Don’t we all hate when we hear “I told you so.” It seems like before we take action, we have to think twice, for the same stick we kick tends to boomerang back and hit us in the head.
There is a very interesting and famous story that happened to one of the greatest kings of Israel, Shaul. The Gemara describes Shaul as a tragic figure. This was a person who didn’t want the kingdom because of his modesty. One may question his decisions during his reign; however, who are we to judge? We have to ask ourselves would anybody else have been able to handle the events and the curve balls differently. We read in this week’s Parsha, one must exile the Ca’anites, the inhabitants of the land of Israel because they would make bad neighbors. This message is repeated constantly in the previous parshiot. The Canaanim were steeped in many heathen practices in which the Jews were commanded to destroy and to stay away. One of their practices involved Necromancy – bringing up a dead person through evil powers, whose voice seems to emulate from the necromancer’s armpits or other parts of the body. Although authentic, however, it was done through the negative forces.
King Shaul removed all Ov and Yidoni – magicians – from the land, since the Torah forbids one to consult them. In the third year of his reign, a very large army of Pelishtim gathered against the Jews. Shaul was very unsure how to proceed. Had his teacher, the Prophet, Shmuel, been alive, he would have almost certainly seeked his advice. Unable to consult the Kohanim who would have used the urim vatumim (the letters of the high priest’s breastplate that conveyed divine answers), Shaul was ashamed of having exterminated Nov, a city of Kohanim, who sheltered his nemesis, David and his army. Therefore he had to resort to other measures. “Do you know whether any medium remains in the land who can conjure up the dead with the rite of Ov?” he asked. Apparently, Shaul was desperate. He resembled a king who ordered all cocks and hens in his kingdom slaughtered and later demands, “Is there a rooster to wake me up in the morning?” Nevertheless, they revealed that such a woman exists in a place called Ain Dor. In disguise, Shaul went to her and asked her to conjure up a spirit for him; she refused. She was afraid such a deed might be reported to the king. However, Shaul assured her everything will be okay and persuaded her to do as he says. “Bring me Shmuel, the master of the prophets.” The woman practiced the usual rights. She burned incense and pronounced certain incantations and WALLA – Shmuel the Prophet appeared! However, something unusual about the apparition caused her to scream. A spirit that was raised by an Ov – sorcerer with the power of evil – would appear upside down, since the nature of its return contradicts the way of G-d’s holy creation. For a king, though, the dead would appear standing on his feet. Therefore, Shmuel appeared in his proper position in honor of Shaul. She then realized who her client was. Shaul was unable to see the apparition, although he heard its voice, it was visible to the Ov – sorcerer – alone.
Shmuel now spoke to Shaul and revealed the future to him. Although he seemed agitated as to why he roused him, where Shaul apologized. Shmuel prophesized “G-d has departed from you. The time will come when He is fulfilling his word to tear down the kingdom from you and to give it to David. He is punishing you for disobeying His commandment to eradicate Amalek.” Shmuel continues, “G-d will deliver the Jewish army into the hands of the Pelishtim and you and your sons will die. However, you’re going into battle despite the knowledge you will fall, will atone for you having destroyed Nov. You will enter a compartment of Gan Eden.”
Seized with fear of this revelation. Shaul regained his composure a bit later and told no one of the prophecy. It takes courage to go to war knowing, very well, that one will soon die.
Shmuel’s Prophecy was fulfilled; the Jews were defeated and Shaul and his three sons perished in battle.
Your Actions May Come Back to Haunt You
Around the Shabbat Table- Parshat Shoftim
By Rabbi Gedalia Fogel
Hi! This is Rebbe speaking. The month of Elul is designated for Teshuva, repentance. This month is the month that leads up to Rosh Hashana, the New Year. We repent and prepare for the day of Judgement.
A king spent his days in the grand palace. All those that wished to speak to the king had to set up an appointment. Speak to the guards. Be escorted to the kings chamber and was allowed a few minutes to say his request. One day the king went to the town of his subjects and allowed anyone to ask for what they need. There were no restrictions. It was a much simpler task to ask the king for his mercy or one’s personal request.
