Tag Archive for Brachot

Parshat Masei

“A Cup of Coffee 



A Quick Thought”

Steaming Cup of Coffee
Spark Of Jewish Experience

July 28, 2011
26 Tammuz, 5771

Dear Friends,


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In This Issue
How Do You Like to Travel?
Blessings for a Newly Married Couple
Breakfast Cereals: Shredded Wheat & Granola (Parts 5 & 6 of the 6 Categories)

How Do You Like to Travel?
 wandering jew

          How many readers out there like to travel? Some people consider it fun. In fact, the word “vacation” means ‘to vacate one’s premises’. The idea of a vacation is to have a change of pace. A different scenario from our everyday, sometimes, monotonous life could be very therapeutic. When one returns from a vacation he should be refreshed and ready to continue his consistent, habitual existence. But traveling could be a bit overwhelming; packing and unpacking is a chore. One of the best comedy routines (and it was clean) of the famous comedian of the 70’s, George Carlin, was about ‘stuff”, in which the entire meaning of life is to find a place for your stuff. He makes fun of how one goes traveling and is a little frantic taking stuff from one place to another. His reaction plays on our fears of traveling.
          We read in this week’s parasha the detailed description of where our ancestors traveled in the desert. Rabbi Noach Olbaum asks ‘why is it necessary to go through every juncture of their travel routes?” The Torah is not a history book nor is it a GPS. Presumably, there must be a lesson to be learned for the Torah to emphasize their travel itinerary.
          If one thinks about it for a moment, one would realize how difficult it must have been for our ancestors to schlep all their bags, tents, belongings, and let’s not forget, some had small children. Moshe’s instructions to the Israelites were to move immediately when the clouds of glory moved. There was no warning in advance; sometimes they camped at a certain destination for months; sometimes the cloud of glory would move after only two days. It was very unpredictable; this kind of tours would drive anybody nuts.
          Apparently, with all the Israelite’s inconveniences, we do not find any mention in the Torah and the sages, that they complained; there was not one utter of displeasure; that’s incredible! We should be proud of our ancestors for not moaning and groaning and rolling their eyes and screaming ‘again?!’, every time the clouds move.
          The children of Israel showed great restraint and a very strong belief in G-d, and it is no wonder why they’re called the greatest generation that ever lived. We should learn a lesson and be very proud of their tremendous sacrifice of going on the spur of the moment when they were instructed and not losing their cool.
           One of the fates in which our people inevitably fall into is ‘the wandering Jew’. We must be careful with our journeys because sometimes traveling makes us forget who we are. Our values are compromised because we get frantic of our new temporary environment, the new people that we meet and the pressure of constantly watching over our belongings. The schlep can make us develop thin skin and intolerance. It’s important to stop and take a deep breath and focus briefly on our principles. The Torah is trying to teach us to be yourself outside of your home and not to lose sight of what we build as respectable Jews. This is an important lesson that we should learn from this week’s parasha.

Blessings for a Newly Married Couple
 sheva brachot

          When a couple marries, they are treated like royalty for seven days. They are not permitted to work, and friends and family throw a festive meal daily in their honor for a week. When my wife and I were a chatan and kallah, we felt it was a lot of fun having parties thrown on our behalf. This is very different than western culture where couples go on their honeymoon right after the wedding. However, more and more couples are realizing the importance of shevah brachot and schedule the honeymoon for a later date. If one is sensitive enough, he’ll realize that Jews like to make many brachot. In fact, they have a blessing for almost everything. The Zohar teaches us never to be skimpy on brachot. When one recites a blessing and an angel in the heavens says amen, it’s as good as gold.

There is a concept in our Torah where the inception or the beginning of something is the most crucial, most pleasurable and most potent; the first few seconds of smelling a nice odor is powerful, then it loses its scent. Similarly, taste and feel also have the same powerful beginning affect.  Perhaps that is why when one wants to understand himself or others, they explore his or their childhood. Many things we like and don’t like results from childhood experiences. Marriage is the same way. We shower the chatan and kallah with brachot in the beginning of their marriage, hoping the positive vibe will turn to actuality.

In sheva brachot (seven blessings), the chatan and kallah sit in the front table similar to a king and queen. They are the focus of the meal and it’s an obligation on the guests, similar to the wedding night, to make the couple happy. At the end of the meal, after birkat hamazon (grace after meal), the seven brachot are recited.

There is an interesting scenario when the last day of sheva brachot (seventh day) falls on Shabbat, and seuda shleshit (the afternoon meal) is the chosen meal for the festivities. Although it seems like an optimal time to celebrate, problems could arise. Meals can be alarmingly long. Of course everyone wants to say a few words on behalf of the couple, his relatives, her relatives, and some in between. (Since it is Shabbat and no one is driving, it’s safe to have a little extra Vodka or Scotch!) Singing is a must, especially as a tribute to the chatan and kallah. Before you know it, it is already nighttime.

