover the challah. If one notices, every Jewish home has a tablecloth for their Shabbat table. One reason – besides being fancy-shmancy – is we replicate how the Mann came to our ancestors covered on top and a bottom layer (the tablecloth) as well.


Seventh Portion

* After all the open miracles that happened to the Jews. There was a certain respect in which the nations of the world had for the Israelites who represented G-d. It goes without saying today, the Jews, when they have the Torah, represent G-d as well. So when someone starts up with the Jews, they actually start up with G-d. Fresh from one of the most miraculous, hands-on, G-dly events in history, the Amalek nation had the audacity to wage war with G-d’s representatives, the Jews, and in the process desensitizing the nations of the world of the awe of G-d. For this reason, Amalek is despised by G-d and orders the Israelites to wipe them out.

Parshat Beshalach – Why did Pharaoh Chase the Jews One Last Time?

One of the old time questions that one has to scratch his head and ask, why did Pharaoh, after getting beat up with all the plagues, choose to reconsider and chase after the Jews. If that’s not the ultimate HELLO!! Then try this – he sees the sea split! Yes, that’s right; G-d accommodates the Israelites big time and rolls out the red carpet in the middle of the sea for them to pass. Now, if I’m not Jewish and I see those events before my eyes, I would call up, or look up on the internet the nearest mohel, because I’m sold. Nevertheless, Pharaoh, with all his force, with all his firepower, pursues the Jews and still thinks he can beat them; go figure.

If we look at the events more carefully, we’ll be able to see the measure for measure, which G-d dictates on this world. Although sometimes G-d’s measure for measure requires more then one lifetime, but that’s for a different discussion.

In essence, the message to Pharaoh “you threw and killed Jewish babies at sea, I’ll kill you (the Egyptians) at sea!” We know the reason why Pharaoh was motivated to instruct his soldiers to do such a monstrous act because of his horoscope advisors who warned him of a threat. An Israelite born at a certain juncture in time will have the power to destroy you, and his demise will be from water. Therefore, Pharaoh chose the method of destruction for the Jewish babies, who were born at a certain time, through the Nile River, water. After the death of the first born, the last plague, Pharaoh was ready to finally give up on the Jews. However, when his sources informed him that the Israelites were in course, en route towards the sea, he figured the horoscope was coming into fruition. This is where Moshe, the Jewish leader, was destined to die and he, Pharaoh, will have the glorious task to finish him off at sea. The horoscope, however, was correct though, but Pharaoh’s calculation of time was premature, indeed; Moshe’s demise was water. When G-d told him to speak to the rock and Moshe, instead, hit it and water came out. For this reason, he was punished by not entering the Promised Land, Israel.

Singing Sensation

             Singing and music makes us feel good. How many of us on occasions raise the volume when we hear our favorite music in the car, bedroom, basement, or get up and dance when the mood strikes us? Did you know music is very powerful? When Elisha the prophet became angry, he lost the ability to prophesize; he then searched for someone to play him music so he’ll be able to regain the ability to communicate with G-d. In order to be a prophet, one has to be happy; anger is the antithesis of happiness and the pleasure of music soothes the soul and regains the happiness. Music comes from the heavens; one of the highest chambers of heaven is called aravot, named after the plant, which we use on Succot. Its shape is similar to lips. Apparently, the angels in this chamber move their lips in unison and sing the most beautiful melodies. Anyone who has the privilege to qualify to enter this chamber will experience one of the highest degrees of pleasure.

Music is very spiritual; this is why we feel good after hearing our favorite tunes because it trickles down from the chamber of aravot. A composer of music takes these trickles and forms them with his inner soul. So when the music is played, the person listening is actually absorbing part of the composer. Therefore, one has to filter what he listens to. It’s scary to think one might be absorbing a drugged-out suicidal rock star with depressing lyrics.

Man has an important role in singing and music, especially on the Shabbat. One may wonder why we open up the Friday night Shabbat prayers with ‘Lechu-neranena- come and let us sing’. Adam was appointed the task of being the conductor of all living beings in a beautiful symphony to G-d. How did Adam receive such an important role?

Rav Gedalia Schorr quotes the Talmud and says there are certain angels with six wings who sing to G-d, throughout the week. Just like a wing enables a bird to fly, and causes it to be raised above the ground, so too singing is raised above the ground. But on Shabbat the angels ask ‘who’s going to sing, we have no wings’. G-d says I give that task to man. Apparently that’s the reason why we sing so much on Shabbat from Lechu-nerenena to when we come home from temple and sing Shalom Alechem at the Shabbat table, because its man’s responsibility, on that day to bring out the appreciation of G-d and give him kavod (honor) from singing.

There are many important references in the Shabbat prayers in which it is man’s responsibility to sing on that day. It’s part and parcel with eating all the delicious famous Shabbat meals. If one emphasizes those points in prayer and at the Shabbat table, there’s a tremendous spiritual elevation. Song in Hebrew is called Shira; the mystics say if one prays with Shira, then his prayers will go yashar (straight, express) to heaven; the words have the same root.

In essence, Moshe sang Az Yashir on Shabbat. It was a spontaneous gesture, wasn’t forced. When singing comes from the heart as Moshe did, and getting the nation to sing with him, it’s the highest form of appreciation to G-d. Therefore, this prayer has tremendous powers.

We should all enjoy Shabbat Shira; If we would only express our appreciation for what G-d has given us in a joyous festive Shabbat, we can reap much benefit from life and also merit to here the angels perform in aravot.

I Want to Dance to the Beat

As I was becoming more interested in learning Torah and exploring the ‘black-hat’ American Orthodox world, I discovered something very interesting. At a friend’s ultra-Orthodox wedding, I overheard someone of importance showing concern at the ‘laibidig’ fast-beat music that was being played. I remember saying to myself, “Man, get real. This is right-wing Jewish music. What’s your problem?” There are no women singers or naughty lyrics; it’s harmless. After doing some inquiries about the subject, curious that I am, I discovered the Rabbis (unofficially) are not in favor of fast-paced music; it makes the individual lightheaded. Although they will not implement any action against the fast-paced music, however, their disapproval is weighed heavily.