All year we pray to Hashem and daven for what we need and for Hashem’s mercy. All year round Hashem lives in his palace. We can ask but with some difficulty. The month of Elul is a special time when Hashem steps out of his palace to live near us. There are no barriers. One can ask, so to speak, face to face and ask for His mercy and forgiveness. We blow the Shofar, (the horn of a ram) each day after Shacharit (morning prayers) in the month of Elul. The sounds of the Shofar are Tekiyah – one long blow, Shevarim – three short blows and Teruah, many small broken sounds. The holy Shelah Hakadosh states that Tekiah, the one long blow, symbolizes a child that is newly born, one that does not have any sins. Shevarim, the three short blows, symbolize one who has done just a few sins, and Teruah, a series of little blows are symbolic to someone who has many sins. When we blow the Shofar we start with Tekiah and end with Tekiah. This shows that one can always repent. No matter how many sins he has committed, there is always room for repentance. Teruah also symbolizes a broken heart. Anyone can do Teshuva. We must feel bad about the sin, admit that you did the sin and promise not to do it again. Yossele, a lad of 16, was known as the wild one. He would never complete a full day at school. He would come in the morning and before noon usually was nowhere to be found. But the results of his actions would ripple through the town of Slutzk. Even the short time he did spend with his peers was full of mischief. He was bad influence on anyone who he came in contact with. The children were frightened of Yossele and so were many adults. One never knew what tricks were up his sleeves, what new pranks he was preparing. One Tuesday evening, Yossele passed the home of Menashe a fine learned 12-year-old. The words he heard changed his life. He overheard Menashe’s irate mother berating her son. “Menashe how could you do such a thing? Is this how I brought you up? Menashe would you like to grow up to be a good-for-nothing like that wild one, Yossele? “Am I the epitome of the worst? Is this what the townsfolk are warning their children about? How can I have fallen so low? What will become of me? Can I ever repent?” Yossele cried and cried. He fled from the window determine to change his ways. He felt terrible about the sins he committed. He reviewed all the sins that he remembered doing. And then he begged Hashem for forgiveness. His Teshuva was accepted and Yossele went to a famous out-of-town Yeshiva where they did not know him and he was able to start anew. Yossele grew up to be a great Rabbi. There is another fascinating story told. Rachamim a sinner, came to the holy Baal Shem Tov and pleaded for a way to repent. The Baal Shem Tov answered “You most definitely can repent. There is no one that cannot do Teshuva.” Rachamim said, “But you don’t realize how many graves sins I have committed.” The Baal Shem Tov said, “You must spend your days in the synagogue and return home only for Shabbat.” “Very well. But how will I knew if and when my Teshuva was accepted and I no longer have to spend my days away from home.” “When Eliyahu Hanavi will come learn with you.” answered the Baal Shem Tov. Rachamim spent his days in the synagogue, learning Torah and praying for full forgiveness for his sins. He returned home only for Shabbat. This went on for many years. One Friday after all the rest of the congregants finished their evening Shabbat prayers, Rachamim was still praying in his corner seat of the synagogue. He was engrossed in his prayers and did not notice that the caretaker of the synagogue had locked up. What was he to do. No one was around it was useless to scream. Rachamim sat himself back down and a took out a Tehillim. He recited page after page and exhausted fell into a deep slumber. Eliyahu Hanavi came to Rachamim in a dream. “I have informed the caretaker and he will return shortly and reopen the doors. And one more thing, I would like to set up a learning schedule with you.” Rachamim awoke to the sound of a key in the lock. “I’m so sorry. I came back here to since I was unsure if I locked up today. Good thing I did. Who would have thought that indeed I locked it and not only that but I locked someone in?” Rachamim returned to his home for the remainder of Shabbat and when he returned to the synagogue he really had the merit to learn with Eliyahu Hanavi. He then knew that he reached full repentance. One can reach great heights after one repents. Sometimes a person who has done Teshuva can be greater than a Tzaddik, a righteous person. |
Hitting the Rock
The children of Israel screamed out, ‘We want water! We want water!’ Where thereafter, Moshe took the stick and hit the rock resulting in water streaming out. ‘Why did you hit the rock?’ G-d asked disappointingly. The Sages were unclear what exactly was G-d’s commandment to Moshe, the leader of the Jewish people. Was Moshe commanded to speak to the rock whereby instead he hit it? Or the fact that G d instructed Moshe to take his stick, presumably, indicates He may have wanted him to hit it. This is the question in which Rav Henoch Leibowitz z’l of Yeshiva Chafetz Chaim presents. Was the commandment to ‘speak’ or ‘hit’ the rock?
Honoring Parents
Two kids are talking to each other. One says, “I’m really worried. My dad works twelve hours a day to give me a nice home and good food. My mom spends the whole day cleaning and cooking for me. I’m worried sick!”
