Japanese Study on Water

An interesting study was brought to my attention by my wife about the effects one has on water. Apparently, a study was taken by a Japanese scientist, Dr. Emoto, who discovered that thoughts and feelings affect physical reality. By producing focused intentions through written and spoken words and music and literally presenting it to the same water samples, the water appears to change its expression.

He took three samples of water. The first he expressed negative thoughts and words; the second he expressed nothing and the last he expressed loving words. The test result showed the water astonishingly mimicked the expression. What would be the results if a person drinks these waters? Would he be affected by the different expressions that the water has inherited?

The sages have instilled in our daily lives the ability to make brachot (blessings) on food and drinks. These brachot consists of G-d’s name, who is the Creator, not only of us, but of these foods. When we recite these blessings in front of the particular food or beverage, the item gets inspired and it absorbs positive energy of the blessing. We then consume the blessed positive energy food.

Many years ago, there was a plague during King David’s time. In order to stop the plague, David instituted that the people should say 100 brachot a day. Perhaps the positive energy of the 100 brachot, some of which were from food consumption, may have had an effect. G-d’s name is powerful and if said in the right context, could produce very positive energy.

Parshat Ki Tetzei

First Portion
* In war-times, on the battlefield, tasting the forbidden fruit is even harder to resist than usual. This is perhaps the reason the Torah concedes and permits the unthinkable, marrying a gentile woman! (As long as certain conditions are met). Why is a soldier at the front different than the ordinary Joe? One may add, as we discussed earlier, war manifests the cruel nature in man. Dr. Goldman, psychologist at the Yeshiva Chofetz Chaim, says part of their mental training is to enable themselves to think “I’m dead to ones’ feelings”, robotically. Did one ever hear of the expression often said to a soldier “to suck it up”? He has to be man enough to take the severe pounding – to be numb to human feelings; he has to have that killer instinct. As a result from this training, therefore, a soldier loses sensitivity to people. He’ll get whatever he needs from the enemy, then he will neutralize them.  Another aspect why a soldier is singled out is the strong emotions of not knowing one’s fate at any given moment which prepares the soldier to act in the most intense way. This result of fear and hate are both common in the battle field and both could be taken to a unprecedented staggering extreme level. The Torah teaches us that most likely a soldier is not in control of his emotional state.  We see too often that exchanging one’s civilian clothes for an army uniform, frees a man from customary social restraints and permits laxity of morals. Therefore, the Torah hopes that once the gentile woman is permitted, the soldier’s passion will subside since the evil inclination loses strength as soon as the attraction is no longer forbidden. Also the fact, that he’s back home and the Torah takes steps to make her unattractive, both physically, in ancient times the gentiles would send their daughters to the battlefields beautifully dressed and made up, hoping to distract the enemy, and emotionally, the adjustment of separation from her family, would cool him off. It’s a lesson to us all about the forbidden fruits and the power of lust. The minute it is permitted, it loses its luster.
* Although the Torah hints earlier of a b’chor getting a double portion. Here, its emphasized and sets the tone of the first born inheritance.
Second Portion
* Here is the source that a man may not wear woman’s clothing and woman may not wear men’s clothing. There should be a clear distinction between the genders. Our sages ordained that a man may not pluck out white hairs, wear feminine jewelry, or shave off hair ordinarily removed by women. The Torah wishes to respect and uphold the distinction G-d made between the sexes.

Third Portion
* If a man has a child from an illicit affair with a married woman, that child is called a mamzer. Mamzer is from “mum zar” a strange defect. It’s a marriage that is strange among the Jewish people. This strange defect is derived from a man and a woman whose marriage can never be valid. An example is a brother and sister or other form of incest or what we mentioned above, a married woman who bore another man’s child. Contrary to popular misconception, a mamzer is not someone born out of wedlock. A mamzer can never marry into the Jewish race. They can only marry another mamzer. It’s vital that if a man and wife separate and no longer intend to live with each other and are pursuing another relationship, to get a “get” (Jewish divorce decree).

Fourth Portion
* One may not take interest from a fellow Jew.

Fifth Portion
* Its understood if a kohen divorces his wife, he cannot remarry her. The reason is he cannot marry a divorcee. But why does the Torah forbid a non-kohen from re-marrying his ex if she had married someone else after him?  The Torah takes modesty laws seriously. This prohibition precludes the possibility of prearrange exchange of wives under the mask of legality. Man’s nature is such where he wants to try someone else; the neighbor’s grass is greener. Our Sages, therefore, stress minimal contact among couples. One can have an amazing time going out with his wife but that’s where it should end. If one thinks he can hold himself back and boast I was raised in a co-ed society and I never had any thoughts of others.” Well, are you sure about that? Till this very day, some people fast after the concluding holidays of Pesach and Succot because of bad thoughts. In ancient times, there would be large crowds gathering at the Bet Hamikdash (Temple) where men and women would see each other, even if it was separate. Today as well, if one goes to an innocent Jewish concert, Baruch Hashem bli ein-hara, many of us know how to groom and take care of ourselves sometimes a bit too excessively. Well, people have thoughts.