I felt that the Orthodox religious authorities were making a big deal out of this and are stifling the ability for the youngsters to let out some steam on the dance floor. Hey! I want to be religious and have a good time as well. Then a number of years later, I read an article in the New York Times about a new fast-beat music called trance, where there was concern on the behavior of the listeners. The rhythm and beat of trance is faster than Rock-n-Roll and R&B; the BPM reaches 140 as compared to Rock’s 120.The article showed reports of people caught speeding because of listening to the faster paced computer-generated music; it seems like it’s harder to produce that kind of speed with the conventional instruments. The response of the offenders was, “I just got carried away with the music and didn’t realize the speed”. Reports show a change of brainwave activities.

The Jewish Rabbinical authorities were concerned about the light- headedness that some music can cause. There is an argument among the Rabbis over the last 500 years when listening to music. Although they say it’s therapeutic, however, it has to be listened to at appropriate times. Judaism emphatically believes that the intellect should always be in control of emotions. Perhaps there should be some regulations or at least awareness of the affects of music.

Rabbi Avi Matmon
Spark of Jewish Experience

Parshat Bo

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“A Cup of Coffee 



A Quick Thought”

Steaming Cup of Coffee
Spark Of Jewish Experience
 Parshat Bo

January 26, 2012
2 Shevat, 5772

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In This Issue
Parshat Bo Highlights
Parshat Bo – Intellect vs. Emotion
Ask The Jew

Parshat Bo Highlights
First Portion

* Again, G-d is mentioning that he has hardened Pharaoh’s heart, or as we have said previously, hardened the ability to withstand the impact of the Plagues. Therefore, giving him the freedom of choice, where his true cruel personality has been shown. One may think the storyline, so far, in the book of Shemot, has been the belief in G-d. However, there is an added dimension here, as evident by the constant focusing of ‘hardening the heart’ of Pharaoh, and that is the depth of how low he can go in his handling of fellow human beings.

* Even his advisors suggested to him to release the Israelites, but he refused. Unfortunately, they still followed his command. History often repeats itself; this is the first of many times where ‘they just followed orders’ from their evil leader. One cannot do that; opposition groups should have risen if they thought Pharaoh was wrong; grass roots should have begun. Apparently, it didn’t, and therefore the Egyptian nation is as responsible for their actions just as Pharaoh was.

* Moshe and Aharon threaten to bring another plague, locusts.

* Pharaoh’s response was to let just the men go, and leave the women and children. Moshe obviously refused, setting the stage for the locusts.


Second Portion

* Pharaoh runs to find Moshe to beg him to stop the plague stating, ‘I have sinned to G-d’ only to have him revert back, a short time later, to his stance of refusal to let them go.

* Moshe brought upon Egypt the next plague, “darkness”, through the command of G-d.

* Many of the Israelites who were not following in the way of G-d perished in this plague. The reason why G-d chose this particular plague is because He did not want the Egyptians to say, “We’re not the only ones being punished”. So when the Egyptians arose from the darkness, those Jews were already buried.


Third Portion

* Pharaoh said to Moshe, “You can leave, but only your flock and cattle shall remain”. Moshe retorted back, “We leave with all we have”.

* G-d made it so that the Jews were able to take gold, silver, and clothing from the Egyptians. The Egyptians themselves honored the request of the Israelites.


Fourth Portion

* G-d informs Moshe of the last plague, ‘death of the firstborn of the Egyptians’.

* G-d instructs Moshe and Aharon the first commandment of the Torah. G-d informs them starting with “This month, I will implement a calendar system”. The calendar is based on the moon and is regulated by the sun. The time span between one new moon and the next is 29 days, 12 hours, 44 minutes, and 3 ½ seconds. Since a month has to be composed of complete days, the months alternate between 29 and 30 days. So a 12-month year contains 354 days as opposed to 365 days of a solar year. In order to make up the eleven days difference which will eventually cause a problem after many years because Nissan, a spring month (Pesach has to be in the spring), will fall in the winter. Therefore, the Torah instituted a leap year, which consists of a 13th month (Adar ll) to the year, seven times every nineteen years. This will ensure Pesach will fall in the springtime each year.

* The Seder night of Pesach, which we commemorate today, is a very powerful night because it was when G-d showed tremendous mercy on our ancestors many years before. On that night, then, we were instructed to perform the Pesach offering, which consists of roasting lamb or sheep (these animals were sacred and considered the Egyptian gods. Therefore, it’s a slap in the face to the Egyptians). The blood from the offering was to be placed on the doorpost. While we were eating the Pesach offering in our homes, G-d skipped over our houses but did not spare the Egyptians where he killed the firstborn.

* We are introduced in this section on how to perform our obligation to the holiday of Pesach.


Fifth Portion

* Interestingly, it says that the Israelites should not leave their homes on the night of “death of the firstborn of the Egyptians, or the angel of death will smite you too.” But wasn’t it understood that G-d himself would kill the Egyptian firstborns? The angel was specifically instructed to kill any Jews who leave their homes. We learn an important lesson, one is not permitted to feel good in watching their enemy being tortured or killed. Although the Egyptians tortured the Jews, G-d stilled made sure not to let them see what was done to the Egyptians.


Sixth Portion

*Pharaoh ran out in his pajamas in the middle of the night to find Moshe and beg him to stop the plagues and leave. He said the whole Jewish nation should leave.

*There were 600,000 men between the ages of 20 and 60 who left Egypt.

*In haste, they left while the bread did not finish baking. This bread is called matzoh.

*The Jews were in exile 210 years.


Seventh Portion

* We conclude the parsha with two passages; one on the firstborn and the other on teaching future generations. As we get prepared to leave Egypt, we are in essence graduating to a nation status. The narrative is directing us from slave status to a bright future where now the father of the household has a say and influence, and will be able to pass down the tradition of the gift that was given by G-d — the Torah.