Are You a Good Host?
A ritual is performed by the unlucky elders of the city, after an unidentified dead body was found on their side of the border. They measure which city is the body closest too. They then, kill a calf; this is followed by as many as a hundred members from the city who witnessed the ritual wash their hands and proclaim, “Our hands have not shed this blood and our eyes have not seen the deed.”
But why are the townspeople to blame?
One of the mainstream commentaries, Rashi, says that perhaps the host where he stayed did not give him food to eat or was not MELAVEH – escort him – outside. Although one can argue the host was stingy, not giving him food to eat, or lazy to give kavod by escorting, nevertheless, the townspeople can argue, “We didn’t kill him. Why are we responsible?” Rabbi Baruch Dopelt says we really can answer it through just plain old logic and say, well, if he would have been fed properly, perhaps he would have had the energy to fight off his attacker; food can have a wondrous effect. That solves the food issue, however, what about the MELAVEH – escorting someone. What benefit is there, or what would the deceased have gained by the host walking him four steps?
One should also take note, funeral in Hebrew is LEVAYA, which is the same root as MELAVEH. We are escorting the dead to his last resting place. At the funeral, there are many important rituals. Why is LEVAYA the title that is used for the funeral and not HESPED – eulogy? We know it’s quite important to say nice words about the dead.
We observe something interesting from our mother Leah, who was not Yaacov’s favorite wife. She always prayed that her husband should find favor with her. When Levi was born she said, “Now my husband will escort me (ve’liva). The word LIVA means to connect, attachment. She was saying we will walk and we’ll connect. When someone walks together, each person is connected to the other and each inherit the other’s KOACH – strength. Apparently, it’s a big mitzvah to host. The owner does kindness, and when he walks the guest out four steps, the guest inherits that positive energy of the host’s merit of kindness. So the host feels good; he feels self-confident. The guest is going to leave and be protected with your strength.
This concept also works the other way. Pharaoh was very clever; when the Jews left Egypt, the scripture says he escorted them. Pharaoh had negative powers. He intentionally wanted to attach to the Jews to his evil, so later they will be prone to sin. At a funeral, the reason why many people escort the dead is they want to attach as much merits to the dead, so the deceased could go up and be judged in favor.
If a guest leaves your house and you escort him, your merits will be attached to him and it will give him strength. He will be protected from any dangers that lies ahead. This is the host’s last act of kindness, the finishing touch that he can do to his guest.
Around the Shabbat Table- Parsht Ki Teitzei
By Rabbi Gedalia Fogel
Hi! This is Rebbe speaking.
Where has the summer gone? I’m sure all you children enjoyed your summer vacation and are well-rested and ready to start a fresh new school year.
This week’s parsha, Parshas Ki Seitzei, speaks about the laws that apply to going out to fight a war.
Every day, every minute, each and every one of us fights a battle. We go to war all the time.
Who knows what type of war? How can it be?
We fight against the Yetzer Hara, the Evil Inclination. The Yetzer Hara does not give up, each and every minute the Evil Inclination tries again to get us to do an Aveirah, a bad thing. He has all different ways that he uses to try to trick us into following what he says.
But we are strong enough to fight against the Yetzer Hara. Each of you has the power to fight against the Evil Inclination and WIN!!
Someone came to the great Rabbi, the Shpola Zeide and asked for advice on how to fight the Evil Inclination. The Shpola Zeide related the following:
The Yetzer Hara decided that he would pay a visit to the, Avot, (Patriarchs) Avraham, Yitzchak and Yaakov.
First he went to Avraham Avinu. He came well-prepared with all sorts of weapons ready to fight his battle. Knock, knock!! “Please come in. Have a seat I’ll be with you in just a moment.” Avraham Avinu quickly prepared a huge meal and started to serve the Yetzer Hara one course after the other.
The Yetzer Hara was so busy eating that when his time was up, he realized that he had wasted his time eating and did not accomplish what he had come for.
Before the Evil Inclination set out to go to Yitzchak Avinu, he made sure to eat a meal. He was quite stuffed when he showed up a Yitzchak Avinu’s home. Knock, knock!! “It’s you!! You’d better find yourself someone else to start up with. I will not allow you to enter my home.” Yitzchak Avinu came with all his weapons and might to fight against the Yetzer Hara. It did not take long for him to win over the Evil Inclination, since the Yetzer Hara did not come with his weapons. He assumed he did not need them since he did not use them when he went to Avraham Avinu.