Sixth portion
* If a man is newlywed, he cannot go to the army; he shall stay home for one year and gladden his wife. In order for one to be happy to the fullest, he has to make others happy. The first year of marriage is quite crucial in developing a bond between man and wife.

Seventh Portion
* Interesting, relatives are not responsible for their relatives’ sins. I guess I’m Jewish, I’m going to leave off with a unanswered question. King David was forced to take the offspring of Shaul, the previous king, who was killed in battle, and deliver them to the enemy in retribution for Shaul killing their people. Why did Shaul’s offspring get punished for the sins of their grandfather?

The Rebellious Streak In All of Us

This article is based on the writings of Rav Chaim Shmuelevitz, and Rav Eliyahu Dessler. Addition help and insights were provided by Rabbis Jay Shapiro, Baruch Dopelt, Yossi Bilus, Uri Sklaar, and Dr. Robert Goldman.

       The Hollywood movie formula is pretty much the same. So many people have seen this scenario at one point or another, whether on flat screen, the computer, or even on their iphones: Two people are having an adulterous affair when the husband walks into the house. The adulterer jumps off the couch and hides behind the curtain. The audience wonders if he’s going to get caught as the wife tries to divert his attention from where the other man is hiding.
The husband is hungry, having not eaten after a long day at work, decides to nibble on the berries that he finds by the window sill. The adulterer see’s this and jumps out from where he was hiding, grabbing the berries from the husbands hand.
Apparently the berries were poisonous
Why did the adulterer save him?
Did he feel guilty and even feel a little remorse?
Perhaps he now feels, hey! I saved your life so as compensation your wife is mine.
Or perhaps there’s a different reason…
This scenario is not a Hollywood contraption; it’s actually a Gemara found at the end of tractate Nedarim.
The Gemara seems to indicate that the adulterer is not really an adulterer; after all why would he save him?
Isn’t it the best interest of the adulterer to have the husband dead?
“Perhaps not” Rava says and introduces us to a very interesting concept found all through our holy books.
MAYIM G’NIVIM NIMTAKU- stolen waters are sweet
Rava teaches us that the adulterer wants to keep the husband alive so that the affair with his wife would be exciting. Otherwise it wouldn’t be pleasurable.
Rav Chaim Shmuelevitz takes a similar story one step further stating that there are people would testify in court that the husband is alive even though he’s really dead. They want to create a pseudo adulterous environment as they make advances on  the wife
Rav Chaim was puzzled about this; “the person testifying knows he’s dead! How can he say he’s alive and derive pleasure?
He wants to create an imaginary married woman because ‘stolen waters are sweeter’.

One can find the story quite bazaar, to say the least, one would think, hey, there are many desperados out there. Or perhaps one might think the dude’s who think like that are sicko’s.

It’s a mind boggling thought that one can go to such an extreme!!

The Talmud hints this idea again in a difficult Gemara found in Sanhedrin (75). It’s funny, though, many in our day and age have had  infatuations over girls, however the Talmud seems to indicate that on rare occasions an  innocent crush could lead to devastating  results:
Again I paraphrase:
Someone has eyes on a woman and desires her and it seems like it’s having a serious psychological impact on his health. He becomes terribly sick as result of his infatuation to a point where death is imminent.
How can we save him?
Can we allow him to have relations with her?
Can we allow the woman to undress before him so he can be satisfied and then cured?
The answer is no.
Can we allow him to speak to her behind a partitioner perhaps he would be satiated and be cured?
The answer is no.
Because of modesty laws we cannot degrade our Jewish girls.
So the Gemara asks a question.
Why doesn’t he simply just marry her? …..That will cure him!
The Gemara answers “It wouldn’t help, he would not receive the high caliber pleasure needed to quench his desire and recuperate from the psychological damage because, as his wife, she is permitted to him. Once she is permitted the pleasure is not as strong.
Better he die then to sin.

Why is the Talmud in various places insinuating that a married woman or someone who is not permissible is more desirable then one who is single?
What allure does a married woman have?
Perhaps this next story in the prophets will shed some light.

King Shlomo the smartest man that ever lived…..