Parshat Bo – Intellect vs. Emotion


          Three people were on an airplane: Henry Kissinger, a boy scout, and a Rabbi. They will find out that the plane is in distress and will crash shortly. There are only two parachutes!! Henry Kissinger grabs a parachute and jumps out of the plane. So, the Rabbi goes to the boy scout ‘take the parachute. Son, I’m a lot older than you. You have a long life ahead of you. Please take the parachute. The boy laughs ‘Don’t worry, Rabbi. There are two left .The smartest man in the world just took my knapsack.’
           When situations are such that one is forced to make a decision with great deal of emotions involved, in this case facing life and death on the airplane, a greater amount mistakes will occur. The intellect has to have greater control over the emotions to have a good functional system.
           Desire is another emotion that can be devastating, even when one has time on his side; it’s a slow kill. If the desire is strong enough, then chances are it’s not governed by intellect. One may think he’s rational but it’s the emotion that stems from the desire that’s talking. What’s that expression? Don’t confuse me with the facts, I made my decision.
Rashi said Pharaoh refused to be humbled before G-d (Shemot 10:3). When the Egyptians began to enslave the Jews, Pharaoh rationalized that we can really use them and gain from their productivity. However, G-d had other plans and Pharaoh realized himself it wasn’t beneficial to enslave them. His advisers warned him also Egypt will be lost if the enslavement of the Jews continues. Their powerful G-d will destroy us. Pharaoh who was considered very smart knew that these plagues will destroy his kingdom. Yet his ego didn’t allow him to let them go.
But how does one understand Pharaohs behavior? Apparently, it should be the opposite. If Pharaoh was so concerned about his Honor and protect his ego, he would have let the Jews out the first chance he had knowing he’s going to lose his status and wealth. There’s no comparison; it’s a no-brainer. What’s at stake? Pharaoh can lower his head and let them go and still maintain his kingdom and perhaps a good chance of being considered a superpower. Or he would hold firm and continue to enslave the Israelites and inevitably his army would be destroyed and Egypt will never ever gain the glorified position it holds and Pharaoh would be labeled a fool by the world. Let’s not overlook that he sinned in front of G-d and will be accounted for it after his life is over.
             Why did he make such a decision? Isn’t it mind boggling?
              Pharaohs inflated ego was making the decisions. This desire, which stems from the heart, overrides the intellect. No matter how logical and factual the emotions block out the intellect where even the smartest man in the world will not make a rational decision. Even if his advisors are begging him to let them go and the plague are causing devastation, Pharaoh will feel confident that it’s the right choice. It’s a scary thought, how many decisions people make based on desire; desire for honor and women.
              People don’t realize that desire is an emotion because one can be seen as acting normal, however it influences us. When the desire is alleviated even briefly, one can realize the wrong decisions he has made and the time he wasted. The frightening aspect about desire even a most influential friend with sound advice may not be able to get through because his message will be blocked.


This schmooze is based from the teachings of Rav Henoch Liebowitz z’l.



          In the memorable inception of becoming a man, I spent time alone in the early morning at my grandparents’ house in Israel, trying on my new pair of Tefillin. Our family visited Israel; my parents thought it would be a great idea for me, the bar mitzvah boy, to put Tefillin on for the first time at the Kotel (Wailing Wall). The Kli Yakar mentions that the Western Wall is where the forming of the souls originates. Perhaps that is why when one visits the Kotel, they feel a burst of spirituality. For this reason, it might be a ‘get off on the right foot’ the first mitzvah that a bar mitzvah boy does would be super.
             Even though I’ve been to Israel many times before, it was still a culture shock; perhaps this is why Israelis would label us ‘pampered Americans’. My grandparents lived in an industrial part of Tel Aviv where mini – and I mean “mini” factories   would start drilling very early in the morning, which would thump me out of bed, uncharacteristically early. Every place in a person’s life has a certain flavor, scent, look, taste and feel. My grandparents’ neighborhood in Florentine, Tel Aviv will live in my memory bank for a long time with its uniqueness.
            The scent of the brand new leather Tefillin straps smelled great although the head Tefillin was a bit large. I was waiting for Pop to come and adjust it. As instructed by my father earlier, the passage that is found in this week’s Parsha, Kadesh lee kol bechor, should be emphasized. Every morning when I say that passage, it reminds me of that morning where the first exploration took place.
             The Tefillin has four compartments in the head box and one in the hand. One reason this is so as offered by the Meiri who quotes King David’s (Tehilim119:10) ‘with all my heart I sought you out’, which is defined with all my five senses. The head is the seat of four senses: sight, hearing, taste, and smell, which correspond to the four departments of the head Tefillin. The arm, however, possesses only one sense – that of touch. Hence, the arm Tefillin has only one compartment.
             The concept of the five senses is also connected to the Shema (we discussed this a few weeks ago). This is the idea of fusing both the physical world and the spiritual world, and to serve G-d as a whole entity. This can even be applied to any meal or physical act. One would be surprised to how many things he could apply it to. If one is sensitive and conscience of this fusing process, he can reach a level of spirituality to the highest degree.

Ask The Jew

In the article written on the parsha titled ”Intellect vs. Emotion”, I began with a joke mentioning Henry Kissinger. I was reminded of the joke because there was an article written about him in the New York Times. It said that Vladimir Putin, the Prime Minister of Russia, would meet with Kissinger, the former Secretary of State in the Nixon administration, to seek out advice on domestic and world affairs. The two men are old friends; Mr. Putin’s press secretary said Putin values the point of view of such a wise man as Kissinger.

On many occasions over the course of history, great leaders and important noblemen have sought advice from Jews. Advice has been given by Rabbi Akiva, Rabbi Yehuda Hanassi (to Mark Anthony, Emperor of Rome), the Lubavitcher Rebbi and even Rav Pinto (currently residing in NYC) to name such a miniscule few.

Jews generally are known to be smart. The medium of entertainment and information, television, which on occasion reflects the unconscious inner thoughts of America, broadcast a conversation of Archie Bunker and his son-in-law Mike Stivic from the #1 popular comedy show of the 1970’s where they were contemplating who to hire for a lawyer. Archie, who played the patriarch bigot and anti-Semite, said if you hire a lawyer, he’s got to be a Jew. They have a greater chance of winning.

We are the chosen people and G-d gave us the gift of intelligence and the opportunity to give advice, but it has to be done carefully with the proper guidance through Torah concepts. The Zohar says the reason we are in the Diaspora is to spread the word of G-d. The responsibility of what to do with that intelligence is on us.

On occasion, Jews have taken the gift of intelligence and placed it in the wrong places. The leaders of the adult entertainment, the producers, and directors are mostly Jews.

The far-reaching influence that we have is amazing. Fredric Nietzsche, the 19th century philosopher, who was an anti-Semite, who orchestrated a modern philosophy of survival of the fittest, said on the topic of Christianity. It’s nothing more than a bad copy of Judaism, where helping the meek and giving charity is rooted from.

Charity and kindness is an innovative Jewish idea based on the Torah. There are many religions that are rooted from Torah concepts, spread by Jews visiting that part of the world at one point or another.

We should be proud of who we are and whom we represent and it’s our duty to be well versed in Torah concepts because the other nations look to us for guidance even though they resent our people. Perhaps taking a sneak peak in our holy books will enable us to make a difference and make this world a better place to live.