Do we still have the Mitzvah (commandment) to say sheva brachot after dark? One has to understand in Jewish law, the day starts at night. Therefore, do we say a new day (yom rishon) had begun already and we missed the opportunity for the ceremony or however we go by the ruling that if one did not finish the meal, one can prolong the Shabbat well into the night (which is the next day) and therefore the last day of sheva brachot is also extended?

Presumably one might think you can, because we frequently prolong the Shabbat, but Rabbi Eliyahu ben Haim, as well as Rabbi Itzhak Aminov site a source (Rebbi Akiva Eiger). One cannot recite the sheva brachot since it is considered the next day. Also, many blessings are recited at a sheva brachot; a bracha consists of some heavy-duty names of G-d, which complicates the matter in this questionable state. If one just prolongs the Shabbat, he is only adding the prayer of retzai, which is found in the grace after meal and has no bracha. So, it’s not such a big deal. A remedy is to start earlier. This way one would have significant time for a fun and memorable time spent with the new couple.

Breakfast Cereals: Shredded Wheat & Granola (Parts 5 & 6 of the 6 Categories)
granola cereal

 This week we conclude our breakfast cereal series. It can be very confusing which blessing one makes on any given cereal. Actually, some would proclaim it’s an adventure because of the complex ingredients found.

Before we discuss the last two categories, I would like to ask the readers what feelings come to mind when reading this? “My dad was so awesome. My neighbor and I wanted to collect the Pokémon toys in the box of Fruit Loops. So my dad bought an entire shelf of fruit loops in the supermarket so the two of us could eat through the cereals for the toys. Eventually, we figured out that we didn’t have to eat the cereal. We just dug down into the boxes for the toys”.

The fifth category is shredded cereals. Shredded wheat cereal is made from cooked wheat kernels, which are shredded and then baked. The bracha is mezonot.

Granola cereal is our last category of the series. Granola cereals are made from rolled oats and other ingredients, which are toasted. We have learned that grains which are roasted (without being cooked) are subject to the bracha of ha’odama.

Ah yes, who can forget the breakfast cereals, the cheap prizes, sugary milk left over, crossword puzzles and mazes found on the box. In grade school, we’d play Sigmund Freud by going over to people and trying to figure out their personalities by asking them what cereal they eat in the morning. Cereal is part of our culture; it’s part of our lives.


Rabbi Avi Matmon
Spark of Jewish Experience

Parshat Bamidbar

“A Cup of Coffee 


A Quick Thought”

Steaming Cup of Coffee
Spark Of Jewish Experience

May 26, 2011

22 Iyar, 5771

Dear Friend,

Week by week, more people have been reading our newsletters. Our numbers are increasing daily. Please spread the word of Torah with any of your friends.

In This Issue
Marino’s Italian Ices

Jewish geneaology


The pride of man is very fragile and one must be careful not to wound it. In fact, in this week’s Parasha, Bamidbar, we find that Moshe, the leader of the Jews, going the extra mile to preserve Jewish pride and tradition. The Sages called the book of Bamidbar ‘the book of numbers.’ It starts with a census conducted by Moshe and his brother Aharon. Rav Henoch Leibowitz z’l quotes the Ramban, who says that the Israelites gathered together by the Tabernacle as they were instructed by Moshe who received the commandment from G-d, where each individual presented himself to Moshe and proclaimed, ‘I am so and so the son and grandson of so and so from this family, and would conclude by stating what tribe he belongs to. G-d said to count the children of Israel with tremendous kavod and Moshe obliged. They passed by him nicely and orderly and were counted personally.
The obvious question is, why was Moshe commanded to greet each one personally? You got to be kidding; there are over 600,000 men!!! That’s a lot of hand shaking and Purelle. This action would be considerably time consuming. Moshe is the leader and an extremely busy teacher. After all, he was in demand, from morning to night, to give the Torah knowledge to the elders because he heard it firsthand from G-d. So, why was he forced to delay the teaching of our great Torah for hearing each individual’s genealogy?
It’s apparent from the sages that G-d commanded Moshe to do so because he felt the importance of enhancing the kavod of the Israelites; and this was vital. Furthermore, we deduce from the Torah passage something mindboggling, in which, G-d is of the opinion that the personal intro which each of the Israelites presented, was more important than Torah study. This was especially crucial in that generation. The spiritual impact of Moshe’s influence on Israel by the personal touch, was enormous and would be more effective than studying Torah, which within itself is considered very important. Through the counting, they would recognize their individual importance and the special uniqueness that each individual and their families possess; and therefore would enable them to perform to their highest potential.
Yours truly can bare witness to this feeling of family pride. There was a gentleman by the last name of Okilov, whom my father once invited to our house, who was an expert in family genealogy among Bukharian families in the city of Tzemarkand. His nickname was ‘the computer’ for his tremendous memory on this topic. During his visit, he was able to trace our family routes, of the Kimyagaroff family (our original name), nine generations to Tzemarkand. He painted a picture in our minds by some of the stories as to what kind of people they were. Some people take pride coming from a good family. Such is the case of my friend, Rafi Fouzailov, who also traces his family seven generations in Tzemarkand. The Fouzailov family was one of the most honored families in Tzemarkand and Israel. His father taught his children ‘don’t ever do anything to destroy the name.’
This feeling of family pride is exactly the message G-d wanted to convey to the Jewish people in order for them to achieve excellence; even to the point of sacrificing this precious time of learning Torah. Because He knew through feeling proud of your background, they will eventually come to the recognition of fulfilling the mitzvoth to the highest degree through learning Torah. This is the primary goal. One should not lose perspective of this message.

