From a Mother to the World


 mother holding child

A friend, Ofir Haimov, sent me an email written by his cousin, Nilly Haimov, which I thought was very touching and I’d like to share it with you.




My parents are not getting better. I haven’t found a way to stabilize their condition, they are in their 80’s and there are many like them in the world today. I am a fighter, and I can make sacrifices for everyone. Right now I am sacrificing for me, for my parents, visiting doctors, intensive care units, hospital rooms with sleepless nights. All my children are not with me, all my friends are not with me, but my parents who need me now more then ever – are with me. Remember, once your loved ones leave it is too late to pick up the phone and hear their voice, it is too late to get a hug, it is too late to get to know them a little more so you can share stories about them; it is just too late.


In my life there was not much room for my parents. I was a dedicated wife, businesswoman, and mother traveling the world. Now, when my parents are at their last strengths, I am back to being with them. My parents accepted my worldly life; seems like they too thought this is what the world is all about. Now I pray that they forgive me for not giving them all they deserved, for not stopping everything and making sure they are happy and well.


In this world, putting our self aside is very hard, profession comes first, it’s an “all about me attitude”, my plans, my classes and my look; my comfort comes first so don’t expect me to give all that up. I am sorry that our world was brought up this way; I wish we could see things differently. For now, I say thank you for whatever I get because in this crazy world, it’s best not to expect, this way you aren’t disappointed. So from a not disappointed mother to the world, thank you for giving me this plate; it is the best meal for me, especially since G-d planned it.


You who are reading this – make sure your plate is set well, because each one of us eats what we have prepared. Hope your meal will be healthy and tasty, nourishing and educational.



A Mother

P.S. What can we do differently? Put the business aside, the studies aside, the TV away, shut the internet off and find your loved ones that need you. Support them just for today and see what a great feeling you get. Can’t buy that at the mall, or get it in the movies; can’t even get it in class, you have to get it yourself!




During the 1960’s, there were approximately twenty Bukarian families living in New York, mostly in Queens. We were all very close, attending each other’s special occasions. The kids had a tremendous bond considering the unique similarities of being born in New York, raised by Israeli parents, but having a strong mystic connection through our parents to the Bukarian culture. Little did we children realize at the time, that our lives would go in different directions as we entered into adulthood. It’s been thirty plus years since I had any contact with Nilly. I have read many articles about this period of our lives. But, I guess hearing it by one of your own; someone who shared your childhood experiences and remembers your parents being young and vibrant – penetrates the heart.



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