       King Solomon was the smartest man who ever lived. When his father, King David, was on his deathbed, he instructed his son, Shlomo, to use his own discretion (to kill) in dealing with Shimi ben Gera, who cursed the King (David) many years before. The verbal offensive remark by Shimi against the king is punishable by death, but for reasons undisclosed at that time, David did not act.  After the death of his father, King Solomon summoned Shimi ben Gera and instructed him not to leave the boundaries of Jerusalem or he will be killed. ‘Build a house, learn Torah within the walls of the city; live your life till old age in Jerusalem. But don’t step outside the city or else’. Pretty easy, huh?  We learn that it was extremely difficult for Shimi to stay in the confines of Jerusalem and to keep the arrangement, which Shlomo mapped out. Eventually he crossed the line and the King ordered his execution
 Rav Chaim Shmuelevitz asks, ‘I don’t understand, why Shimi ben Gera couldn’t keep this simple arrangement? He was a very intelligent G-d fearing man. Plus, I know families that haven’t left Jerusalem for seven generations”. Many of us have relatives who have not left Israel and have no desire to leave anytime soon. It’s mind boggling how he wasn’t able to keep such a simple command’.

Apparently, man was born with an instinct to rebel, to break barriers and even a desire for imaginary barriers. Dr. Robert Goldman, psychologist for Chofetz Chaim Yeshiva, quotes Rav Volve, ‘Man’s nature strives for independence. He has an attitude ‘just to prove I don’t have to listen to you’ and they constantly create a situation to rebel. Ever wonder why some people violate Shabbat even though it’s clear in the Torah of the grave consequences; subconsciously they say ‘let’s see if I can get away with it’.
Dr. Goldman read a survey where bosses that married their secretaries, after a number of years, most relationships broke off. He mentions very often interest is lost in many of the cases. The relation, being now permissible, took all the fun out. He says it’s “the same when a couple move in together out of wedlock only to break up after they tie the knot. Why? On a sub-conscience level they’re rebelling against society, rebelling against the norm of getting married feels good.
In this week’s parsha, Ki Teitzei, we learn if a man goes to war and captures a woman from the enemy and desires her, and the Jewish soldier wants to take her home with him (prized stolen waters), the Torah permits him to do so but puts provisions; she has to shave her head, grow her nails long, and not see her parents for a period of time. Apparently, the Torah knows man will not be able to withstand the desire. Therefore, the Torah with it’s wisdom, tries to defuse ‘the forbidden fruits’ by making it legal, but with a few minor conditions. Apparently, the Torah believes that when the pressure subsides and the soldier doesn’t feel the rebellious streak, the desire for her will go away.

       Television was a big influence on our generation in America. Even more so were the commercials where so many of us fell to our knees and swallowed the Kool-Aid.

A friend mentioned how he once, at age fourteen, went, incognito, to the fast food non kosher hamburger restaurant, famous for its very appetizing commercials. Years ago fast food restaurants advertised very heavily and successfully. My friend bought a burger and quickly snuck in a very empty movie theater so no one can see him and ate it. I remember back then, him telling me how incredible it was.
However I asked him later in life how was that hamburger?
Do you recall the incident with the hamburger? I asked.
He said it was nothing special. It was just the fact that he wasn’t allowed to eat it, that made him feel the excitement.

The feeling of rebelliousness gives a person a sense of satisfaction.
         How many readers out there feel that their class was the worst behaved class ever? ‘What we did to that school, boy, were they glad to get rid of us. You know we left a mark’. It’s nice to feel your class was the worst in the history of the world, isn’t it?
There is a famous question……
       Which is harder….a person not commanded to do a mitzvah and does it anyway or a person who is commanded to do a mitzvah and does it? The answer is simple; a person who is commanded has the greater challenge since he now has the extra struggle of holding back from rebelling.
So after all this it seems we have build in us the tendency to rebel. Yet we were brought up believing that every Jewish soul is pure. Deep down inside all we want to do is good. This is in contrast to the rebellious streak in all of us…So which is it?
There seems to be a contradicting message. Rebellious streak or pure soul?
The Mystics say there is an extreme importance in saying the first blessing mentioning Avraham, Yitzchak and Yaakov in the Amida, which is considered the most important passage in prayer we have.
Man lost his purity as the result of the sin of eating from the tree. Through their experiences our three fathers Avraham, Yitzchak, and Yaakov brought back a degree of that pure soul.  They instilled it into our spiritual DNA.
Throughout our lives we are in constant battle between the rebellious nature and the pure soul.
King Solomon knew human nature the minute you put barriers on someone or tell him not to do something, the task becomes harder, even to a man as great as Shimi.
Shimi was not able to dig in deep and connect to the pure soul of our forefathers thereby succumbing to a rebellious streak
 David didn’t kill Shimi because he foresaw from divine knowledge that in the future he will produce children and from them the great Mordechai will come out. He therefore commanded Shlomo his son to implement the plan that would lead to his demise. This occurred after he gave birth to the future Tzadik Mordechai.

