Tag Archive for Kohen Gadol


his article was constructed with the help of either writings, lectures or shiurim of Rabbi’s  Berrel Wien , Yossi Bilus, Asher Hertzberg, Jay Shapiro, Yitzchak Frankfuter, Abba Goldman

The first lady Jacqueline Kennedy was very much a private person.  When she went on mini vacation her husband, the President, decided to have a public photo shoot with the kids….opposite attract
One advocate of a dethroned leader complained “How can you disclose embarrassing information about our great leader?” The reply was, “Why not? He has committed himself to the public, therefore he has exposed everything about himself to the world. Nothing is private anymore for him. He’s fair game! A public figure has no right privacy.”

However that is insane!! It’s a recipe for disaster for any leader or public figure, or really anyone for that matter, as we all have skeletons in our closet. No one is ‘squeaky clean perfect’ and if someone happens to actually be the “white puritan”, frankly my dear, that would constitute abnormality and would be considered a freak of nature.

Does the reader agree?
Perhaps the reply of “a public figure has no privacy” is rooted in this week’s parsha. In parshat Emor, it teaches us special laws and obligations that the Torah places upon the High Priest, he Kohen Gadol. He is limited in his marriage choices, his bereavement behavior and in other matters of seemingly personal life. Is it not sufficient that he perform his duties – especially his detailed Yom Kippur duties – in a competent and efficient manner? After all, is not one entitled to a private and personal life, even if one holds high public office? Apparently the Torah does not feel so. Being the High Priest is not a job. It is not even what our non-Jewish friends refer to as “a calling.” It is rather a position of moral leadership and a role model stature in Jewish life. What is the lesson involved in these restrictions and guidance of the High Priest?

The scrutinizing of the High Priest has may have been a springboard for all leaders thought history to be hounded and examined with a magnified glass, but in truth there is no comparison between the High Priest and other leaders. That is because the High Priest’s chief scrutinizer is none other than G-d. Evidence of this is that if he has skeletons in his closet, G-d will smite him on Yom Kippur.

As explained by the historian Rabbi Berel Wein: One of the signs of corruption that doomed the Second Temple Commonwealth of Judea (Bais Sheni) was the unethical behavior of many of the High Priests who served in the Temple during that period of Jewish history. The Talmud teaches us that many of them died when entering the Holy of Holiness because of their unworthy private behavior. There where Kohanim that seemingly had the confidence of the people however “G-d examines the hearts.” He determines which Kohen Gadol is worthy and moral. For this reason a rope was attached to their leg so they can be pulled out in case they perish. Nobody but the Kohen Gadol is allowed in the Holies of Holies.

The public figure, the leader has been the object of the paparazzi and the National Enquirer ever since.

A question is posed: With the exception of Kohen Gadol, is it fair to judge personal behavior of a leader, such as Rabbi, head of State, or congressmen to determine if they are suitable for such a lofty position? Shouldn’t we look at other factors – economic issues, issues concerning our rights to live as Orthodox Jews, religious freedom, and liberty issues? There are issues that relate to bringing resources into our communities. There are other issues, too. Who services the constituency best? Who is most likely to be responsive to individual phone calls for assistance on individual matters? Aren’t these issues just as important as morality?

We need to look where the leader stands on other issues, such as the resource issues, the economic issues, the religious liberty issues, and accessibility. You have to judge a candidate based on the totality of the situation. Though moral issues are certainly a relevant factor, they are not the only factor.

Reflecting what we discussed earlier, morality is the classic Jewish tradition of picking a leader. Interestingly, there was clever message conveyed by a Politian (scholar) who felt the importance, or for that matter non-importance, of the moral issue: “The Jewish children in exile were always dependent on intermediaries to represent their interests in the countries where they sojourned…. Such an intermediary is nothing more than a messenger. No one ever checked the morality of a messenger, or was interested in his private life, as long as he gave the desired results-i.e., the proper representation of Jewish interests.”

That was the language of an ad that ran in Der Yid, a Satmar paper based in Williamsburg, during a re-election campaign for Fred Richmond, the congressional representative for Williamsburg during the late ’70s and early ’80s. Richmond had a depraved personal life; the ad was promoting the idea that the chassidic readers of the paper, who were so careful in their own lives about any hint of immorality, should overlook Richmond’s immorality because he was helping the community with its needs. The ad was obviously countering those who had objected to Richmond on those grounds.

