As we discussed in the highlights section of this newsletter, the second passage in the Shema, Ve’haya im sha’moa, which is one of the most famous prayers, is found in this week’s Parsha. It is written here, that these words should be recited twice daily. It emphasizes one should take upon himself the acceptance of G-d’s commandments. Generally, this section, as opposed to the previous section, G-d promises supernatural rewards (rain and prosperity) for fulfillment of the Mitzvot, and punishment (drought and exile) for their abandonment, is written in plural form. It’s implying that the reward and punishment are conferred only in response of the majority.
Interesting to note, the Gemarah in Brachot 15:b, derives from the word ve’limaditem – and you should teach them – which implies that your studies shall be pure – that one must pause between those words that tend to be attached. My grandfather, who was a chazzan, would emphasize to me, to be clear and look up when you talk. Here the Gemarah implies that we should enunciate the words flawlessly. Indeed, we find in many of the siddurim, one of which, here, is Sharai Tsion, where there are warning signs where one could err. If one notices in the picture, some words where it could be problematic, there is an asterisk on an ending letter of a word and one at the beginning letter of the next words. Implying, one should stop and be careful in the pronunciation and not crunch them together. Many are careful in reciting the Shema.
Tag Archive for Tefilla/ Prayer
Tidbits on Parshat Eikev
Making People Laugh is Better Than a Million Dollars
The Chozer of Lublin was one of the greatest of his generation. In fact, many people went to him for Brachot (blessings). They came to him for refuah shelemah (health), to find the right soul mate, better their financial situation and for many other reasons. It seemed he was a sure bet. Whatever the request for a blessing from G-d they asked from him, he would give a bracha and a short time latter it would be fulfilled.
What was his method to success?
Every night the Chozer of Lublin would recite the special midnight prayer to G-d and he would curl up, scream, yell and cry like a baby until he felt his prayers were accepted in heaven. Hey – whatever works, right?
One night while he was waiting for his student, Rav Naftali Rupshitz to come, he felt that his prayers to G-d were not being heard. He wondered. His routine was the same as any other night and yet now, no one seemed to be listening. So he asked the heavens “what is going on up there”? “If you want to understand the reason, just look at your student, Rav Naftali Rupshitz” was the heavenly response. Apparently on his way to his Rebbi that night, he stopped at an inn and he noticed there was a wedding celebration. As he walks in to a room of dancing he noticed that the Kallah (bride) was sad. So he approached her and asked: “Why are you sad? This is supposed to be the happiest day of your life”! She replied “our batchan canceled on us and we have no one to tell jokes.” A batchan -comedian was often used at the time and even today at the weddings of Chassidim to make the bring joy to the new couple.
Rav Naftali looked at her and replied “I’ll be your batchan.” He then stood on a table and started telling joke after joke until he got the entire inn’s attention. He had the whole place on their knees as result from his funny jokes. Rav Naftali noticed from the corner of his eye that the Chatan and Kallah were really enjoying his routine. He was indeed hilarious. It seemed like the young couple and the people at the inn were not the only ones to take notice, the angels in heaven also stopped what they were doing to hear Rav Naftali. It was such an impressive and funny performance that even G-d stopped to listen. All the angels closed up shop to hear this Jewish Rabbi make the world laugh. This is the reason your prayers were not heard, everybody was out for the evening enjoying Rav Naftali at the wedding party.
When Rav Naftali finally arrived at his Rebbe’s house, the Chozer of Lublin said to him “what I do with screaming, wailing and yelling you accomplish with laughter!”
We mentioned in the preceding Dvar Torah on the Parshat Korach, how comedy is can be very dangerous. In fact, it is a two edged sword. As such, it is only fitting that we also see the benefits as well. How important it is to make people laugh in a positive sense and to cheer them up when they are down and depressed. Moreover, it’s a big mitzvah (commandment) to make a bride and groom happy. The rewards are tremendous. We realize from this story, it is indeed priceless!!