Around the Shabbat Table – Parshat Bereishit

By Rabbi Gedalia Fogel



Hi! This is Rebbe speaking:

We have just experienced the most holy and important days of the year. We had a chance to repent, ask for forgiveness and pray for a year of health and prosperity. But we must remember to hold on to all this throughout the year. Each and every day we must try to keep the commitments that we have undertaken and we must not despair when we fail for we can and should try again. All the blessings will stay with us if we believe that Hashem has forgiven us and we are starting with a clean slate.

Many people go to a Rabbi for a blessing. It seems that some of those blessings do not bear fruit. But a great Rabbi once said, “All those blessings are legitimate and have the power to come true, but some lose them on their way out, at the door, others the next day and some a week later. We must really believe that Hashem will and can perform those blessings, in order for them to be fulfilled. If those who received the blessings would truly believe, then their blessing would be fulfilled.

This week’s parsha, Parshat Bereishit, speaks about the wondrous creation. Hashem created the world in six days and on the seventh day, Shabbat, he rested. So too, we work all week, but on Shabbat we rest.

In the time of the Rambam, Reb Moshe ben Maimon, (Maimonides) there were a group of people that did not believe that there was a creator. They assumed that the world just happened by chance. The holy Rambam wanted to teach these people a lesson. He hired a professional artist. He had him paint a room. Then he invited these people to come see this artwork, but he did not tell them about the artist.

They entered the room and glanced at the wall they were facing and were amazed. It looked like a forest with all sorts of wild animals. It looked so real they reached for their bow and arrow to shoot at the animals. They then noticed the wall to their right, a glorious scene of water with all wondrous fish and underwater plants. It was breathtaking. They took a look at the ceiling and could not believe that they were indoors. It depicted a clear blue sky with fluffy white clouds scattered throughout. Beautiful birds of all sizes and a large eagle were there too. Wow!

Who created all these beautiful paintings? It was then that they noticed a small table in the center of the room. On it was a paper, an inkwell, a feather, brush, and paints. The paper had a beautiful scene of glorious mountains, some with water running down its sides. Truly astounding! They looked around for the Rambam to ask him who the master of these magnificent paintings was. But the Rambam had stepped out of the room and allowed them to ponder this thought for a while.

The third wall was a scene of a stunning garden, plush green grass with flowers of every color adorning it. They even bent down to smell the scent of the flowers since they looked so real. The final wall was a field of wheat and an orchard with flourishing tall fruit trees.

Who created all this? At that moment the Rambam returned. “Who painted this room, created a truly magnificent, real setting? The Rambam responded, “Don’t you see the feather, ink, brush and paints? Why, they created these scenes by themselves. It just happened by chance.” “Of course that can’t happen.” They retorted. “There must be someone that used these tools to paint this room.”

“You’re right. There was an artist that made these paintings, which only look real but in essence it is not. But come on men, if this room could not manifest itself do you really believe that a world so intricate with so many wondrous creations can be created by itself?!” The point was clear and each man left the room a believer.

The word בראשית is written with a big ב. The dot in the ב is like the letter י. This is to show that the entire world was created for כלל ישראל, for the Jews. It is our job to use what Hashem has created to do His will.


What have we learned today?


What are some ways that we can keep the spirit of the days of Tishrei, from Rosh Hashana through Simchat Torah, with us throughout the year?

We can try to think of one thing that uplifted us throughout these days. Was it the time that you heard the Shofar that you were inspired? Was it the dancing with the Torah? Was it when you shook your lulav and etrog? Or was it when you stood and prayed on Yom Kippur? If you pinpoint the time that you felt uplifted, you can reminisce this feeling throughout the year as a reminder of repentance and belief that Hashem forgives and we can change.


How can we strengthen our Emunah, belief in Hashem?

If we just look around us and notice all the things that Hashem has created we will strengthen our belief. When you go to the zoo, look at all the amazing animals and you will be reminded that Hashem is the creator. On a bright clear day, glance up at the glorious blue sky and remember that Hashem created this outstanding world. When taking a walk take notice of how many different shades and shapes of leaves there are and how many different types of flowers.

Keep your eyes open and you will surely notice that there is a masterful creator that created this amazing world.


Why is Man Called Adam?