Dr. Abba Goldman mentions the number one factor is that the leader has to earn the respect of the people. Perhaps, he says it might override in some instances the morality importance.

King David didn’t care about his honor by dancing with the Torah; he did it for the sake of G-d. Michal, his wife, who witnessed this, didn’t think it was dignified to do so. She thought it was unbecoming that the king dance and show a glimpse of his legs. The act shows a disregard for modesty and would hamper the respect and dignity of the King. Nevertheless, G-d was honored by David’s devotion and Michal was punished for criticizing. It’s not an easy understanding for Michal’s train of thought was in line with her father, Shaul’s, philosophy of modesty and respect.

Not with standing, one sees at what degree our ancestors value modesty and respect of a leader. Here is another example pertaining do King David again: When Shimi ben Gerah insulted King David the incident was not forgotten. On his death bed the King instructs his son Shlomo to “do what is right”. At the end Shimi ben Gerah was executed and the King’s honor had been defended.

Dr. Goldman and many relates that the blame and failure of 9/11 should be pointed to the Clinton administration. A year before, there was a terrorist attack against the United States Navy guided-missile destroyer USS Cole (DDG-67) on 12 October 2000, while it was harbored and being refueled in the Yemeni port of Aden. 17 American sailors were killed, and 39 were injured. This event was the deadliest attack against a United States Naval vessel since 1987. The terrorist organization al-Qaeda claimed responsibility for the attack. Clinton had such a poor relationship with congress following the Lewinsky debacle that any proposal including how to deal with Al Quade would and did go on deaf ears. Congress had no respect for the President and in turn he was ineffective.

Part of the blame has to be directed to the press for reporting and making a mockery of the Clinton/Lewinsky incident. Interestingly, John F Kennedy was just as immoral as Clinton, however he was an effective President. The press never reported his indecency even though it was occurring regularly in the White House.

Can one imagine if they did report the indecency and made light of the President? Does one think Cuba, neighboring communist country at the time, would have backed down and pulled their missiles?

As an example, in Syria, before the civil war there, it was a crime to make fun of the president of the country. No comedian was immune. This concept was taken to an extreme where no one was permitted to laugh in Nevuchadnetzar’s Babylonia, for the king had an inferiority complex and thought they were laughing at him for being short. It was ‘respect through fear’ that these leaders tried to force on their people. Seemingly respect is needed to have an effective leader. Astonishingly, respect is what Ronald Reagan received without the use of force and with the late night comedians whose job it was to ridicule politicians and the establishment.

One of our beloved leaders who had to admit an embarrassing moment in his private life was Yehuda, Yaakov’s son. Even though his act was considered lowly, Yehuda admitted and faced up to his guilt and was hailed in high regards for doing so by his brothers and by G-d. He took responsibility for his action. Yehuda is a prime example of “nobody’s an angel, but be a man and pick up the pieces”. For reward for his admission he and his genealogy were appointed royalty, leaders of the Jewish people forever

Some say there are more crucial character traits we should look for then to poke into the private life of a candidate. One of the aspects of a good leader is the ability to get along with others. This character trait is a must when dealing with subordinates, heads of state and so forth. In the up and coming election, there happens to be such a person. One has to ask can he make rational decisions if he has constantly dismissing and berating everyone. Can his subordinates do the optimal best in their field dealing with such mental abuse?


In the late 60’s many religious Jew broke from the mold and voted Republican. Although, the Democrats supported Jewish cause and education the Jewish Rabbinical leaders including Rabbi Avigdor Miller were vocal in voting for Nixon. “Don’t make calculations concerning the yeshivas – it’s not a concern because the Ribbono Shel Olam feeds and gives sustenance to all. Don’t rely on princes. They are not a source of parnassah. G-d has many messengers. The reason to vote” – this was even with Nixon – “is because Nixon is against Russia, and Russia was the enemy of Hashem. It says, ‘Ohavei Hashem sinu ra.’ Comunist were atheist. [Those who love Hashem hate evil.]’ He said, ‘I have no love lost for Nixon or for any of them, but when I come to shamayim, they’ll ask, “Did you stand on my side?”