Before the Yetzer Hara went to Yaakov Avinu, he made sure to have eaten a good meal and this time he was sure to come with all his weapons too.
Knock, knock!! Knock, knock!! KNOCK KNOCK!! “Is Yaakov Avinu home? I will look into his window… He sure is home! I see him sitting at his table reading a book.” KNOCK, KNOCK!! The Yetzer Hara kept on banging on the door, but Yaakov Avinu did not even look up from his Sefer. He was learning so diligently that he was oblivious to the knocking. Seeing that he was not getting anywhere with Yaakov Avinu he went on his way.
“We must always try new ways to fight the Yetzer Hara.” concluded the Shpola Zeide.
There is no right or wrong way to fight against the Yetzer Hara. Every one of you can come up with a plan, a strategy of your own, that you will use to fight against the Evil Inclination.
We must realize that often the Yetzer Hara tells us to do an Aveirah by convincing us that it’s really a Mitzvah. We must not listen to him and we must follow our Yetzer Tov, Good Inclination, and do what’s right.
The Yetzer Hara is compared to someone who walks around with a closed fist and announces “Guess what I have in my hand? You’ll never believe what I’m holding?” With these words he gets everyone excited and has everyone’s attention. But really he has nothing in his hand. He is just tricking everyone. The Yetzer Hara entices people to do the wrong thing but covering it up and making it good, but really it’s just one of his tricks.
There was a rabbi that wanted to make Baalei Teshuva, bring people back to Judaism. The Yetzer Hara tried to stop him. This time it was his turn to trick the Evil Inclination. He convinced the Yetzer Hara that he was going to do business with these people, but really his real reason was to teach them Judaism.
My Rebbe, The Skolya Rebbe, let us in on a secret. He said that if someone has a desire to do wrong, it’s a good idea to wait it out a few minutes. Usually the desire does not last more than two minutes. Another good idea is to keep busy. If a person is kept busy than they won’t have time to sin. |
Manipulation is a Part of Life
DON’T LOOK!! At times with that look one can really pay the price. Such is the case in this week’s Parsha, where our Jewish soldier is in the battlefield against the enemy and he sees a beautiful woman, the enemy. The soldier is smitten by her and desires her. The Torah raises its hands and says, “We know we can’t stop that burning desire, sure you want her. Well, you can have her. However, a few conditions have to be met.” If after those conditions are met and he still wants to marry her then it is permissible. However, chances are great that eventually you will come to hate her. This look and desire is a recipe for disaster.
We find another famous incident where that look was a very costly one. Where, it was against the wishes of the Torah; against the wishes of his parents; a man so holy, a man with such power could fall and get manipulated so badly.
Manipulation is a weapon we all use. Wait! That’s not what I mean. I meant it in a good way. We are all born with great gifts. However, some people can’t figure out their positive attributes even if it was staring them straight in the face. In fact, it’s our duty is to draw the positive from friends, children, wives, students, employees. This can be artfully done through manipulation. However, sometimes people manipulate others’ weaknesses and use it against them, in order to selfishly gain. When they get their way, they dispose their victims rather conveniently. Such is the case with Shimshon and Delila.
Man is made up of a four chemical makeup: fire, water, wind, and sand. Depending on each individual, the chemical makeup differs. If fire is dominant, then a person tendency’s is toward anger or toward pursuit of honor. When fire is lit, if one notices, it tends to go up; the same with a person who desires kavod – honor – if he receives just a slight compliment, his ego goes up, up and away. If one tends to gravitate towards water, then he’s more prone to lusty bodily desires; that’s what’s on his mind. Wind is lightheadedness and sand is laziness and depression.
Shimshon’s parents’ prayers were answered and after many years, they had a baby boy. However, the messenger, an angel, informed Shimshon’s mother “The baby you will have cannot drink wine and cut his hair.” Shimshon had tremendous strength and the secret of his strength was his nezerut (refraining from wine and a good barber).
Shimshon had a tendency to gravitate towards non-Jewish women. His first wife was burned by the Jews’ bitter enemy Philishtim. His second wife, Delila, also not Jewish, was beautiful and Shimshon was smitten by her. Why did she marry him? Well, he wasn’t exactly your typical Jewish accountant. He was strong and the Philishtim were scared of him.