Rabbi Avi Matmon
Spark of Jewish Experience

Parshat Shemot

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“A Cup of Coffee 



A Quick Thought”

Steaming Cup of Coffee
Spark Of Jewish Experience

January 12, 2012
17 Teves, 5772

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In This Issue
Parshat Shemot Highlights
Parshat Shemot – Value Each Moment of Life
Modern Workforce, Old Concept
The Morning Rush Hour

Parshat Shemot Highlights
First Portion

* We start the book of Shemot many years later from when we concluded in the book of Bereshit. In fact, at this juncture, all 70 souls that came down to Egypt with our father, Yaacov, have passed on. As long as they were alive, a protected spiritual level was maintained.

* The book begins by reciting the 12 sons of Yaacov, the basis of the structure of our people.

* The Jews were multiplying six-fold. Sources pinpoint they were eating tiny fish and that’s what enabled them to be more fertile. It is suggested today to eat sardines if one has fertility problems.

* A new king arose; some say it was the same king. Regardless, our sages emphasize one cannot trust the non-Jew. All the good and dedication Joseph did for Pharaoh and the Egyptians were disregarded, and the hatred towards our ancestors intensified; a valuable lesson to be learned.

* The Egyptians forced the Jews into slavery with hard labor.

* Pharaoh foresaw in his horoscope that in this time period, a Jew would be born who would rise up and destroy him. He therefore ordered all Jewish newborn males to be put to death.


Second Portion

* Amram, who was from the tribe of Levi, remarried Yocheved, at the advice of their daughter Miriam, and produced a son Moshe. He divorced her because of the decree of Pharaoh of killing Jewish boys. We learn from the sages a lesson; no matter how cruel the world can be, one should not refrain from having children.

* Moshe’s parents hide him in a basket and let it float in the Nile.

* Batya, Pharaoh’s daughter, out of all people, discovers the child and adopts the Jewish baby and gets the help, not knowing of the boy’s biological mother and sister.

* In essence, Pharaoh wanted to kill all Jewish baby boys because he was concerned with the predictions of the horoscope. It’s funny, but the person, the threat to his kingdom, the one who he’s most afraid of, not knowingly, is being raised in his own palace. Who says G-d doesn’t have a sense of humor.

* The act of kindness was evident in Batya, Pharaoh’s daughter, who saved the little Jewish infant. She called him Moshe; it describes the act in which she stretched her arm to grab the basket, which the infant was in.


Third Portion

* Moshe grows up in the palace. One day he kills an Egyptian after witnessing him beat a Jew. The next day, unfortunately, some of his fellows Jews were fighting with each other; they threaten to tell the Egyptian authorities about the killing, after Moshe intervened.

* Moshe flees Egypt after Pharaoh hears what happened and orders to kill him.

* After a number of stops, Moshe ends up in Midyan where he meets and marries Tziporah, the daughter of Yitro who was once Pharaoh’s advisors, but fell out of favor with him.

* Moshe was criticized by G-d for not disclosing to Tziporah’s family that he was a Jew. One should be proud of his Jewish heritage.

* Tziporah gives birth to a son to Moshe, and is named Gershom.


Fourth Portion

* Moshe worked for his father-in-law as a shepherd. One day, a little calf runs away from Moshe’s flock. After trying to catch it, Moshe finds the calf drinking water. He then realizes that the calf was thirsty and was looking for the pond. Rationalizing that the calf was tired after the chase and drinking, he then carried it over his shoulder, back to the herd. G-d said this is the type of leader I want to lead the chosen people.

* G-d appears to Moshe at the burning bush and tells him you will lead my people out of Egypt.


Fifth Portion

* Moshe at first refused to take the position because he thought he was unqualified, but G-d refused to take no for an answer. G-d then proceeded to give him instructions to notify the elders of Israel that they will leave the perils of slavery and go to the Promised Land. You then shall go to Pharaoh and tell him “Let my people go”.

* Moshe was concerned, “Perhaps they might not believe me.” So G-d instructed Moshe to perform three signs to show his legitimacy, one of which was to take his staff and throw it to the ground and it will turn into a snake. This was a sign to show that G-d has the power to take something that has no life and make it into a living being.

* Moshe was concerned that his older brother might get jealous of his authoritative position, but G-d assured him he would be very happy for Moshe.


Sixth Portion

* On the way to Egypt, G-d attempts to kill Moshe for not performing the commandment of brit milah on his son. His wife Tziporah immediately grabs a sharp stone and cuts her baby’s foreskin. We learn a lesson never to delay performing commandments. In general, better do something today than procrastinate for tomorrow.

* Moshe meets his brother Aaron and tells him the plan of action. They both then meet the elders and reveal the miracles G-d had instructed him, and the people believed him.


Seventh Portion

* Pharaoh said, “Who is your G-d that I should listen to him?” after Moshe and Aaron approached him.

* Pharaoh imposes tougher working and living conditions on the Israelites because of the provocation with Moshe and Aaron.

Parshat Shemot – Value Each Moment of Life

            One of the books I quote quite often is Rav Chaim Shmuelevitz, ‘Sichot Mussar’. 25 years ago, I diligently read his schmooze (divrei Torah) from his book every Friday night after the meal, and it made quite an impression. The key to one being better prepared in his endeavors is that one has to apply what he has learned from different sources, whether it is from books, teachers, parents, or everyday life. But sometimes situations in life are not so clear-cut, and it’s hard to apply the lesson. Although I believe I made the right crucial decision based on Rav Chaim’s words of wisdom on this particular divrei Torah towards my father when he was between life and death, it was not so simple.

Rav Chaim asks, “What is the true meaning of life?” We visualize life as joy and pleasure and we talk about the things worth living for. However, in our superficial view, we overlook something important, life itself.

The sages tell us Pharaoh asked three of his top advisers what should be the faith of the Jewish people. Yitro, after warning Pharaoh not to mess with these people, fled, because he sensed a growing displeasure on the king’s face toward his advice; one adviser Bilam, said to kill them and one adviser Iyov kept silent. For their advice, they each got what they deserved; Bilam’s punishment was being killed in battle. Iyov’s punishment was that he received pain and suffering for his silence. Yitro, who fled in protest, was merited that his descendants would sit in the Sanhedrin (Judges among Israel).

Rav Chaim asks, “Why was evil Bilam, who advised to kill them, given a swift and merciful death, while Iyov who was guilty of just being silent, was subjected to pain and suffering?”