Rabbi Avigdor Miller said that when we vote, we vote the same way. He said, ‘I’m not afraid of Russia personally. The President, who is against Russia, is against them for his own reasons, because they are the Big Bad Wolf and they are having an arms race with nuclear ballistic missiles. Our interest has nothing to do with that. We’re not afraid of them; we just have to stand against them because they are kofrim [deniers] in Hakadosh Baruch Hu.’ That was his position.

It is important to note many clarify the moral issue: not so much the moral personal life of the candidate but what does he/she morally stand for. Perhaps that is the moral issue!! This brings us to the other prime candidate of this election. Perhaps it’s commendable that she had taken the abuse and humiliation of her husband and stuck with the marriage, however does she approve of same sex marriage and abortion, which is directly against the Torah?

Traditionally Jews in this country have always voted Democrat for they help financially to our Yeshivas. We value a Torah education which is our prime directive. However the Democrats of today are in favor of same sex marriage and abortion, someplace they weren’t 20 years ago. It seems like though todays Republicans are yesterday’s Democrats.

We can learn much from the two king that Avraham and Sarah visited. Both were immoral. Avimelech did everything in secret while Pharoah was not discreet and shameful, he did everything in the open.

On the last meeting between Avraham and Pharaoh, Pharaoh suggested something to Avraham which the latter acknowledged “This place is not for you.” In other words, we have different moral values. Perhaps, we should take some of the suggestions of some of the prominent Rabbis who denounced President Clinton. If he can do what he did and not feel remorse, it’s time we should depart this country. However there are those that say “Let’s remember we are in a non-Jewish state, what do you expect?

We see that although traditionally the primary decision on a leader was the moral issue many Rabbi’s or heads of communities look for other factors in picking a leader. Perhaps yes or perhaps not the private lives of leaders is best be left alone and not disclosed there are other important issues? That is a hot debate in today’s times.

Parshat Tetzave





The “soul” of the CHOSHEN, the URIM VE’ TUMIM, were inserted between the two layers of the CHOSHEN. It lay hidden between its folds. The CHOSHEN was worn by the High Priest over his chest. (see more detail in the highlight section, second portion)


The most intriguing part of the KOHEN GADOL’S-High Priest’s clothing were the URIM VE’ TUMIM which were scrolls of parchment on which Moshe had written the Divine seventy two letter name. They caused the choshen to light up. The letters supplied the Divine answers to questions that were posed to it. Hence, the name URIM VE’ TUMIM as URIM-the letters lit up (from the root OR-LIGHT), and TUMIM-their say was final and unalterable (derived from the word TAM/perfect, in contrast, the word of the prophet was not final, but conditional depending on their repentance).


The CHOSHEN was also called CHOSHEN MISHPAT since the final decision (mishpat for each questionable scenario was reached by means of the URIM VE’ TUMIM).


Only matters concerning the king, the BET DIN- high court, or the entire nation could be settled by the means of the URIM VE’TUMIM. It was not permissible to question them for private purposes.


In the course of the conquest of the land of Israel, after Moshe’s leadership of forty years, the Israelites were defeated after attacking the city of Ai. Yehoshua, the leader who followed Moshe, asked G-d in wonderment, “why were we defeated?” G-d answered, “Someone violated the oath prohibiting anyone from taking any spoils from Yericho, for the entire city was to be consecrated to G-d”.


Yehoshua determined who the sinner was by the URIM Ve’TUMIM, by looking at the CHOSHEN and finding the gem of Yehuda’s tribe lit. He realized that the culprit came from that tribe. After further investigation and drawing lots, the guilty party was discovered. Achan, the perpetrator, thereupon confessed.


The RAMBAN’s view is that the URIM VE’ TUMIM were actually made by G-d himself. Presumably, Moshe handed down the secret of the URIM VE’TUMIM to the greatest men of his generation and it was passed down through the ensuing chain of command.


There is the famous story of Chana, who’s prayer is the standard of excellence, when she came to pray for children, she got into an argument with Eli, the High Priest. When he chided her for being intoxicated, she responded, “No, I am a woman of sorrowful spirit”. Eli saw Chana weeping silently, so he asked the URIM VE’ TUMIM about her. The letters SHIN KAF RESH HEI lit up. He read it to mean a drunk, intoxicated. However, he was mistaken by not rearranging the letters correctly; it was KESHERA-reputable. Chana’s prayers were answered and she had a boy, Shmuel the Prophet.


