Tag Archive for rav Henoch Leibowitz

The Jewish Ghetto; a Must or Not?




          Is it important to live in a Jewish neighborhood with a positive influence? There are many Rabbinical students, who, when ordained, go throughout the world to help and educate their brethren in Judaism. There is a lot to learn; our religion is rich of customs, tradition, and laws which have preserved Judaism for 4000 years since the first Jew, Avraham. However, many Jews are not familiar with many important elements of our rich deep religion. So it’s our job to care about each other because we are all responsible for one another. Nevertheless, one has to be concerned moving to a non-observant neighborhood; after all, some of us have taken great pains to reach the level that we are so proud of. We must preserve our precious Judaism.

          Rav Henoch Leibowitz, z”tl guarantees, quoting, the prominent and holy commentary, Sforno, “Whoever goes out and reaches out to our brethren, they and their children will not be negatively affected.”

The Chachamim closely observe the first “Mr. Outreach”, our forefather, Avraham, who as the Avnai Nezer compares him to a Mikvah. A mikvah purifies individuals. However, in the process, it never becomes impure. So too, Avraham, in his education of people, was never influenced.

Rabbeinu Bachai teaches us that Avraham was an exceptional human being. He had the ability, whoever he made contact with, would be healed from their depressed state of mind, and that’s how he was able to bring people back to G-d. The healing took place through Avraham’s power of speech and his soothing voice. Avraham was a charismatic towering presence; whoever would listen to him would feel uplifted. He had a precious stone wrapped around his neck and anyone who would look at it would get healed. I guess he was a jewel of a guy. After Avraham’s death, G-d took back the jewels and placed it in the sun. That’s why we say in Tehillim “The skies preach the word of G-d”. Avraham was given a gift from G-d and lived up to his billings.

Interestingly, Rav Henoch mentions that G-d instructed Avraham to move out from his environment and pry away from his past, because G-d didn’t want him to get influenced. But wait, didn’t we learn Avraham was immune from outside influence? Therefore, we see that one has to be very careful. Everyone is susceptible and one should take the necessary precautionary measures to protect himself and his family. Advice might be extremely recommended.

The Fall of Two Rising Stars


shooting stars


       One of the most tragic incidences in the Torah is the death of the two sons of Aharon – Nadav and Avihu. The Sages indicate that everyone assumed they were the heir apparent to the leadership. They were smart, charismatic and came from one of the leading families of the Jewish people. A matchmaker would undoubtedly label them a ‘catch’. Apparently, they brought an unauthorized sacrifice to G-d ‘and they were killed, consumed by the fire’.


It is hard to believe that for such an act, one is to be punished so severely. In fact, it’s a bit confusing. Some commentaries view their act as one of the greatest bonds between G-d and man; while others view their demise due to a few character flaws. Mainly, haughtiness, which resulted in consumption of wine while conducting sanctuary work. Also, believing nobody is good enough for marriage. How do you rectify the two opinions?


In order to answer this contrition, one has to ponder how G-d runs the world. Rav Eliyahu Dessler, in his book Michtav Me’Eliyahu, explains there are two major methods in which G-d runs the world. One is Rachamim – compassion, and one is Din – harsh judgment. Throughout time, whether it is yearly, daily or even hourly, Rachamim and Din seesaw back and forth. Morning prayers are under the cover of Rachamim, while afternoon prayers fall under Din. It’s no coincidence that the 24,000 students of Rabbi Akiva died during a period of a few weeks that falls under Din, which explains why they were punished so severely. (One should schedule court dates in the Rachamim month of Adar.)


To elaborate more on the flaws that the two brothers had, Rav Henoch Leibowitz, zt”l explains they were punished because they gave the impression of being interested in many women, and apparently caused them pain. The women had wishful thinking ‘waiting by the phone’ but the call never came. Rav Henoch asks ‘But they didn’t ask these women to wait?’ They didn’t say, “I’ll call you back.” So he answers, one has to be clear and say ‘I’m not interested’. One should not create a false impression or else the girl would wait by the phone or the boy will keep on calling and it is humiliating for both. Of course it has to be said delicately but never the less firmly.  We still are left with the question, why were Aharon’s sons punished so severely?


There would be no singles scene if G-d judges us like that today. Apparently, the reason for the harsh judgment was at the request of Nadav and Avihu themselves. But that’s insane; why in the world would you want justice if G-d is more accepting with compassion? This can be explained with the following example. When a father is in a justice mode and demands much from his son, there is obviously more pressure and a higher standard is expected. If the son delivers and succeeds in the task at that high level, the father would be astonished, and say, “WOW! My boy was able to withstand my justice and live up to my demands.”


Rashi, one of the mainstream commentaries on the Torah, mentions that Nadav and Avihu were ‘sick with love for G-d’. When a gifted, smart, but young and inexperienced person has an interest in a girl, he will succeed in approaching her faster than the average person, only to get rejected right at the threshold. The Gra (commentary) explains their love toward G-d was skin deep, which didn’t develop, and a false enthusiasm was created because of their inexperienced young age. Their fearlessness, resulting from haughtiness, made them explore levels of spirituality that no man has gone before. Nadav and Avihu thought they can be judged with Din, not realizing, because of their haughtiness, they had flaws. So any minute, any speck of negativity was magnified, therefore receiving the severe punishment.


One has to realize his true capacity and what he can and cannot accomplish, even though his love or strong desire dictates otherwise.