The most popular reason why man is called Adam is because man comes from the “adama” – the ground. However, there are other various names that Adam is called by; some are Ish, Enosh and Gevar. Why is it that “Adam” was the name chosen to represent man? We just finished a month long of holidays and the one underlying theme throughout the month – or I should say two months – is teshuva – repentance. During this period, we pound our hearts and we recite the thirteen attributes of G-d. As we said in our High Holidays issue, G-d guarantees us that if nothing else works, that if no other method of prayer is accepted, the thirteen attributes will go through. What is it about this particular prayer that has that kind of ability? The philosophy behind the recitation is we have to strive to be like G-d, and by reciting His attributes, we affirm our commitment to work on ourselves to have just the right measurement of kindness, mercifulness, temperament, etc. This is the reason why “Adam”, represents man the best. We learn in the prophets “Adameh Le Elyon”, which means we shall be similar to G-d. This is man’s mission in life. So our goal is to be like G-d, Adameh.

Sweat of Your Brow




After Adam sinned, G-d gave him a choice of punishments, a smorgasbord; pick you poison. Either, “From the sweat of your brow, you will make a living”. In other words, it’s going to be difficult. Dealing with moody bosses, long commutes, compact sandwiches for lunch, ridiculed by the wife for not bringing enough money on the table, are just a few highlights of this punishment. The second choice is to eat grass with the animals. Although man has no problem making a living, the humiliation and disgrace of eating the same food next to the animal is a punishment. As some of us are aware, man picked “sweat of your brow.”

The Gemarah asks why did Adam pick ‘sweat of your brow”?  Wouldn’t it be more practical to pick the other? After all, what is the most cherished commandment G-d gave?  G-d wants us to learn His Torah. Time is always a challenge. If we didn’t have the burden of making a living, then we would spend more time learning G-d’s Torah. So why did Adam pick “sweat of your brow”?  Rav Henoch Leibowitz z’l teaches us that the humiliation of squatting down next to the animal will make it very difficult to learn. Man needs to be proud; his self-esteem has to be high in order to comprehend. Similarly, man has to be in a happy state to learn G-d’s Torah. Although “sweat of your brow” is difficult, even a minuscule amount earned will give man the confidence to learn Torah.

One should know, it’s very important to set aside time to learn. Without the learning of G-d’s Torah, even for a bit, makes a person lose its luster and confidence in oneself. Making a living is nourishment for the physical; learning Torah is nourishment for the spiritual. When G-d created man, the scripture says VA’YIETZAR – and He created – which is spelled with two yuds as opposed to one yud pertaining to creating the animals. The two yuds represent the physical and the spiritual. This is what sustains man and makes him complete.

What’s the Purpose of Stars


When G-d revealed Himself to our forefather Avraham, after Avraham committed to a life of serving G-d, He fondly promised him that his offspring will be many like the stars in the sky. Poetically, that’s nice and romantic; however, why did G-d pick on the stars? One of the holidays in which we had the pleasure to enjoy the last couple of weeks was Succot, where we eat and some of us actually sleep in these little huts. It’s not so easy to build these huts. As a matter of fact, there are a lot of intrinsic and detailed laws on how to build a Sukkah. One of which is when one puts on the schach – the bamboo roof, he should be careful to leave enough space to see the stars. One may ask why? Why do we have to see the stars through the schach? Succot is a fitting holiday following Yom Kippur. Yom Kippur is very scary, we’re not sure who will live and who will die. Life is very short and one is not sure what will be tomorrow. During Succot, one lives in temporary quarters. Such is life – temporary. It’s a lesson to drive home – never be too sure and comfortable in life. Nothing is yours for long. Therefore, one should be more giving to his fellow man. The sun and the moon were the same size. However, the moon wanted to have the upper hand and slyly suggested to G-d, why have two huge lights? Make one smaller. So G-d said “You know, you’re right! I’ll make you smaller”. The moon realized his ambitious desires at the expense of others, and kept quiet, accepting G-d’s punishment. G-d then created the stars around the moon, to appease the moon; their task is to illuminate the sky and to make the moon not feel lonely and the burden of the punishment. Similarly, the Jews are here to appease each other because life is too short; its temporary. So one has to make the best of life. Succot represents unity. Living in Kew Garden Hills where the houses are attached and the backyards are very close to each other, during Succot one feels a sense of unity when everybody is out back in their sukkah, singing and eating. After a while though, everyone invites the others for a bite here and a dessert or a l’chaim there. G-d is blessing Avraham that his offspring will appease each other and together they’ll grow and be G-d’s number one representatives.

Parshat Bereishit

First Portion

* A very important lesson we learn from the beginning part of this Parsha is the unique task, in which, each part of creation is responsible for. The world is like a symphony where every individual, every creation has their and only their song, sound, expertise to add. Perhaps this is the reason G-d is also consoled, besides the immediate family, when someone passes away. When one says the kaddish, “nechemata”-  “console” is referring to G-D. He just lost an individual sound which was part of the ensemble cast which cannot be replaced. If man can only realize that his contribution in this world matters, then he would pay more attention and sensitivity to what his gifts are and how he can allocate it to the best of his ability.