Besides Moshe, no prophet could have a prophetic vision whenever he wished. By contrast, whenever the Kohen Gadol wish to pose a question to the URIM Ve’ TETUMIM, he could do so, implying that the URIM VE’ TUMIM were greater than most prophets.


MAIN THEME OF THE PARSHA: This week’s parsha deals primarily with the Kohanim; their selection, their attire worn during their service to G-d, and the inauguration service, by which they and their offspring would become confirmed as kohanim for all time.


First Portion: * G-d places responsibility on man by giving him physical resources in a giant playground called Earth, where he has to elevate himself and the settings around him to spiritual heights. Last week we discussed the various materials needed for the construction of the Mishkan (tabernacle). In this week’s Parsha, for the most part, we will discuss the High Priest’s proper attire; these kohanim are the conduit between us and G-d and therefore much emphasis is spent on the topic.


* The Parsha begins with a description of what kind of oil is needed for the Menorah. Only oil from the first pressing of an olive was acceptable for the Menorah. These first drops were perfectly clear and without sediment. The oil in its perfect state represents purity of the heart.


* There is more attention and material written in the Torah on the crown that the high priest wore rather than the king of the Jewish nation.


* Every Kohen who served in the temple wore four garments, termed bigdai hedyot (garment of an ordinary Kohen). They were:

– ketonet – the shirt

– michnasayim – the breeches

– avnait – the belt

– migba’at- the turban


The four above mentioned were made of white linen.


* The Kohen Gadol wore these garments to accept the migba’at. While the migba’at was pointed on top, the turban of the Kohen Gadol was round and called mitsnefet.


Additionally, the Kohen Gadol wore four golden garments. They were:

– me’il – the mantle

– aifod – the apron

– choshen – the breastplate

– tzits – the head plate


Second Portion: * The most intriguing part of the Kohen’s clothing is the choshen, also known as the choshen mishpat (breastplate of the final judgment). It was made rectangular in form and folded in the middle to form two perfect squares. The Kohen Gadol wore these squares over his heart, one layer above the other. Between the two layers, the urim vetumim were inserted. The choshen was woven in a pattern, which contained four rows of gold settings. Into each of these settings, three precious gems were inserted.


* It is written the Kohen Gadol should wear it on his heart. This is referring to Aharon. G-d is rewarding Aharon for not being jealous and having a pure heart for his younger brother, Moshe, being appointed over him as leader.


* The soul of the choshen was the urim ve’tumim that lay hidden between its folds. The urim vetumim were scrolls of parchment on which Moshe had written the divine 72 letters name. These urim vetumim caused the letters to light up. The letters supplied answers. Only matters concerning the king, the bet din or the entire Klal Yisrael could be settled by the urim vetumim.


Third Portion: * Bells were hanging all around the robe’s hem. The question is asked why the Kohen needed bells? Here, G-d is teaching us manners and proper etiquette. The Kohen was to enter the Holies of Holies where G-d’s ambiance was present. One cannot barge in without knocking or without ringing the bell. This is the source of ringing doorbells.


Fourth Portion: * Seven days of inauguration; it was a rejoicing period for the kohanim who were picked to do the holy service


* An offering was made by Aharon and his sons for the atonement of taking part in the sin of the golden calf. There is a custom till today that the Leviyim in the Synagogue help the kohanim prepare before they bless the people. The inception of this ritual was the result of the commandment by G-d who had instructed Moshe to do so to Aharon, the Kohen. This is because after coming down from the mountain and seeing the golden calf fiasco, Moshe suspected in his heart that Aharon was responsible for this tragedy. By instructing Moshe to assist Aharon, G-d is showing that he had the purist intention. Nevertheless, as the person in charge until Moshe came back, Aharon had to pay a price for having the sin occur under his leadership.


Fifth Portion: * Ayil meluim – meluim signifies the inauguration. Another definition, in which Rashi explains, is perfection, an offering of perfection. This is similar to the word, Shalem, which is also a name for an offering. Rashi says the root of meluim is maleh. The concept of the Mikdash is “coming to that perfect state” which is olam habah – the next world, The Mishkan is a compartment of olam Habah.


Sixth Portion: * G-d reaffirms His authority with the word ‘Vayedu’, they will know through the sacrifices and through the temple where G-d sort of rests. The ability to identify with the Mikdash as G-d’s house, something tangible will strengthen the belief among the Israelites.


