Tag Archive for Nachshon ben Aminadav

Should I take on more responsibility?

This article was constructed with the help of either writings, lectures or shiurim of Rabbi’s      Akiva Grunblatt, Baruch Dopelt, Yossi Bilus, Yitzchak Aminov, Dr. Abba Goldman

Regret was eating him up as his critics approached Pharaoh with disapproval, snickering gestures and complained “How can you let the Jews go?” Human nature is such that that it allows peer pressure to seep through the armor of logic. Although, it was just yesterday that the Egyptians were removing frogs out of their soup. It seems like one tends to forget these minor annoyances. When it was known, a little while later, that the Israelites are heading toward the sea and appear lost, all eyes turned to Pharaoh. “Nu? What’s now?” as the generals relishing an opportunity.

 Pharaoh, forgetting all the signs that G-d has shown, turned with new charged vigor, and roared:  “Gather your horses and your armor, we got them!!”
 The Israelites, under the leadership of Moshe, approached the sea. “Now what” some of the critics bellowed. It seems – everybody has critics. Perhaps, at times, that’s necessary; it keeps you on your toes. It’s also important, for it gives one a perspective one may have overlooked.   Although, at times, if one gives in to the pressure and goes against his original decision, it might not work out quite well.
 The “now what” became amplified with a very worried concern attached to it as the Israelites heard rumbling sounds behind them. The Egyptian army was approaching full force toward them. It seems like the Jews were trapped. There was no place to go but the sea. Moshe’s response to the Jewish people was that “G-d wants us to go through the sea”. However, no one dared to take such an illogical step.
 Well, what is logic? Is our religion – logical or perhaps not? Perhaps, religion is a belief which defies logic. Perhaps, belief becomes the logic?
If one believes in something and knows that it’s 100% full-proofs right and doesn’t act on it because of what others might think… is he insulting himself? He might have regret and say: “I am missing out on what I truly believe in, and I know it’s right!”
 There was one person who understood that belief in G-d overrides nature. Many, who were present there – believed in G-d and that He runs the world, but were hesitant to take that plunge into the sea. They, perhaps, knew that jumping in the water was the right path to take but… were afraid. However, one individual had the courage to act on his belief. One person was the first to take the risk. One person was willing to boldly go and lead the Jews into uncharted territory. That individual was Nachshon ben Aminadav.
 The waters reached his mouth as he plunged into the sea when it suddenly split. One of the greatest on sights, open miracles in the history of mankind occurred… propelled by Nachshon ben Aminadav.
 By examining this courageous act of Nachshon we can learn something tremendous that can improve our lives and strengthen our character. Rabbi Akiva Grunbatt brings up the following question and answer where then we can fully understand Nachshon’s actions.
 There are four individuals who died because of the sin of the snake and nothing else. They never sinned. Can one imagine that an individual can live an entire lifetime and be sin-free?! Benyamin, the first, Yaacov’s twelfth son; Yishay, he was the father of King David: Kalev, he was one of the Jewish spies that entered Israel while the Israelites were in the dessert. Amram rounds out the quartet; he was Moshe – our greatest leader’s father.
 However, a strong question is asked, when one makes a MESHEH BERACH AVOTAINU-a special prayer invoking G-d’s mercy, it does not include any of the righteous people that never sinned!!
 We say MISHEH BERACH AVOTAINU: AVRAHAM, YITZCHAK, YAACOV etc. Why don’t we say instead BENYAMIN, YISHAI, KALEV and AMRAM? After all, these tzadikim were great; they never sinned.
We learn an important fundamental lesson, greatness cannot be measured by lack of sin; we look at the accomplishments. To do what you’re supposed to do is beautiful, however, to take the extra step, to go the extra mile; to take upon more responsibility is the road to greatness!!
 As a matter of fact, once one takes upon oneself the extra responsibility, he discovers hidden KOCHOT-strengths. If one looks at some of our great leaders’ lifestyle, one wonders – how do they find time? How are they able to cope? They are not the type to say “hey, that’s not my job….I’m not responsible”. Even if one fails in his job after taking the tremendous responsibility, he becomes a greater person, through the experience of his effort.
