There is a primary concern over an addiction, which has been spiraling out of control, and that is the use of the internet. The damage this addiction can do is something many are unaware of, although one can argue that the knowledge one can attain from the internet is enormously unlimited. There are the shiurim of Torah one can see live or taped. Maybe read a newsletter email like this one with a cup of coffee and a quick thought, and one can have an instant schmooze on the weekly parsha (although one can say it’s not a quick thought as I proclaim, but the time span is more like a cup of coffee and a seven course meal).
I was once stopped at a wedding where a woman said she listens to my shiurim on Torahanytime.com on a Friday in the kitchen while preparing for Shabbat; that’s cool, the chickens and me. Here is a woman who utilizes her time to the maximum. She’s preparing for Shabbat as well as pulling in a shiur (as long as her young kids are taking a nap). In a high demanding New York environment, we have to squeeze as much juice from the demanding lifestyle, Kol Hakavod! So, we see the internet could be a tremendous benefit. However, it can be dangerous.
Pornography is easily accessible at your fingertips. People can lose track of time by getting caught up in so many seductive areas. Chat rooms are especially tempting for women meeting random gentiles online, although indirectly, and it’s only typing; but shockingly, one hears stories of one thing leading to another and they are frequently alarming. The addiction of gambling is especially abused on the internet. One can categorize them, day-trading being one of them. We are obsessed at looking at people doing things where we are left inactive and not practicing our social skills properly. There used to be an expression describing excessive TV watchers as ‘couch potatoes’; computer watchers should be called chair potatoes. Those of us, who use the computer for constructive purposes for job-related or intellectual stimulation, have forgotten about our physical bodies. Does anybody remember how to do a pushup? The sages say that after 120 years, the body and soul will separate. We’re a little early for that, aren’t we? Rightfully so, the New York Board of Health is concerned over obese children because of too much computer time. Now they’re putting two evils into one with the invention of the smart-phone; a computer and a phone.
I remember a number of years ago when I was in the jewelry industry in the city, I left my phone in my office. I must say it was quite relaxing; I felt liberated. But I’ll be the first to say, I need all that technology. But as Dr. Goldman (psychologist for Yeshiva Chofetz Chaim) says, ‘Don’t let it run you, you run it’.
We have a tremendously difficult task ahead of us, especially when technology is getting more and more enticing. The key is ‘control’. We have to control ourselves so it won’t get out of hand. |