Seventh Portion: * Mizbeach haketoret – incense; this is a very important offering. It says G-d’s ambiance did not rest until the ketoret was burned.

Respect of Privacy




           In this week’s Parasha (Torah reading), many details are given about the Mishkan (tabernacle) and the high priest’s attire. We learn that there are many interesting items that the kohen gadol is required to wear. One in particular are bells (pa’amonim). Why is G-d requiring the high priest to wear bells? It’s hard to imagine the priest walking towards the kodesh hakodoshim, the special concealed room where he prays for life for the Jewish people on Yom Kippur, dingiling along.


Why are bells part of the wardrobe? “Respect” is one of the reasons the commentaries give. Respect? Respect for what? It seems quite the opposite. One would be causing a tremendous annoyance walking with noisy bells rattling. The kohen gadol is a very respected person in the Jewish nation. He’s not a goat! But the bells are deemed not less important then the rest of the items in the Mishkan. We learn a valuable lesson from these bells. The kohen gadol should not enter the kodesh hakadashim unannounced. G-d requires the high priest to ring the bell before entering His special home. It’s as if he’s ringing the doorbell and asking G-d, “May I come in”? Some commentaries say this is the original source for ringing a doorbell before entering one’s house.


We see the importance of privacy and kavod. One should show sensitivity to respecting one’s space, and in this case, G-d’s space. Privacy is deeply rooted in Judaism. The giving of the Torah is often compared to a husband and wife, which is equivalent to G-d and the Jewish people. One of the most important aspects of building a couple’s bond is strengthening the intimacy between them. It’s not a coincidence the Torah was given in the desert. Just like in the desert, G-d and the Jews were left alone, so too, should a couple be given their privacy.


Dr. Goldman, a psychologist, working at Yeshiva Chofetz Chaim says, “A person being violated of their privacy is affected in a tremendous way. It’s built into the human psyche, the non-tolerance of intrusion. Therefore, a person’s dignity is compromised and he feels defensive, affecting ones self-esteem. A person feels not worthy of being treated with dignity.”


It’s a big problem today with family members-relatives who think they have a 24/7 green light to enter the confines of someone’s home. People should show sensitivity in not violating their fellow’s space and to give ample warning of visitation and wait for permission for entrance. The various items found in the mishkan and on the kohen gadol’s clothing are symbolic of man’s creativity. The pa’amonim (bells) are man’s ability to achieve the highest level of creativity through privacy.

Parshat Pekudei

“A Cup of Coffee 



A Quick Thought”













Steaming Cup of Coffee
Spark Of Jewish Experience

March 3, 2011

27 Adar I, 5771

 Dear Friend,

The one place and time where I got to know my family was at the Shabbat Friday night dinner table. Shabbat was family time. It was the centerpiece of the week where we sang Shabbat Zmirot, had discussions, and exchanged Divrei Torah (Torah insights) on the Parasha (weekly portion). The goal of this newsletter is to provide a Torah thought and some insights into our Jewish world.

Today, we have the opportunity to receive a smorgasbord of Torah information at our fingertips. If one is able to remember life before the internet, access to attain Torah information was limited. With the progress of the internet, thank G-d we have countless choices of information to feed our souls.


n This Issue
Respect of Privacy
Marble Cake

Respect of Privacy




 In this week’s Parasha (Torah reading), many details are given about the Mishkan (tabernacle) and the high priest’s attire. We learn that there are many interesting items that the kohen gadol is required to wear. One in particular are bells (pa’amonim). Why is G-d requiring the high priest to wear bells? It’s hard to imagine the priest walking towards the kodesh hakodoshim, the special concealed room where he prays for life for the Jewish people on Yom Kippur, dingiling along.

Why are bells part of the wardrobe? “Respect” is one of the reasons the commentaries give. Respect? Respect for what? It seems quite the opposite. One would be causing a tremendous annoyance walking with noisy bells rattling. The kohen gadol is a very respected person in the Jewish nation. He’s not a goat! But the bells are deemed not less important then the rest of the items in the Mishkan. We learn a valuable lesson from these bells. The kohen gadol should not enter the kodesh hakadashim unannounced. G-d requires the high priest to ring the bell before entering His special home. It’s as if he’s ringing the doorbell and asking G-d, “May I come in”? Some commentaries say this is the original source for ringing a doorbell before entering one’s house.