 There is an interesting story about the Netziv – Rabbi Naftali Zvi Yehuda Berlin, (b. Mir, Russia, 1816 – d. Warsaw, Poland, August 10, 1893) that relates to responsibility. It is written about the Netziv, there are no fantastic accounts concerning the boy who was to become the Rav of Israel. It may be that he was not a “child prodigy” that amazed everyone by his natural talents, or it may also be that he was modest from a very young age. However, one thing is clear: he had at least one great talent – his diligence!! He studied Torah with great fervor, and it was this trait that enabled him to acquire universal renown.
 Only the brightest students and it was a minimal amount, were given the opportunity to learn in Yeshiva. Most boys were sent to learn a trait and start work immediately.
One day he overhears his father tell his mother “he’s just not talented to stay in Yeshiva. The father called his son and said he wanted to introduce him to a friend who is a shoemaker. The Netziv understood immediately what his father’s intentions. The child begged and cried that they should give him one more chance promising he will not disappoint them. The boy lived up to his promise. He later said: “if I would have given up and became a shoemaker, after 120 years when I go to the heavens, although I would have been a honest shoemaker, pray three times a day, raise a family with strong Torah values, and I would set time to learn every night after work, however, they will show me a copy of my book the Ha’amek Davar and say to me “this is the masterpiece you would have written if you would have excelled in your life”.  I, then, would have been ashamed.”
When our forefather, Yaacov, was on his deathbed he gave the bracha, he basically anointed the position of leadership to Yehuda, who has shown on many occasions the “responsibility to accomplish”. Such honor has been given to one who takes upon himself more responsibility.
 When Yaacov did not want to send Benyamin, his youngest son and presumably the only remaining one from his favorite wife, Rachel, on account that some bad omen might happen to him similar to what had happened to his older brother  Yossef, Yehuda took responsibility in assuring his safe return. “I will personally guarantee him” (Bereshit 43:9) Yaacov accepted Yehuda’s proposition. However, Rabbi Dopelt asks: “what is the difference between Yehuda’s assurance (I will lose my portion in this world and in the next world) and Ruben’s, his older brother’s, assurance (kill my 2 sons if I do not return him safely)? Both have a very negative outcome; no father wants to see anything bad happen to his children whether it is in this world or the next.
 Yehuda used the magic word “guarantee”; a guarantor is responsible even when it’s an OHNESS- an unavoidable mishap.  Therefore, he will step up a notch; raise the volume on protecting what he guaranteed. The responsibility is much greater! The virtue of Yehuda was the ability to go beyond what is on the radar of others. For, in order to succeed in the optimal level, one has to go beyond the face value of his ability.
We see throughout our holy scriptures how our ancestors took great responsibilities in bettering their lot and assuring the world to be a better place. King David, who is Yehuda’s descendant, volunteered to duel the giant Goliath; Avraham’s commitment to open his doors to passerby’s…..we can go on and on and on… It seems like the ones who get the recognition are the ones that take that initiative.
 However, one has to be aware of the danger in taking, at times, too much responsibility. We recite in the evening prayers before the AMIDA, “VEHASER SATAN MILFANANU VEHACHARONANU”-remove the evil angel from in front of us and from behind us.
It’s understandable, the first part of the phrase: the angel puts a juicy non- kosher steak “in front” of you. However, how do we learn the second phrase? It refers to what could go wrong with too much responsibility. The bad advice: angel pushes you from behind and tells you “hey, you can do it!!” But in reality, by accepting the task, one is welcoming disaster.
 Therefore one has to think it over and ask advice in order to make a calculating and hopefully productive choice.
 Nachshon ben Aminadav, who happens to be from the descendant of Yehuda and the ancestor of King David, took the initiative. The splitting of the sea was jump started and initiated by Nachshon. Every morning when  we read AZ YASHIR Nachshon is in the forefront of not only getting credit for having true belief in G-d but also a trait that we should all possess, the trait of taking responsibility and making this world a better place