Bilam indeed received the more severe punishment. In our view of life, we fail to understand that although Iyov suffered, he continued to live, while this gift of life was taken away from Bilam. This perhaps, is best conveyed in King David’s cry “G-d has caused me to suffer greatly but He has not given me over to death (Tehilim 118:18)”. Life itself is a gift and there is so much to do.

The sages say one is not allowed to walk in a cemetery with his tzitzit (fringes that a Jewish male wears daily) outside. One has to tuck it into his pants. This is because the dead might get jealous that they are unable to perform the daily life commandments that are bestowed on the living.

When my father was hospitalized, they wanted us to sign a DNR (Do Not Resuscitate) form where it states that if he will not be able to breathe on his own, he should not be revived. I refused, remembering the words of Rav Chaim of how precious an extra moment of life can be. I believed there might be a glimmer of hope that he would regain consciousness, even for a short period of time. It would have been incredible if indeed he would have survived and been able to bless us or put on tefillin one last time.

The argument to sign the DNR is also a valid one. The question is always asked, where is the quality of life? What happens if someone ends up on life support for years and many of the brain functions destroyed? What then? Does Rav Chaim’s rule apply?

There are a few big well-respected rabbis in the world who can shoulder the responsibility of a question of this magnitude. They can be of great assistance in those difficult times. It’s not an easy matter. Unfortunately, a number of us flirt with the possibility of being faced with similar situations with our loved ones. I only hope with G-d’s help the reader will be well prepared.

Perhaps we all should take lesson and live life to the utmost capability.

Modern Workforce, Old Concept

Something interesting occurred in this week’s parsha. The mastermind of the Egyptians’ governing body cleverly designed a plan where the Jews would be so overly exhausted and therefore won’t be able to pick up their heads and realize their situation. What was this ingenious brainstorm that kept the Jews at bay? Well, guess what, it’s similar to the modern revised workforce of today’s America.

Pharaoh instructed his enforcers to make the men do traditional women’s tasks and the females doing what the males were accustomed in performing. By the time the end of the day arrived, both genders were psychologically exhausted. The chores of the day threw them off focus, off balance, and made them lose their identity, to the extent they were unable to verbalize their feelings.

The plan of the Egyptian caused Jews to be scarred where they were labeled as unworthy to enter Israel because of their slave mentality. It was only their children who were cleansed in the desert who were allowed to enter the Promised Land.

Obviously, they were unprepared for the role reversal, for if they were, maybe it would be an entire different ball game.

Similarly today, there is a change in the traditional gender jobs. Plus, there is a slow shift where the traditional male breadwinner has also changed. Women, in some homes, now bring home the bacon…ooops I mean the brisket. Men were not made to stay home and women prefer to be at home at least for some of the time.

Both men and women whom have fallen into this predicament must have strong character to find respect in themselves and their spouses. It’s not easy; one should know they are both in good company. One has to have strong self-esteem to withstand any criticism. One of the major factors in saving marriages in these situations is falling into the traditional male, female religious role. Men make kiddush, hamotzi, and learn traditional male scriptures, while women do the same by lighting candles, etc. This will enable the genders to fall back on the things that are most natural.

Making adjustments is an art. It says G-d doesn’t create a problem without the remedy. We have to be aware of the changes in society; one has to lower their pride for the sake of the family and be aware that changes are inevitable.

The Morning Rush Hour

I’ve been writing since 5:15 this morning and in about 5 minutes, at 6:30, my neighbor – like he does every morning – will start and warm up his car for four minutes and head out for Shacharit (morning Prayer). This is then followed by learning of the Daf Yomi (learning a page a day of Talmud). This is my neighbor’s daily morning routine. One can set your clocks to that regiment.

I have no schedule. It all depends on my preparations for my shiurim, lectures, and articles for their deadlines. I could be up till 3:00 in the morning one time and one day get up, like today at 5:15 am. I guess one can say ‘we neighbors have two contrast lifestyles’. Apparently, because of my unpredictable nature, the morning Shacharit services are often figured out as I’m walking out the door. Thank G-d for the many minyanim that are found in Kew Garden Hills and Forest Hills that I often choose from and make the necessary combinations. But unfortunately, sometimes one arrives late to prayer services. What should he do? Should he join the congregation at the place where they are holding, or should he start from the beginning?

The Mechaber (Rav Yosef Caro, author of the Shulchan Aruch) says it depend on his tardiness. He should say a few tefilot quickly in order to catch up to the chazzan. Preferably, baruch she’amar and 1 or 2 of the halelukas (et Hashem min hashamayim, kel bekadsho,) at the bare minimum, followed by vayevarech david and az yashir. It’s important to say yishtabach because that ends off the bracha of baruch she’amar. Yotzer Or should definitely be recited. He stresses the importance to be on in sync with everybody else in the minyan. Later on, one can catch up saying the other prayers.

The Mishna Brurah, who brings many opinions, mentions the Chacham Tzvi who disagrees. He says it’s important to say the entire tefilah in its entirety and in order. The Chacham Tzvi was known to take a more kabalistic approach. The philosophy of his and the Mechaber are quite different.

What’s important to note is that one must consult his or her Rabbi. It’s his decision that should be followed. I recommend, regardless of which opinion one follows, one should grab a large cup of delicious coffee after the morning prayer service.

Rabbi Avi Matmon
Spark of Jewish Experience

Parshat Vayigash

“A Cup of Coffee 



A Quick Thought”

Steaming Cup of Coffee
Spark Of Jewish Experience

December 29, 2011
3 Teves, 5772

Dear Friends,


We have expanded the Parsha Highlights section.


In appreciation to the staff of The Afikim Foundation for all their help, and to for giving us the mic.


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Please print out this newsletter and say over a great D’var Torah at the Friday night Shabbos table.


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In This Issue
Parshat Vayigash Highlights
Parshat Vayigash – The Many Surprises In Life
Why Do We Cover Our Eyes During the Prayer of Shema?
Bits & Pieces

Parshat Vayigash Highlights

First Portion

* The sages marveled at how Yehuda (the leader of the brothers) conducted himself; he was respectful but firm in his confrontation with Yosef, the second in command of all of Egypt (whom they thought was Egyptian but was really their brother).The Medrash Rabah (commentaries) takes it a step further than the written Bible, who has Yehuda giving an eloquent monologue to the defense of not leaving Benyamin behind in Egypt, on how these two leaders confronted each other on the grand stage of the Egyptian palace. It wasn’t two gladiators fighting, but it was two intelligent leaders testing their opponent in a game of who has heart and who can survive.