Delila was genuinely a good person; however as time went on, she got corrupted. The spies of the Philishtim came over to Delila and offered her tremendous wealth and status. Then after the first meeting went so well, the officers came up to her place. Delila was flattered; she received so much attention and kavod. They knew how to manipulate her. A good person can deteriorate. Some say she had an affair; others say she had an affair with the money, with the kavod. Delila was sold and she went to work for the Philishtim. She was to find out the secret of her husband’s power. She tortured him, refraining from sexual relations unless he reveals his secret. She nagged him and at times crying, “You don’t love me.” Apparently, she knew how to manipulate him. It’s hard for a man to be blackmailed with having physical relations. However, he can overcome and be strong. There was one important factor in this relationship; he loved her more then she loved him and she knew it!
Shimshon was a very holy and great man who was extremely sincere and loved G-d very much. One should never do what Shimshon did; he invited G-d to test his weakness. We tend to get all gung-ho about our religious level and sometimes we pray and say things that will haunt us later. Shimshon eventually revealed his secret and Delila quickly passed it on to the Philishtim contacts. Tragic ending to Shimshon.
At a banquet where all the major officers of the Philishtim army came to celebrate the capture of Shimshon who was chained to the great pillar at the banquet, Shimshon, who’s eyes were gorged out, prayed one last time to G-d to forgive him and give him strength this one last time. G-d answered his prayer and with one thrust, he brought down the pillars and the building, and killed everyone, including himself.
Manipulation is a way of life; it’s a tool that can be used to make people better or destroy them. Shimshon and Delila at first cared for each other, apparently, Shimshon cared for her more. It’s always beautiful in the beginning. However, Shimshon didn’t follow the Torah and its warnings; he followed his eyes and that’s what destroyed him. |
Long Live the King – What Rosh Hashanah is all About
The high holidays had a different meaning at different stages of my life. As a child, the high holidays was fun and greatly anticipated, because many more children would come to shul since their parents felt it was an important time of year. The best way to explain it, for example, is to envision yourself in a crowded movie theater or packed stadium, watching a great film or an important ball game. The buzz of excitement was apparent. The best chazanim would come from Israel. As a young adult, Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur began to differ a bit. On Rosh Hashanah, it was fun; we all had a chance to show off our dapper don new suits which we bought in honor of the holiday, from the fancy shmancy boutiques on Austin St in Forest hills. However, the anxiety of fasting on Yom Kippur was a bit more of a hardship. As we got older, we started to realize the seriousness of and the potential impact of Yom Kippur. There’s an elderly tall gentleman in the Sephardic shul in Forest Hills, Mr. Moradi, who would not speak and would cry throughout the entire Yom Kippur services; he got us all in a repentant mood. However, Rosh Hashanah, with the fancy suits and delicious special foods (dushperreh-mantu – meat dumplings) was more majestic and a special time.
If one realizes, though, there is not one reference to slicha – please forgive me – on Rosh Hashanah; there’s not one banging on the heart; no tears are shed. If there is no reference to forgiveness, then what’s Rosh Hashanah all about? What’s the purpose? The answer lies in what we read every Sunday morning ME ZE MELECH HAKAVOD – who is the King who gets the honor – G-d. This is one of the themes of Rosh Hashanah. The King is enwrapped in royalty; He gets the kavod. We pronounce through the Rosh Hashanah prayers, MELECH – King – because Rosh Hashanah is designed to be royalty. However, if a king has no followers, his kingship is weakened. His people are the ones that raise the volume and strengthen his kingship. If that’s not accomplished, then the people are not needed. In essence, the people have the illustrious responsibility to honor G-d all year round and especially on Rosh Hashanah. Fine new clothes have to be worn; delicacies have to be eaten; one has to feel good about himself; one has to feel like royalty. But he has to have the intention that the clothing, the food, the feeling, is not for your KAVOD – honor – but for G-d’s. Everything is dedicated to G-d. The same concept applies for Shabbat, if one eats well on Shabbat. For the sake of Shabbat, he’ll have a bracha the up and coming week; if he buys food with the intention of it being for Shabbat, then there would be a bracha attached to it.