We see the importance of privacy and kavod. One should show sensitivity to respecting one’s space, and in this case, G-d’s space. Privacy is deeply rooted in Judaism. The giving of the Torah is often compared to a husband and wife, which is equivalent to G-d and the Jewish people. One of the most important aspects of building a couple’s bond is strengthening the intimacy between them. It’s not a coincidence the Torah was given in the desert. Just like in the desert, G-d and the Jews were left alone, so too, should a couple be given their privacy.

Dr. Goldman, a psychologist, working at Yeshiva Chofetz Chaim says, “A person being violated of their privacy is affected in a tremendous way. It’s built into the human psyche, the non-tolerance of intrusion. Therefore, a person’s dignity is compromised and he feels defensive, affecting ones self-esteem. A person feels not worthy of being treated with dignity.”

It’s a big problem today with family members-relatives who think they have a 24/7 green light to enter the confines of someone’s home. People should show sensitivity in not violating their fellow’s space and to give ample warning of visitation and wait for permission for entrance. The various items found in the mishkan and on the kohen gadol’s clothing are symbolic of man’s creativity. The pa’amonim (bells) are man’s ability to achieve the highest level of creativity through privacy.

Marble Cake
 Marble Cake

One of the staples in a synagogue – besides Kiddush wine – is “marble cake”. This is universal, whether it’s Sephardic, Ashkenazi or even Bukarian. We know a hamotzi or mezonot is needed for the requirement of a meal. Therefore, you will always find cake at happy occasions to fulfill this mission. According to our sages, human nature shows tremendous favoritism when we are introduced to something for the first time. Perhaps that’s why childhood experiences are vital in understanding a person’s actions, because the inception makes a huge impression and shapes his future. Possibly, that’s why Jewish law forbids testimony of one party while the other is not present. The judge tends to favor the first words he hears. For me, there definitely is an association between marble cake and childhood, whether it is in synagogue or mom’s weekly shopping indulgence at our favorite bakery. I could not wait to tear open the rectangular white box containing that delicious chocolate frosted marble cake.

Furthermore, Bar Mitzvah celebrations in our elementary school consisted of a tradition of going from class to class with a box of marble cake and a bottle of scotch. The proud Bar Mitzvah boy offered a l’chaim to the Rabbi in a little shot glass with a piece of marble cake. We all watched as the rabbi dunked the piece of marble cake into the scotch and ate it. The scent resulting from the cake-scotch combination would make us hungry. Every time there is a Kiddush today, the first order of business is scotch and marble cake. Those of you who were with us last week learned the concept of ikar-main food, and tofel- secondary. The mezonot (cake, main food) is considered more important than shehakol (scotch, secondary). Therefore, one would only say the blessing mezonot. Scotch is considered a precious commodity by many – including yours truly. Regardless of these strong feelings, it is secondary in the case of the dunking.

Today, when we are yearning for that marble cake taste of yesteryear or perhaps when one has developed a more mature taste, one would wonder where they can satisfy that particular craving. For starters, there’s excellent marble cake at Kaffs Bakery in Williamsburg, Brooklyn; Ostrovitsky’s Bakery in Flatbush; or Queens Pita on Main St. Whether chocolate frosting is on their marble cake or not, it is amazing. I’m sure there are many others that we missed. If there are others, an email would be appreciated.

My parents often took pride in their Bukarian hospitality as being the best. Visiting other ethnic Jewish communities over the years, I find them also boasting that their hospitality is the best. So much for cultural superiority; for many Jews, hospitality and Shabbat go hand and hand. When the marble cake makes its entrance after a four course Shabbat meal, do we make a bracha on the cake?

Cakes serve as a dual function. It could be eaten as a dessert or snack in order to satisfy one’s desire for sweets. However, cakes are also often eaten to satisfy one’s appetite. Accordingly, if cakes are eaten for dessert, a bracha should be required. But if cake is eaten for satiation, a bracha is not required. There is however, another consideration; there are some mezonot that fall under the category of bread, so no bracha is necessary. It is important to note every community has slightly different laws and one should ask their local Rabbi.

Shabbat Shalom.


Rabbi Avi Matmon
Spark of Jewish Experience