Marino’s Italian Ices
 marino's italian ices

Early last summer, my son and I were sitting at the dining room table, where I couldn’t help but notice he was eating Italian ices. A surge of childhood memories went through my mind, as I remembered sitting on my porch on a hot summer night, hearing Bob Murphy calling the Mets game on my transistor radio and eating my favorite flavor cherry Marino’s ices, similar to what my son was having. As he was half way done chipping away at the ices, I was anticipating him turning over the ices to get to the bottom, which is best the part. My friend Boaz calls it tadeegee (the burned rice or potato bottom part of the cooking pot that is left overnight and is the hot Shabbat meal, which is an anticipated delicacy.) So I said, ‘Hey boy, are you going to turn over the ices or what?’  I then went on about the different flavors that Marino’s carries. Although cherry was my favorite, I mentioned to him other flavors, such as watermelon, as well as others. He was shocked that they had Marino’s when I was growing up. ‘I didn’t know Marino’s is that old’, he said. A few days later my temptations took the better of me and I had one of my son’s cherry flavored Marino’s ices. I closed my eyes and relived my childhood as I took in a scrape of the ices with the wooden spoon. It’s delicious and thetadeegee hasn’t missed a beat!

Thank G-d we have the ability to enjoy food. It’s a gift to have the pleasure of taste; whether it’s a juicy steak, osh palov, or just a Marino’s ices. As appreciation of this wonderful gift that He gave us, we recite blessings. But one has to wonder, are we blessing for the delicious taste or are we blessing for sustenance? What’s the essence of a bracha – taste or sustenance? One may ask ‘who cares?’ What’s the difference if it’s for pleasure or sustenance? As long as the intention is there, just make the bracha.’ But one has to never forget lessons from history and learn from their triumphs as well as the mistakes.

During King David’s time, there was a plague and many died. David, along with his advisers, figured out the source of this devastation. The Jews were not making enough brachot, so he instituted ‘the 100 brachot a day concept’ which the Rabbis incorporated in our tefilah (prayers). Once the Israelites recited 100 blessings, the plague stopped. So brachot, besides being a thank you gesture, is sort of a protection. However, one may not abuse a bracha when it’s not necessary. Apparently, if one says G-d’s name in vain (and G-d’s name is in a bracha), he’s doing an averah (sin); one has to be careful. Presumably, if a bracha was meant for just pleasure, then a food intended for nutrition without an ounce of flavor, is not required. However, if a bracha is intended to incorporate both, then one would not be violating ‘excess bracha.’

An example of sustenance in which one does not recite a blessing is water; only when one is thirsty does he make a bracha; otherwise he does not. Perhaps it’s because water has no taste. There is no recitation for vitamins either. If someone has an IV hooked up, he does not recite a bracha. So we see that sustenance is not enough for a bracha. However, apparently, if one is ill and cannot taste anything, he is required to recite if he eats.  So too, if one is disgusted with a certain food, he’s obligated.

It seems like there are a few important concepts that we have to be aware of. First, ‘the normal way people eat.’ Here in the case where one eats without taste buds, he’s still required, as well as ‘foods people normally eat.’ If this is what society normally consumes, even though you don’t like it, one has to recite the bracha.

In conclusion, presumably one is required to recite a bracha for both, with the unique exception of water – unless he’s thirsty. May we all make 100 brachot a day properly and with tremendous pleasure, leading us to the highest level of appreciation for G-d who sustains us.

Furthermore, I recently discovered Marino’s mango flavored ices; not bad!!!

Rabbi Avi Matmon
Spark of Jewish Experience