Second Portion

* In one of the most dramatic passages in all the Torah, at least in my opinion, Yosef wasn’t able to control himself and discloses to his brothers that he was indeed Yosef. He forgave his brothers after seeing how much Yehuda protected their younger brother Benyamin who was not from the same mother.

* The brothers were in shock and embarrassed at selling of Yosef. He comforted them by telling them it was meant to be by G-d. He sent me here first to pave the way for our family to move here because of the famine.


Third Portion

* The brothers left Egypt to go and fetch their family and to inform Yaacov, their father, that Yosef is alive. When Pharaoh heard about Yosef’s brothers, he seemed supportive of hosting them in his country.


Fourth Portion

* Pharaoh made it easy for the transport of Yosef’s family by giving them chariots.

* Sarach, the daughter of Asher, delicately informed her grandfather, Yaacov, that Yosef is alive through her soft song and harp playing. From here we learn to never inform a person abruptly – good news or bad. Always be delicate in your approach.


Fifth Portion

* G-d comes to Yaacov in a dream assuring him not to fear to go down to Egypt. Yaacov expressed concern they might be tempted by the Egyptians and intermarriage will occur. G-d tells him, “I’ll make you into a great nation and not to worry.”

* The genealogy of Yaacov is counted. 70 family members made the pilgrimage down to Egypt.


Sixth Portion

* Yaacov sent Yehuda (the leader) first to make the necessary arrangements for the family. The commentaries convey that Yehuda went down to establish a study hall. We learn from here that wherever a Jew moves to, he should establish a place to learn Torah because it’s the life force of our people.

* Yosef arranged through Pharaoh that his family settle in the land of Goshen, a little bit of a distant from Egyptian populace, and their occupation would be to tend the sheep. This was intentionally arranged because Pharaoh detested shepherds because the Egyptians were paganistic animal worshipers. So Yosef knew they would distance themselves from the Jews and leave them all alone in the far distant place of Goshen.

* Yaacov meets his son Yosef after 22 years of separation. Yosef was very emotional. Yaacov, in the moment of joy, recited ‘SHEMA, YISRAEL, HASHEM IS OUR G-D HASHEM IS ONE.’

* Yaacov meets Pharaoh and gives him a blessing. Pharaoh asks Yaacov, “How old are you?” He answered, “130 years old and they were few and bad”. Yaacov was punished for this response, by having his life cut short. One is not allowed to complain about life, no matter how bitter it may be. One has to find good in any tough situation and appreciate what he has.


Seventh Portion

* The famine was great and people came to Yosef for food. He collected a lot of money through selling food, and when the people exhausted their funds, they exchanged their livestock, their land and then themselves (became slaves to Pharaoh) for food. So basically, Pharaoh (the government) owned the land and all of its inhabitants in Egypt.

* The Jews acquired land in Goshen. They were fruitful and multiplied.

Parshat Vayigash – The Many Surprises In Life

In one of the most dramatic moments in the Bible (in my opinion), Yosef reveals to his brothers that he is their long lost brother. The brothers’ response is one of shock and disbelief. However, it’s mind-boggling; how did the brothers not recognize Yosef? Come on now, these were very intelligent individuals. Did it not dawn on them that perhaps Yosef could be their brother? Especially, when they sought him out in Egypt in the slums and low-end neighborhoods, since they thought he was still a slave; the brothers had a hunch he was there.

Another reason why not recognizing him was far-fetched, is that Egypt was predominantly a black society and Yosef was white. Furthermore, the midrash (commentaries) say that Yosef looked just like his father. So it’s hard to believe how the brothers overlooked these clues.

Apparently, it seems like the brothers were so convinced they were right, that the thought of him in the position of Viceroy of Egypt was incomprehensible. They believed confidently from the get-go, he was wrong and they were correct; their philosophy was the one and only all along. Even if the evidence had stared them right in the face, they wouldn’t have figured it out. The realization that Yosef’s dreams came true and the philosophy that they’ve been following was incorrect, was a shock.

Similarly, we find when Eisav comes to Isaac for the important blessing that was just given to his brother Yaacov, thinking it was Eisav. Isaac smelled the scent of Gan Eden when giving the bracha to Yaacov, even though he didn’t realize it was he; therefore the right brother got the bracha. Apparently when Eisav came and said “Hey Dad, I’m here”, at that moment, Isaac felt a ‘tremble’ coming to the realization just like the brothers did with Yosef that all what he (Isaac) and they (the brothers) believed in for most of their lives was false. It’s as if one has wasted his life, wasted his precious energy betting on the wrong horse.

We have to learn a lesson from the passages that we have to examine our lives and re-evaluate situations, people, and lifestyles. It’ll be wise to find out at an early stage than later when it’s too late.

Why do we cover our eyes during the prayer of Shema?

Why do we have to cover our eyes when we say the Shema?
Brief background: Shema is the famous prayer we say four times a day; twice in the morning, once in the evening, and once at bedtime. We cover our eyes and recite the passage. Why?
We find in this week’s parsha when Yaacov met his beloved son, Yosef, after 22 years, when he thought he was dead, Yosef emotionally embraced him while Yaacov was so grateful to G-d that he recited the Shema. The concept behind Shema is that the whole body has to be emerged in the dedication to G-d. Symbolically, we are expressing it by covering our right hand on our eyes. The hand has five fingers representing our whole body. Instinctively, each finger covers its own territory.
* Thumb – instinctively cleans the mouth area
* Index finger – instinctively cleans the nose
* Middle finger – instinctively scratches the back area
* Ring finger – cleans the eyes
* Pinky, little finger – instinctively cleans the ears
When we say the Shema, it’s usually deep into the prayers where the concentration is intense. So when we do cover our eyes, this thought pattern should be applied.

Bits & Pieces

* A number of weeks ago, we mentioned in one of the articles that if you have a lit candelabra on the table right before Shabbat, after Shabbat has entered, it cannot be moved until after Shabbat is over. This is because we apply the law of muktzah. A reader and friend, Rafi Sharbat from Jerusalem, wrote that there are exceptions. When one puts a challah or anything on the table that will be used on Shabbat, before the Shabbat starts, then it is permissible to move. Rabbi Eliyahu Ben Haim mentions that some people in dire straits take it a step further and are lenient, if the thought is that this table will be used on Shabbat, then it will be permissible to move (Reb Ben Haim holds we don’t go according to this opinion unless it’s really dire strait.)