* Why did G-d start the Torah with the letter BET, the second letter of the alphabet? It should have started with ALEF, the first letter. After all, if we are describing the creation of the world, it’s only fitting to begin with the first letter. We put a tremendous importance on the letters; they are the building blocks of the world. In actuality, the sequence of events are indeed in order, the ten commandments which represents the Torah starts out with an ALEF. The Torah is the blueprint of the world; it came first. Therefore, it received the first letter while the creation followed.

* Interesting to note, it says in the first portion G-d created light – “OR”. However, in the fourth portion, the scripture informs us that G-d created two big lights, the sun and the moon. So what light, OR, is the Torah referring to? The sun or the moon? Neither. It’s a special highly spiritual light in which G-d took away and hid. Ever wonder why we read the Torah on a KLAF – parchment – skin of an animal. Skin is also called OR. Here, OR – skin – starts with the letter AYIN. We are in essence transforming the OR – animal skin which is the vehicle where the Torah is read, to OR – light, the hidden light. Apparently, the Torah is the hidden light. It is said in the commentaries with the hidden light one can see clear from one end of the world to the other. The wisdom of Torah, one opens up the mind and can envision concepts of the creation. This can only be accomplished through the OR – light of the Torah.

* G-d created five groups of angels: the Airalim, Malachim, Ofanim, Serafim, and Chashmalim.

* “It was evening, it was morning…” Here we find the source that according to Judaism the day starts at night.

* If one notices, at the end of the second day, G-d does not write KEE-TOV – it was good. The reason is that He made division between the waters. Every time there is division – MACHLOKET – strife, it cannot be good.


Second Portion

* There was a stream coming out from Gan Eden and flowing throughout the world. This is the reason the Torah puts such an importance to Mikvah. After a woman immerses herself in the purified water, she has the connection with Gan Eden and therefore more susceptible for child bearing. Also, it’s important to drink water from the sink on Motzei Shabbat after the Shabbat is over because that’s when G-d kicked out or escorted out Adam and Chava out of Gan Eden. So one should get a final last taste of SHABBAT-GAN EDEN to power himself for the week.


Third Portion

* G-d created woman, man’s helper. The scripture states “ezer kenegdo”– a helper opposite him. Why does it have to say “kenegdo” – opposite him? The reason is, she, the wife, should not be a ‘yes lady’, an obedient Stepford wife type. Man doesn’t need that; he needs someone with an opinion; he needs someone with backbone, although this doesn’t give the wife the license to be disrespectful. Respect is a very key ingredient to maintain marriage. A wife’s opinion is vital in man’s growth.

* The snake waited till Adam was asleep before going through with his plan to seduce Chava.

* The prohibition of touching the tree was not G-d’s instructions. It was construed by Adam to safeguard eating from it. Adam was so pleased with his idea that he neglected to mention to Chava this crucial footnote. This is the opportunity Evil was seeking, a slight shade of egoism displayed by Adam.

* After the sin, Adam and Chava were ashamed of their nakedness and sought out giant leaves to cover themselves. A high ranking officer committed treason. Although, the King should have killed him, since he liked him he decided to spare his life with one condition – he and three generations of his descendants would have to wear blue badges all their lives, as a punishment. At first, the children of the offender thought it was embarrassing for the family. Eventually, though, generations later, many of the descendants forgot what the badge was for; it even became a status symbol. They actually wore it with pride and honor; “look at our family”. We take pride in our designer clothes, even though it was a status of shame; hurray for Madison Avenue!!

* When Adam sinned, G-d asked “Ayeka?” Where are you? Didn’t G-d know where Adam was? Perhaps AH YEA KA comes to teach us something about human behavior. One should not go straight for the kill. If G-d would have approached Adam by accusing him right away of his wrongdoing, he would have been startled; he would have totally lost his composure. The approach was a bit more subtle. Eventually, after the preliminaries, G-d then questioned Adam if he ate from the tree. One should always ease into the news, whether good or bad. Man does not take startling news very well.



* Instead of admitting his guilt, Adam answered back, “It was the woman which you gave me,” insinuating the woman was a bad choice. G-d would have forgiven him if he would have admitted his guilt and said “I’m sorry.” However because Adam came across unappreciative of the gift which was given to him (his wife) he was punished. How important it is to appreciate what one has.

* Sweat of your brow you shall work” (see article).



* A number of punishments were given to the snake; two of which are: ” You will slide on your belly.” This is retribution for having brought death on mankind, causing people to walk, stooped in grief, and mourning for their dead. Secondly, all the food will taste like dust. The question is asked, why is this a punishment? It seems like the snake has an abundance of food; dust is everywhere. Prayer is an important part of getting close to G-d. When do we pray? When there is something lacking in our lives. G-d was so disgusted with the snake that the most cruelest punishment would be not giving the opportunity, the option for a prayer; for getting close to G-d.