There is a true story which happened in Israel. It definitely has an Israeli flavor to it. One religious Jew wanted to sell his car to another religious Jew. “There’s one stipulation,” the seller demanded “it should not be driven on Shabbat.” “This car follows Shabbat laws and has never been driven on Shabbat.” The buyer was taken aback, “How can he say that to me? I’m an observant Jew 100%.” Regardless of the comments, he agreed, and the sale was completed. A number of years later, the buyer decides to sell this very car and found someone who is interested. However as he’s about to finish the transaction, he’s reminded of the first seller’s words, about not driving it on Shabbat. The new buyer had a ponytail and an earring. The seller said, “Oh I don’t know how to say this, but this car should not be driven on Shabbat. It’s an observant car and it never violated the holy Sabbath. You have to promise me you’ll never drive it on Shabbat.” After realizing the seller was not joking, the buyer had a puzzled look on his face and thought he was a little crazy. “Yea, yea, sure, sure, whatever you say, I won’t drive it on Shabbat.” So he’s driving the car and everything is fine. When Friday night arrives, the car doesn’t start. After an hour or so he gives up and decides to call a tow truck on Sunday. Sunday morning arrives and lo and behold, the car starts. He has it checked out by the mechanic every way, but nothing was found. The next Friday night however, the car doesn’t start again.
A few years have passed and the last seller of the car was stopped one day on the street by a Chassidic looking man. “Hey, you don’t recognize me, do you? I’m the guy with the pony tail who you sold the shomer Shabbat car to.” “This is a pleasant but drastic change; what happened?” said the seller. The buyer replied, “I said if you people are so careful about cars, about Shabbat, about G-d, it must be something to explore, and I did. People designate special suits for Shabbat. They save items for KAVOD – G-d – because honoring G-d is the biggest attachment one can achieve. We say during the ten days of repentance which includes Rosh Hashanah, LE MA A NACH – for Your sake, for Your kavod. This is the biggest repentance one can make – honoring the King. |
Parshat Eikev
* A very interesting observation has been brought up by a good friend, David Isaacoff, who quotes Rabbi Dovid Cohen on the topic of Aikev – heel. In terms of the generations, society, we are on the heel, the last stop, before the Mashiach arrives. It’s called Pirud at ikvessi hamashiach – which is intended to prevent the final Jewish souls from being born. This is the reason, in today’s times, there’s a tremendous difficulty to get married and for that matter, stay married. It’s astonishing that we have a large community of singles and a high rate of divorce.Second Portion
* We continue with a topic which we began at the end of the first portion. It says that after one eats and gets satisfied, he should bless G-d right away. Human nature is such that after being satisfied, he tends to feel more confident in himself; that it was his own expertise that led to his success without divine intervention. That’s what a good pastrami sandwich can do to a person. Man tends to rebel against G-d only when he is satisfied and prosperous. If we bless G-d soon after we eat, it would infiltrate the psyche and instill a sense of awareness of G-d’s significance. According to Jewish law, one is not allowed to eat before praying because of this reason. When a person is a little hungry, he is more humbled; this is the ideal frame of mind one should have when praying.Third Portion
* Moshe tells the Israelites, “Don’t think it’s because of your merit that you inherited the land, but rather the promise G-d made to your ancestors Avraham, Yitzchak, and Yaacov. We learn from here the significance of our ancestors. When we pray, we can ask G-d to grant us our request through their merits. It’s a powerful tool to use in order to get our requests granted. One should think of the incidences in which our forefathers persevered, and with that find favor in the eyes of G-d and mention to Him proudly that these are my ancestors. It wouldn’t hurt to throw in a few of your recently deceased relatives who were righteous and what they have done. Using our ancestors is a powerful method of prayer.
Fourth Portion
* The Jews were instructed to create a temporary temple that is portable. Symbolically, that’s life; we’re here on a temporary basis. In fact, that’s one of the lessons of Succot. We build our huts which lasts us for eight days. In some sense, that’s how we should feel about life, our property, and our physical body. We’re not here that long, therefore we should make the best of this existence.
Fifth Portion
* The basic components of believing in G-d is love and fear. Each one, love and fear, has different levels. One of the basic questions one can ask, how one can love or fear G-d? Well, this is discussed among the commentaries throughout the Torah.
Sixth Portion
* Vehaya im shamoah, “and it will come to pass” is the second paragraph of the Shema, the most famous of our prayers. It is connected to the first paragraph of Ve-ahavta because they both have the commandment of “reading it in the morning and night”. Unlike the first paragraph of Shema, ve-ahavta, though, specifies the duty to perform my commandments and teaches when the nation is righteous it will be rewarded with success and prosperity. When they sin, however, they must expect poverty and exile. Another connection between the two paragraphs is that it both talks about the acceptance of G-d’s sovereignty.
Seventh Portion
* The Parsha concludes with a warning to be careful to keep the commandments. It also repeats that the Israelites should expel all the nations from their midst. The current inhabitants will not make good neighbors.