* Which 4 brachot are recited exactly once every year?
a) Seeing the first blossom in the spring
b) Bedikat chametz (Pesach)
c) Nachem (said on Tisha B’Av)
d) Light candles (Erev Yom Kippur)
* Recently, I received a funny email on how to improve your memory without investing anything on therapy or eating undesirable herbs. The email said: Start with this exercise, bring your Thursday night shopping-for-Shabbat list along to Wasserman’s and challenge yourself to remember 15 words on the list.
Rabbi Avi Matmon
Spark of Jewish Experience

Parshat Mikeitz

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“A Cup of Coffee 



A Quick Thought”

Steaming Cup of Coffee
Spark Of Jewish Experience

December 22, 2011
26 Kislev, 5772

Dear Friends,



We have expanded the Parsha Highlights section.


In appreciation to the staff of The Afikim Foundation for all their help, and to for giving us the mic.


We are now displaying business ads in our newsletter. If you are interested in placing an ad, please email me or call 917-804-7692. It’s completely tax deductible and the proceeds go to teaching people Torah. Be a part of the Mitzvah!


Please print out this newsletter and say over a great D’var Torah at the Friday night Shabbos table.


Please forward to a friend and be a partner in spreading Torah.


Dedicate a newsletter, shuir and a CD in memory of a loved one.


In This Issue
Parshat Mikeitz Highlights
Parshat Mikeitz – Things That Come From the Heart, Penetrate the Heart
The Pleasures of Chanukah
Chanukah Tidbits

Parshat Mikeitz Highlights

First portion
* The Torah seems to emphasize Miketz – at the end (of time in which Yosef was in jail) Yosef was punished by G-d for relying on the butler, who was his cellmate, a little too much that he would, through his connections, hasten his release. It is true, one must do his effort to do whatever he can in any situation, but Yosef should have put more trust in G-d and less on the butler. At the end of last Parsha it says how the butler forgot about him.
* After two years, the butler remembered Yosef and his tremendous ability, especially after Pharaoh was deeply distraught that he could not remember the two important dreams he had.
* Yosef was quickly rushed out of prison shaved and showered, and presented in front of Pharaoh.

Second portion
* Yosef tells Pharaoh it is not I – but G-d – who has given me the ability to interpret dreams; he then proceeds to tell Pharaoh that the two dreams are really one. Seven years of famine will follow seven years of prosperity. Pharaoh recalls his dreams and it is exactly as Yosef described.
Third portion
* Pharaoh was impressed with Yosef to a point where he made him second in command. He was to oversee the storage and preservation of the grains so that it will be sufficient during the time of famine.
* Pharaoh was impressed with Yosef’s belief in G-d.
* Pharaoh gave Osnat, the daughter of Potifar (the one who accused Yosef of assaulting his wife), to Yosef. Osnat, according to many sources was adopted. Her biological mother was Dina, the sister of Yosef, who bore a child to the man (Shechem) who raped her.
* Yosef was successful in his task as viceroy of Egypt.
* He and Osnat had two children, Menashe and Efraim.
* Yosef typifies a Jew in a strange land. He was uncomfortable and felt different but he managed to achieve great heights by always putting his faith in G-d.
Fourth portion
* The famine begins and people flock to Yosef and Egypt where they are well-prepared for the crises.
* Yaacov instructs his sons to go down to Egypt to buy food because the famine was unbearable.
* The brothers entered Egypt in ten separate gates. One of the reasons was to find Yosef. A second reason is that all ten brothers together seemed very impressive so there was a concern for the evil eye; a concern in many Jewish families, where it’s important to keep a low profile. A common belief is that jealousy can bring a bad omen to the home of the object of desire.
* Joseph recognized his brothers but they did not recognize him.
* He acted cold and harsh; Yosef did not reveal to them that he was their brother.
* Yosef accused them of spying and put them in jail for three days.
Fifth portion
* After three days, he said if your story is valid then you shall go and bring your youngest brother whom you claim exists. But I will keep one brother here in prison to make sure you return. Shimon was the brother that was chosen to stay in prison (pit) until they returned. Shimon was picked because he was the one who shoved him into the pit and also to separate him from Levi. The two together are a tremendous force.
* The brothers feel their bad omen in which they’re experiencing in Egypt is the result of what they did to Yosef.
* Yaacov was informed all what had happened in Egypt. Initially, he refused to send Benyamin, the youngest brother and the remaining son from his favorite wife Rachel, but Yehuda guarantees his safe return. ‘If he doesn’t return, I will forfeit my life after death (world to come)’ he said.
Sixth portion
* Yosef had seen from afar that they had brought Benyamin. He then released Shimon and invited all the brothers to join him for lunch.
* For the first time in many years, Yosef sees his little brother Benyamin who is from the same father and mother as he.
* Another startling incident that Yosef has demonstrated to his brothers since they arrived, was that he sat them in order of their birth at the luncheon dais and they said, ‘Now how did he know that? ‘Yosef conveyed to them that he has magical powers.
* It is indeed strange that they were not able to figure it out that it was Yosef standing in front of them.
Seventh portion
* Yosef feels that he has become emotional so he excuses himself from the room of the luncheon. Apparently he realizes an attitude change and a more bonded relationship toward each other including towards his brother.
* Before they leave, Yosef instructs secretly to put his precious goblet in Benyamin’s sack.
* Soon after leaving, they are stopped by Yosef’s men who search them for the missing goblet. They find it in Benyamin’s sack and are ordered back to Egypt.

Parshat Mikeitz – Things That Come From the Heart, Penetrate the Heart

            Yosef put Shimon (one of his brothers) in prison (the pit) in front of their eyes and told them to go back home and get your youngest brother (Benyamin). The reason Yosef singled out Shimon is because he was the one who initially pushed him into the pit. A second reason was that he wanted to separate Shimon and Levi because together, they were very difficult to contain. The sages bring down that Shimon had suspected the brothers in their heart of wanting to imprison him for how he aggressively put Yosef in the pit. He thought the unanimous opinion among the brothers was that the Viceroy of Pharaoh (who was really their brother Yosef) was justified in putting him in jail. The brothers countered back, “We would not do such a thing. He is forcing our hand to go without you; what do you want us to do, let are families starve?” Clearly, it was Yosef’s idea to put Shimon in the pit.