* “He will dominate you.” “You will cling to him.” As punishment for the woman, it’s designed that man should always have the upper hand. Rav Henoch Leibowitz, z”l, discusses why is it 90% of grooms walking down the aisle are not sure if they’re doing the right thing or not. He says, it’s designed that way. The bride, though, has to be sure that this is the guy she wants. By wanting the guy more, the woman succumbs to his wishes, “She will cling to him”, therefore giving him the upper hand. Although man has to find his potential wife attractive, a good person, and potential mother to his children, however, the strong feelings of being sure has to come from the woman. If it’s the other way, the couple are doomed for disaster.

* G-d gave three commandments to atone for

Chava’s sin: She has the commandment to light candles before Shabbat. Chava extinguished the light of the world by inducing Adam to sin. It is, therefore, the woman’s task to rekindle the light which was lost. The woman has a commandment to separate challah from her dough since she defiled the challah of the world (Adam). The woman has to observe the laws of Nida, in order to atone for the sin of having caused Adam’s blood to be spilled.


Fourth Portion

* Kayin was the one who formulated the idea to give a sacrifice to G-d out of appreciation. Kol Hakavod to him. However, he did not give from the best of his lot. Therefore, it was not accepted. Kayin, though, did not react very well to rejection. He denounced G-d’s existence and killed his brother. Sometimes life is difficult causing one to fall easily and behave in a negative fashion; one can lose himself in despair every easily.  It’s therefore very crucial to know how to deal with adversity. Here, Kayin was the first one to appreciate what G-d has done for mankind, though he did a complete about face when faced with the negative reaction from G-d.


Fifth and Sixth Portion

* Hanoch was a tzadik, a very righteous person among the wolves. G-d did not want him to be influenced by society, therefore, he took him away early. The question is asked, if he’s able to withstand the degenerate, derelict society till now, then kol hakavod to him! What makes you think he’ll falter now? One should never put himself in a challenging situation. At any given moment, a combination of an aggressive evil and a vulnerable you, and the balance of power is changed.


Seventh Portion

* The narrative is setting up the next chain of humanity, Noach.

Around the Shabbat Table- Parshat Chukat


Hi! This is Rebbe speaking:

Are you ready for this week’s commentary on the Parsha? How many questions can you answer on your own?

This week’s parsha, Parshas Chukat, speaks about a Parah Adumah, a red cow. A red cow was used to be Metaher, to purify those that became Tamei, impure. It had to be a red cow that did not have more than two white or black hairs. The Rambam states that there were only nine red cows and the tenth will be when Mashiach comes. It will be used to purify all Jews. The first red cow existed in the time of Moshe Rabbeinu. In the generations following, when the red cow was used, it was mixed with ashes from the first Parah Adumah.

There is an interesting phenomenon with the red cow. It purifies the impure and simultaneously makes (those that prepare it) those that were pure, become impure.
How is it that the same thing can purify and impurify at the same time?

The Parah Adumah shows us that nothing in this world happens without the command of Hashem. Hashem decides who the Parah Adumah is to purify and who to impurify. To us it does not make sense. Without the command of Hashem nothing can have the outcome that follows. What seems like nature cannot occur without Hashem willing it to.

There is a story related in the Gemara – Talmud. There was a poisonous snake that would roam the town and many times kill people with his venom. All were too frightened to try and kill the snake. Reb Chanina ben Dosa, a holy rabbi, said he’ll get rid of this snake. He went to the hole in which the snake resided and put his foot over the hole. Of course the snake bit Reb Chanina’s foot. But a miracle happened. Reb Chanina did not die. Instead the snake died. Reb Chanina pulled the snake out of its’ hole and walked to the Bet Medrash pronouncing its’ death. All were shocked. Reb Chanina announced, “It is
not the snake that kills but Hashem that has commanded that he kill. Those who died have died because of their sins. I was not worthy of death and therefore Hashem has reversed the outcome and the snake died.”

We can look around us and see many instances where we seem confused. Times when we believe that a situation seems unfair. Times when a Rasha, an evil person, seems to be successful and has everything and a righteous person seems to have nothing. And yet, we do not see the full picture. We must believe that everything that happens makes sense and is for the good. It’s all part of the master plan. Just like we do not understand how the red cow can purify those that are impure and impurify those that are pure. We must follow all that Hashem demands of us even if we do not understand why.