Parshat Korach

First Portion
* Korach was a prominent, distinguished, known to be highly intelligent, and very wealthy (he was one the wealthiest men that ever lived) member of the Leviat tribe who felt slighted by Moshe, the leader of the Jewish nation, for being passed over for a more prominent job in the temple and his tribe. Levi’s son, Kahat, had four sons; Amram, the father of Moshe and Aharon, was the oldest. Next was Yitzhar, who was the father of Korach; then Chevron, and Uziel. Korach was hurt that the son of Uziel the youngest, Elitzafan was picked over him to be the Nassi of the Tribe. They say a woman can destroy a man or she can build him and raise him to spiritual heights. Korach’s wife put salt on the wound and said, “How can you let him do this to you!”; referring to Moshe. She fueled the fire. He would not have dared to oppose Moshe, had it not been for his wife, who inflated her husband’s ego and repeatedly assured him that he was on par with Moshe and Aharon. “You can be a better leader than they; you’re letting him make a fool out of you,” she said. This bad advice caused the downfall of Korach. The Ramban’s view is that the cause of the rebellion was the spies severe punishment which brought death to the generation of the desert. It was this which brought to the surface all the accumulated bitterness of the dissatisfied.Second Portion
* The Sages teach us that neighbors have a tremendous influence on us. Thus is the case with Dassan and Aviram, whose tribe Reuben was situated next to Korach’s residence. He inflamed them against Moshe and the authorities by stating that their tribe too was skipped over from a prominent task in the temple inauguration. “He did not let your Nassi offer his sacrifice first but chose the Nassi of Yehuda, Nachshon ben Aminadav instead. Do you know why? Because his brother married Nachshon’s sister.” Also, he infused uneasiness in their hearts by stating “Why didn’t the tribe of Reuben get the Kehuna. Dassan and Aviram were very vocal in the rebellion against Moshe and Aharon.
* These personal accusations against Moshe prompted him to be defensive. A distressed Moshe countered to G-d, “I didn’t take one donkey of theirs nor have I wronged even one of them.” These accusations against authoritative figures, where they benefit personally without the consent of the congregation from the high community positions, has been an ongoing, and in most cases, unfair. It happened to yours truly early once when I was a volunteer co-gabai and head of my shul’s youth movement. My father warned me never take any community positions. He would frequently mention how my great grandfather was wrongly accused of stealing money from the community shul account which he was in charge of. Apparently, it’s an irresistible automatic reaction of people and a frequent pattern. If one does take money for his time of service, IT’S IMPORTANT THAT THEY SHOULD MAKE IT CLEAR!!!

Third Portion
* Korach, Dassan, Aviram, their families, and all their belongings all perished – as a result of their punishment – a very spectacular and unusual death. The ground opened up and swallowed them up alive, while the two hundred and fifty of his assembly were consumed by fire by G-d.

Fourth Portion
* After the incident of Korach, G-d got angry at the Israelites for accusing Moshe and Aharon of having killed two hundred and fifty men. He brought upon a deadly plaque. The Korach rebellion became a very costly incident. In order to stop the plaque, Moshe quickly ordered Aharon to bring a sacred pan for offering ketores. “Bring burning coals from the exterior altar and heap ketoret upon them. Then, let the smoke of the ketoret ascend to heaven and the plaque will stop.” Apparently, Moshe learned many secrets from the heavens when he went to get the Torah. This particular one he learned from the angel of death. If Moshe were to burn ketoret while standing before the angel of death, he would be prevented from performing his work of destruction.

Fifth Portion
* The incident of the Korach rebellion left a bad taste in everybody’s mouth. It was the first time Jews rebelled against their leaders. Until that point many times, unfortunately, it was the faith in G-d that was in question. Here, Korach succeeded in putting doubt in the leadership. In order to reassure the people that its leaders are legitimate, in particular Aharon, G-d instructed to take twelve rods. On each rod, inscribe the Nassi of the tribe, on the rod of Levi, inscribe Aharon’s name, then place the rods overnight in the Ohel Moed. The staff of the tribe chosen for G-d’s service will blossom. Well guess who won, Aharon. He was the undisputed high priest.

Sixth Portion
* One of the reasons we have salt on our tables when we make the bracha of  hamotzie lechem, (in fact, it’s a custom for it to remain there throughout the meal), is because salt never spoils. It is a symbol of indestructibility. Thus, G-d tells the Kohanim, His covenant with them is eternal as if it had been sealed with salt. It has many functions.  It preserves food; it can burn. It was always found on the Altar. Therefore, it’s found on our altar, our table at home.
* One of the gifts of the kahuna is Pidyon Haben. Every firstborn is holy to G-d. A Jewish father must redeem his firstborn son by giving five shekalim to the Kohen. The commandment applies today. As soon as a newborn reaches thirty days, when he’s considered viable, this ceremony is performed. If it is not done at the thirty days, it can be performed at a later time. This is one of the ways we acknowledge G-d. At the most joyous time in a man’s life when he becomes a father, we acknowledge that whatever we possess, in reality, belongs to G-d. A person’s first acquisition is usually the most precious in his eyes. Therefore, we give the first to G-d to demonstrate He is the true owner of all that we have.

Seventh Portion
*The concept of tithes is introduced.