After hearing the brothers’ response, he realized they were sincere in their response and they did not think that way because things that come from the heart go to the heart. Shimon believed his brothers.

We learn something interesting about human nature; a person is able, with his sensitivities, to differentiate between words that are sincere or not.

When Yosef finally disclosed to the brothers that he is their brother, he was struck with tremendous emotions. The reason why, is because he realized that Yehuda was sincere in sticking up for their youngest brother, Benyamin, a brother from a different mother (Rachel). Although one might say Yehuda had a lot to lose because he promised his father he would be responsible for him and if anything horrible would happen, he stands to lose his after-life. Or perhaps, they would cause their father even more anguish if Benyamin was not returned. However, Yosef sensed the sincerity in Yehuda’s voice.

A person has the power to hear, determine and recognize what the heart is saying, even though the words are saying something else.

We also find the prophet, Zacharia ben Yehoyada, who stood up and rebuked the congregation by telling them “Why are you sinning against G-d? You will not succeed”. He was stoned shortly thereafter by the crowd. The sages said that Zacharia provoked his own death. He thought he was ‘holier then thou’ by being a prophet, kohen, and the son-in-law of the king. He felt he was above them and they sensed it, although he didn’t say anything to anger them. But they read his heart and felt him looking down at them.

Divrei Torah from Rav Henoch Leibowitz, ztz”l

The Pleasures of Chanukah

There’s an interesting story told by Rabbi Isaac Olbaum at one of his lectures about Rav Levi Bardichiva that teaches an important lesson about the pleasures of Chanukah in which we’re in the midst of celebrating:

Rav Levi Bardichiva once walked into a room where his friends convened. He found it quite odd that they stopped their conversation so abruptly as if they were hiding something from him. After he pressed the issue, they confessed that they were embarrassed at the topic of conversation and felt he would think they were wasting valuable time that could be spent learning Torah. The friend mentioned how they marveled and were so impressed with the exquisite mansion of Count Potosky.

Count Potosky was a very rich man who had a son who was executed by the non-Jews because he converted to Judaism. The gentiles gave Potosky’s son an ultimatum: either convert back or be executed. He said ‘I’m staying a Jew’. Soon after, young Potovsky was hung and then burned, and many years later, a tree grew from his ashes. Till this day, people would point to that tree and tell you the story of Potosky.

Apparently, the friends of Rav Levi were admiring how rich he was and how he would indulge in all kind of pleasures. Rav Levi responded, ‘Did Potosky light the candles of Chanukah?’ Obviously he didn’t; but if he did, Rav Levi seems to imply, that would be the most pleasurable moment he would have experienced.

What is so special about lighting Chanukah candles?

The Rambam (Maimonides) who, besides being an authority on medicine, was a tremendous halachic figure (expert on Jewish law), is quoted as saying, ‘The sages enacted these eight days as eight days of happiness and praise (Hallel). What constitutes happiness? Happiness is interpreted as having meat and wine. Apparently, this is what gives pleasure to the body and soul. Every time there is a reference to ‘happy’, a meal is required. After a delicious meal then he’s able to sing praise (Hallel).

However, we know a meal is not required on Chanukah. Do you mean to tell me that lighting the candles is a substitute pleasure for the meal? How so?

Chanukah is often compared to the holiday of Purim; but why is a meal required for that holiday and not this one?

In the story of Chanukah, the Greeks didn’t want to kill us; they wanted to embrace us. Their goal was to destroy us spiritually (no Shabbat, no brit milah, etc). Purim, the wicked Haman wanted to destroy us physically. Therefore, we counter back by using our physicality and getting a pleasurable experience with a lavish meal. We use the physicality as a gratitude to G-d. On Chanukah, though, we use the spirituality as gratitude.

‘Everything is from the heavens except fearing G-d’. Although one has to make an effort, for the most part, we have a hard time controlling our lives whether it is making money, marriage, kids, and death. Many aspects of life are determined by the heavens with the exception of spirituality, which is determined by you. It’s our choice whether to keep Shabbat, keep kosher, and be nice to people. It’s in our hands, we’re in control.

So what are the pleasures of Chanukah? We’ll get a better picture from a little glimpse of history. Achav was the wicked king of Israel (kingdom was split Israel and Judea). The Gemarah says he has no share in the world to come. At the time, Aram, the neighboring country who was superior in might, was at a state of war with the Israelites. Aram sent a team to Achav with their demands of surrender. These demands included the Israelites to give up their possessions, wives, and children. Achav was listening and agreeing to the surrender demands. Then they said ‘give up your object of desire, your Sefer Torah.’ ‘Absolutely not!!’ he said, ‘we’ll go to war with you first!!’ he answered back. The Israelites went to war with Aram and won.

Achav, whose reputation as a rasha is unprecedented, violated everything in the book. Why all of a sudden did he say no? What does he care about a Sefer Torah? We see how a Jew can be so complex in his behavior. Every Jew has a certain Jewish pride, a deep down caring about his religion, about his people. When push comes to shove, a secular Jew will bang on the table and declare ‘I’ll show you what it means to be Jewish’. Perhaps this is the reason we are required to light the menorah by the window so that the whole world can see what miracles G-d did for his chosen people. We show the world, but for the most part, it is for us to feel good about ourselves. We light the menorah with pride like the Maccabees lit after they miraculously defeated the mighty Greek army. The pride in doing so should bring out a tremendous pleasure.

Chanukah Tidbits

* In the first bracha (blessing) of the candlelighting ceremony, there are thirteen tevot (punctuations) which coincide with the thirteen attributes of mercy. (They are very important; G-d practically guarantees that if one says the 13 attributes at proper times of the year he will be forgiven. During the high holidays, it is emphasized greatly.)  The second bracha also has thirteen tevot as well, and represents the same. Both brachot together equal 26 which is the name of G-d that represents mercy.
* The longest bircat hamazon of the year is said on Shabbat Chanukah. It has both al hanisim (the prayer said for Chanukah, and R’tzei, the prayer said on Shabbat) and if by chance Rosh Chodesh falls out on Shabbat, that’s’ a marathon.
* What happens if one is on a business trip? Does he light where he is? The answer is no; his wife lights at home for the husband. However, one is required to see the Chanukah candles lit. So if he’s in a Jewish town and he’s able to see other menorahs lit, then he has fulfilled the requirement. If he’s in a city where there are no Jews, then he must light himself. The mitzvah is also to see the candles burning on the menorah.
Rabbi Avi Matmon
Spark of Jewish Experience