There is a parable that clearly brings about this point: A man went to see a home that he was interested in purchasing. He entered the house and started to walk around. He kept bumping into things. “What a house! Everything is in the wrong place. All the appliances are placed in the way.” Suddenly the lights were turned on and he saw that everything was in the right place. It was he who was foolish.

So too, we do not see the whole picture. We assume that things are done wrong. When Mashiach comes the light will turn on and we will then understand all that transpired.
The holy Baal Shem Tov was walking with his disciples. “Why did this leaf fall off the tree? The holy Baal Shem Tov has told us that nothing happens for naught.” The Baal Shem Tov told his disciple, “Go lift up the leaf and see.” He lifted the leaf and saw a small worm resting under the leaf. “The worm prayed to Hashem to shade him from the sun. Hashem commanded the wind to blow. He commanded the branch to shake. He commanded that the leaf detach from the tree and fall precisely on this little worm. So you see all Hashem does has reason, many we don’t clearly see.”

There is an amazing story told. An ill man went to visit his doctor. He was diagnosed with a heart condition and the doctor warned him not to eat cheese and drink wine. fterwards he headed to the Rav of Sanz, the Divrei Chaim for a blessing. He described his condition to the Divrei Chaim and was told to eat cheese and drink wine. Although the doctor had warned him that it would be detrimental for his health, he followed the advice of the great Rabbi, the Divrei Chaim. Sure enough, he had a complete recovery. It is not the doctors who heal, nor the abstinence of cheese or wine but Hashem who has the
power to heal. There was another person diagnosed with the same condition. He did not go to the Divrei Chaim he just decided to eat cheese and drink wine against the doctor’s orders, since he heard about the recovery of the fellow who went for a blessing. His condition worsened. The blessing was not meant for him. He may have received different advice.

In this week’s parsha, it also relates that Jews were being bitten by a snake. They would die becausebthey complained about the manna. Hashem told Moshe Rabbeinu to create a snake out of copper. He hung it on a stick and those that looked at the snake were healed. Of course it was not the power of the snake but the power of Hashem that healed those that looked at the snake. This snake was used for many generations following. King Chizkiyahu destroyed this copper snake when people were convinced
that it was the power of the snake that heals. They did not put their trust in Hashem.

What have we learned today?

What was a Parah Adumah? What was the purpose of the Parah Adumah?
It was a complete red cow. It did not have more than two white or black hairs. It would make those that were impure, pure.

What can we learn from the Parah Adumah?
Just like we do not understand the reason for the Parah Adumah, so too, we do not need to know the reason for doing the things that Hashem has commanded of us. We must trust that all that Hashem does is right. We must believe that if we are commanded to do something or to refrain from doing something, there is good reason for it.

What are some examples of situation that show divine providence (that all that happens is with purpose)? A leaf does not fall without purpose. People have missed their flight only to discover that the plane crashed. Many were saved on 9/11 because they were delayed on their way to work. Think of personal examples that happened to you or people that you know. You’d be surprised how many you can think of.

Talking Animals?




It must have been funny when that donkey started talking. Hey! come on,no big deal, we’ve seen it before. How many have you have seen the talking horse, Mr. Ed?  What about Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck, they’re pretty talkative, wouldn’t you say? For the most part, we humans thinks we can communicate with animals. We once had a neighbor who had a dog that was a real nuisance; it would be kept outside and constantly bark; this was very inconsiderate, especially at night. One time out of frustration and annoyance I responded to the owner’s assessment of why the animal is barking. She, the owner, said “ahh, that’s a hungry bark”. I responded “No, that’s an I want to be inside the home and not bother the neighbors bark”. She gave me  a dirty look; THE CHUTZPAH!!


 The one who was a master in communicating with animals was, none other then king Solomon. There was a story told by an acquaintance named Baruch, who quoted a midrash, coming home one day on the F train. As one knows King Solomon married 1000 wives. One time one of the women he was courting was giving Shlomo a hard time. “If you want to marry me then you have to honor my request and collect all the birds in the entire world and bring them to me”. So Solomon, with his expertise in animal communication, as well as his connections sought out and brought all the birds in the world to this fine lady. After counting them she said to him “hey, one bird is missing.” Now I don’t know how she figured that out but EXCUSE ME!! Regardless of her bird count Shlomo set out to find the one bird which was missing. When he found it Shlomo asked “how come you didn’t come upon my request?” The bird responded “I was busy counting all the males and females in the world”. King Solomon responded “aren’t they even 50/50?” “No”, the bird said “its 70/30. There are only 30% Zachar-males in the world, because they are the only ones putting on Tefillin”. His is the reason we always give a bracha “you should have a BEN-ZACHAR”. It’s not enough just to be a BEN-son he should act like it and complete the ZACHAR part and do the obligations that go with it and put on tefilin as well.